Showing posts with label USA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label USA. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Going places

We've been to San Diego Comic Con International 17 times, once to NYCC, and one time to TCAF (ok, it's in Canada, but it's awesome). Although we've been to conventions all around the world, in the United States we've been to only two. So we're really happy to be going to Denver and Phoenix the next two weekends.

At the Denver Comic Con, we'll have tables G2 and G4 on the Artists' Alley, where we'll be most of the time. We'll sign books, make free sketches. We'll have comics and prints to sell. Stop by.
On Saturday, May 24,  from 12:55pm to 1:45pm, we'll be on Room 304 on the panel Festival de Brazil, with our friend Rafael Albuquerque.

Then on the next weekend we'll head to Phoenix Comicon, where we'll set up our stuff on tables 13140 and 13142 on the Artits' Alley. If we still have comics and prints, we'll be selling them. If not, signing, sketching and talking comics.
On Friday, May 29th, we'll be on room North 121 for a Spotlight panel about our work, from 1:30pm to 2:30pm.
And we have two signings at the Dark Horse booth. On Friday at 3pm, and on Saturday at 11am.

We're really excited to go to these two different places and meet new readers and creators.
See you all there.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Next stops around the Globe

Want to catch up with us outside of Brazil? Want to know what we're currently working on and need to ask us in person? Maybe you have some books to sign, or just want to share a little love for comics?

These are the following international trips we have ahead.

- May 9-10th - Stockholm international comics festival - SWEDEN

-May 23rd-25th- Denver Comic Con - USA

- May 28th-31st- Phoenix Comic Con - USA

Back to work, and see you around the world.