Showing posts with label truth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label truth. Show all posts

Sunday, 8 December 2013

"Free Range" chicken not actually free range.



You go to the shop and see written on the chicken packet “free range”. The image you have is chickens on a big piece of land roaming free all day. So it makes you feel good when you buy free range chicken, because at least the chicken had a good life. Unfortunately this is not true.

1_chickens_wide-408x264 See, “Free range chicken” has no set definition therefor companies selling the chicken can put a “free range” sticker on their products. For example in the picture to your right those chickens are actually defined as “free range”. They are all squashed tightly into a massive coop where they often peck at each other, because they are too stressed. They are not designed to be so many chickens in such a small confined space so many die. But rest assured – it is “free range” chicken.

This makes it very difficult for people, because you do not actually know if what you buy is really free range or not. We have come to believe what is written on labels is the truth – as if companies are not allowed to lie on their products. And in a way they do not, because “free range” is not clearly defined. There so many loop hole allowed in the system and it is set up like that deliberately in the name of PROFIT. I would like to know why?

chickens resize Why not define “free range’’ clearly? Free range should be animals that are outside in sunshine and fields with sufficient space for them to actually roam about. The space required should be based on the animals need. In fact when I see free range chicken on a product those chickens should have lived at a place like in the picture to your left. This is what should have been done in the beginning, but it is not.

So next time you buy “free range” chicken – it is most likely not, unless there is a way for you to track down the farm where the chickens are bred and see for yourself.

Sunday, 30 June 2013

Seriously - What happened with the Apocalypse??


I am 25 years old. It seems like it was only a moment ago when finished school at 18. The supposed apocalypse of 2012 seems to be just the other day. Where are all those people who prophesied the end of the world? Where are all those who believed they were going to ascend to the 5th dimension? Why are they still here? Why are people not demanding answers from them? Why can they can see that it was all a hoax? Desteni already said long ago that nothing will happen and that is exactly what happened. The question should be asked who made allot of money out of this? Did you spend money on survival kits? Seminars? Billboards?

The one thing you find is excuses and justifications. Saying that they got the date wrong – even though they were dam sure it was the right date and so the date gets postpone far in the future. Other say that humanity has in deed gone through a inner change brought by a superior force and that we all will have a greater understanding of things now that this thing is unlocked in our heads. It has been six months and all I see the same shit on the news. In fact – the stories are getting worse and worse. More crazy and totally psychotic behavior happens frequently. Another point Desteni predicted – that things will be getting worse on earth.

To all doomsday believers – it is time to realize that everybody has been taking on a ride. A money train that goes into the pockets of those who promote the idea. It is simply another method of capitalizing on our fears.

Doomsday exist for billions on earth already. Imagine to live in a world where you wake up not knowing if you will be able to quench your thirst or fill your belly whilst living right next to a water purification station. The water is fenced off – the food inaccessible – because there is not enough money to buy the food in order to stay alive. That is hell. That is doom – to starve to death. Go without food for even a day to get a tiny glimpse of what hunger is and realize it is many times more worse for billions of people on earth (please don’t actually do this – your body will not be happy with you and might act out in revenge by getting sick).

So let us rather stop a moment and find solutions for this doom that exist on earth. Let us rather ascend and leave a dignified earth behind – so that those that get left behind have the means to have a dignified life. Only then – when we are sure that no one will starve – can we look at going off to another dimension. But you will find you might just want to rather stay behind…

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Day 171 - Nestle telling it how it is! Truth and the killing of millions!



original Nestle is under fire for showing the world how it is – for telling the truth. Yes, here is a company actually telling the truth.

Nestle’s head exec, Peter Brabeck-Letmathe had these comments about the right to water.

“Water is of course the most important raw material we have today in the world.  It’s a question of whether we should privatize the normal water supply for the population. ‘’

The thing here to notice is that water is actually privatized already. That is the truth here. The proof? How do you get water? You pay for it. To get water we all have to pay for it. What about those who don’t have money to buy water? They die.

Water is important – this is obvious, because without water you die. Humans need water to live images and thus it is essentially a fundamental human right. To privatize water is to keep it from humans and denying it to humans and actually killing humans. People argue that we cannot make water a basic human right, because there is a shortage. First ask why is there a shortage? Then go look in shopping malls and the drinks section and what do we wee – cokes and sprites and all sorts of cold-drinks. Millions of water is needed to manufacture these. Pure water is more important than cold drinks and alcohol. So we need less cokes in order to have more water.

There is no argument here. There is no debating this. This is common sense. Water as a basic fundamental human right is what the Equal Life Foundation represents along with other fundamental rights which can be read here. Big corporations are busy draining the earth for profit all the while murdering millions by denying them access to water and this must be stopped. Join us for real, practical solutions.

