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Showing posts with label I. Show all posts

Saturday, 31 May 2014

Day 221: Have you reached your Full potential?


sb10063113ho-001 The title almost sounds like something they tell you in school. The potential I am writing about is your life potential. In the following blogs I am going to expand on the points in this document and what it means to me. Today I am writing about the first point which is: Realizing and living my utmost potential.

There are two parts to this – the first part is realizing your potential.

Before I started this process I did not even look or imagine that I had any kind of potential. I sis nor even conceive that I could do more – be more effective. I believed that I was going to be the way I am for the rest of my life.

Since starting walking this process of self-perfection those beliefs faded away. I started questioning my life and how I lived it and what I have allowed to exists within me. My first big point I faced within myself was my depression. When I faced that point and walked past it I realized that I had the power to change my life for the better. I realized that I had in fact potential.

The second part is Living your utmost potential.

poten Realizing my potential was difficult, because it means facing the fact that you can actually change. It is realizing that all the excuses I had for not changing myself and not moving myself like fear, doubt or believing I am to weak or not good enough simply isn’t valid anymore. And that means the only thing keeping me from Living my utmost potential is myself. Living your utmost potential is even harder. It is to move through the resistance that comes up when you change something about yourself that you have lived for many years.

A few years ago I believed I was doing enough and that it is impossible to do more than what I was doing back then. The funny thing was that a while after that I was doing way more than I did before, but back then I believed was living my full potential – but that was not true. It is very easy to sit back and say to yourself “I cannot do more”, but deep down inside you see you can do more.

Before I was a very lazy person – I really disliked any kind of effort and always opted for the easiest path that has the less effort involved. I had to walk past this self-created laziness in order to live my utmost potential and have come a long way now, but it is still a work in progress.

Ill expand some more in the next blog.

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Dealing With Failure:



Perfection – There is one saying that i always thought was really cool ‘’eveTJI_ClearChannel_Fallingrybody makes mistakes’’. That made me feel good about myself, because if i make a mistake then it is ok – everybody else does as well.

That good feeling was short lived because as i grew up  i realized that even though everybody makes mistakes, there are consequences for those mistakes. But that's another story.

The point is that in this process of self  and peeling of the layers of self and facing various aspects of yourself – you make allot of mistakes.

I have struggled with points and like all Destonians have fallen and faced failure. I was always hard on myself and still am when i cannot break though or transcend a particular point within myself. And being hard on myself i have actually made standing up again allot more difficult.

When making a miss take – instead of learning from it i tend to hold on to the idea and feeling that i am a failure. And when i struggle with a point i bring back all of my previous mistakes and failures and pile it up with the next one.

This where backchat is a bitch – I eventually go through all my failures and mistakes over and over – refusing to see what i have accomplished so far – and then eventually all that remains is the failure.

And then i believe that to be true – from there everything else starts with the preconceived idea that i will fail. And then that is exactly what happens  - I have created it. And it started with a thought.

EveryBody makes mistakes – this doesn't mean that perfection is not possible – simply not to be hard on yourself when you make a mistake, but to move on.You are not defined by your failures – but your ability to stand up from it.  Learn from it and move on.

Join us the quest of self perfection and dealing with failure   - Desteni I process.