Thursday, July 18, 2013

A start

15 july 2013 was the day i started entering the real world of work...
before ni kerja jugak, tapi keje memain je dulu..hehe

so tadi bile dah dapat email domain sendiri pastu boleh bukak website kolej untuk staff and pesnyarah rasa macam nervous pon ada bila baca kat bawah nama tu ada jawatan pensyarah yang dah pon aku sandang now...


yup. a bit nervous kot. 

banyak benda nak kene belajar. selok belok and segala menda yang berkaitan dengan kolej ni. seriously a new thing for me and it's totally different from being a teacher. teaching and dealing with students here is far far away different...exactly not the same like teaching in school...even i just have 3 months experience in kota tinggi before for my practicum i still can differentiate the differences between both of them. yelah dulu pon dari kecik kan pegi skolah. lebih kurang 10 tahun kan duduk kat sekolah. hehe

so, what else?

busy tu memang dah tentu. nextweek dah start kelas segala. this week just study selok belok, observing and tanya itu ini to the senior lecturers.

please fika, u're not a student now. so sume mende nanti pon budak yang akan banyak carik kau and tanya kau. ohhhh myyy.... nervous gile. for me dealing with selected students and non-malay students is a bit challenging. to conduct the class in fully english oso the other part to be worry of...haha.

tak tau nak tulis ape dah.

kepala banyak pikir pasal keje. keje dan keje.
sounds like a workaholic aite?
no, i'm not. hehe