I have looked at the point of self-worth and self-value before and now some new points have opened up: Other dimensions of self-worth and self-value (or the lack thereof), as well as the consequences.
I have been working with the physical for a few years before I got Graves disease. I have developed my skills and got myself to a point where I was effective within a particular physical activity/process. What I did not develop effectively during those years was my "inner" skills - my beingness, as who I am in/as my Living. Within this there is a Miss-alignment - developing one part and ignoring the other (missing the equal and one alignment of me in my within and without, my who I am within and how I live without). What I found interesting is that I have constant lower back pain and the physical reason is that my body is skew – miss-aligned. My right side is lower than my left. I am busy with some exercises to correct this.
My lack of self-worth played a role in this - where I told myself that I don't matter and what matters is doing tasks and keeping myself busy with it; all the while keeping myself from developing myself. If I look at it now it is also a point of "self-sacrifice" - where I dedicate my life helping out and helping others, but ignoring myself in the process, because I saw myself as not being important. I have lived my life like this believing that I am doing "good" and that It makes me a "good" person, but all I have done is ignore myself and my life.
It is time to realign myself and realize that I cannot keep on ignoring myself. It is important to develop myself so that I can be an effective living being. Develop self-skills and become directive and effective within it just like I did with working in the physical.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create the belief and idea that I do not matter
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to within this belief go into a "self-sacrifice" of only helping out and helping others and ignoring myself, not realizing that I cannot in fact assist/support/help others if I have not in fact done this for myself, within myself and so my own life
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to in my lack of self-worth and self-value to not develop myself and improve myself to become effective, because I believed that Other people are more important that I am
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to live with this miss-alignment and believe that I am a good person by only helping out other people - not realizing that This was a belief and perception. Holding onto a belief of ‘I am a “good person”’ as a Personality I then fueled/validated, instead of actually finding out who I am
I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that I limited myself by ignoring myself and only helping others - because If I do not change myself I stay the same instead of developing myself to become more and more effective.
I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that I cannot support another effectively if I do not support myself first
I commit myself to stop the belief and idea that I do not matter - instead I realize the importance of myself and developing myself to become effective, because the more effective I am the better I can assist and support others
I commit myself to stop the "self-sacrifice" character and start paying attention to myself and my self-development and realize that before I can truly assist and support another I must be able to assist and support myself.
I commit myself to stop limiting myself and disabling myself by not assisting and supporting myself within self-development - instead I dedicate myself to become effective within myself