Monday, 20 May 2013

Self Worth and Self Development



I have looked at the point of self-worth and self-value before and now some new points have opened up: Other dimensions of self-worth and self-value (or the lack thereof), as well as the consequences.unfortunately self worth doesn't come in a can

I have been working with the physical for a few years before I got Graves disease. I have developed my skills and got myself to a point where I was effective within a particular physical activity/process. What I did not develop effectively during those years was my "inner" skills - my beingness, as who I am in/as my Living. Within this there is a Miss-alignment - developing one part and ignoring the other (missing the equal and one alignment of me in my within and without, my who I am within and how I live without). What I found interesting is that I have constant lower back pain and the physical reason is that my body is skew – miss-aligned. My right side is lower than my left. I am busy with some exercises to correct this.

My lack of self-worth played a role in this - where I told myself that I don't matter and what matters is doing tasks and keeping myself busy with it; all the while keeping myself from developing myself. If I look at it now it is also a point of "self-sacrifice" - where I dedicate my life helping out and helping others, but ignoring myself in the process, because I saw myself as not being important. I have lived my life like this believing that I am doing "good" and that It makes me a "good" person, but all I have done is ignore myself and my life.

It is time to realign myself and realize that I cannot keep on ignoring myself. It is important to develop myself so that I can be an effective living being. Develop self-skills and become directive and effective within it just like I did with working in the physical.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create the  belief and idea that I do not matter

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to within this belief go into a "self-sacrifice" of only helping out and helping others and ignoring myself, not realizing that I cannot in fact assist/support/help others if I have not in fact done this for myself, within myself and so my own life

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to in my lack of self-worth and self-value to not develop myself and improve myself to become effective, because I believed that Other people are more important that I am

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to live with this miss-alignment and believe that I am a good person by only helping out other people - not realizing that This was a belief and perception. Holding onto a belief of ‘I am a “good person”’ as a Personality I then fueled/validated, instead of actually finding out who I am

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that I limited myself by ignoring myself and only helping others - because If I do not change myself I stay the same instead of developing myself to become more and more effective.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that I cannot support another effectively if I do not support myself first

I commit myself to stop the belief and idea that I do not matter - instead I realize the importance of myself and developing myself to become effective, because the more effective I am the better I can assist and support others

I commit myself to stop the "self-sacrifice" character and start paying attention to myself and my self-development and realize that before I can truly assist and support another I must be able to assist and support myself.

I commit myself to stop limiting myself and disabling myself by not assisting and supporting myself within self-development - instead I dedicate myself to become effective within myself

Monday, 10 December 2012

2012 - The Real Story of the Mayan Calendar. Your world end is Near...



So Here we are at last – 2012. Will the world end or not? What exactly should we look out for or expect will happen?072403-sydney-scenario

In the spirit of 2012 I gathered 5 Events of what is going to happen on doomsday in a 5 part blog series. In this one is an explanation of why people feel the need to have the world end.

The Mayan Calendar sparked it all. It only tracks the time for 26 000 years and ends December 21 2012 and this apparently means the end of the world. It doesn't.

Firstly - calendars keep track of time passing. It doesn't predict the future. Just like all calendars – including the Mayan Calendar  - they end somewhere. Our calendars end December 31 and start again 1 January. The Mayan Calendar also ends and actually starts a new cycle.

The Mayans never made any doomsday prophecies. So this whole Event was based on the end of a calendar.  Imagine that.

The world is not ending this year – always ask yourself how do these people know what is going to happen in 2012? Then ask yourself why do people make up Doomsday Prophecies and why do so many people believe it?

Our world is so messed up that people want it to end. And in the end that's all it is – an escape from this reality. A quick fix for all our problems. Something greater putting an end to the suffering. Not so hard to image why people believe in Doomsday.

walls-of-doom-doomsday-destruction-31242785-1440-900 Nothing is going to save us from ourselves. If we want a better world free from suffering and pain we are going to have to create it ourselves. We have to put an end to survival and the world economic system. We have to put an end to this world  WE created  OURSELVES that caused that is the cause of all the suffering. WE have to make this world so that nobody would want to leave it – a world worth living in. And in a Equal Money System we can.

We created the world  as it functions today in our image and likeness. That means that we have to change ourselves first before we can change the world. There is no quick fix here.

Be part the group that is for making this world a world worth living in, a group that realizes that we have to change our way of being to change the world. A group that will not stop until its done. Join the Destonians

The free online course is also a way to help yourself to become an effective human being  -

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Be Prepared for Doomsday! The End Times Here in 12 Days...


2012is the favorite date for End of World Times. And the earth it seems will go through some tough times.

Here I will go through some prophesied  ‘’world destruction’’ scenarios that people have said will happen this year.pole-shift-head

One of them is the pole shift AND the magnetic pole reversal. The pole shift is where earth actually shifts and the north pole wont be on top of the earth anymore. It is said that this shift will happen suddenly and cause major destruction. Although shifting has happened before it occurs over a long period of time – so long that nobody would notice.

The Magnetic pole reversal refers to south pointing north and north pointing south which would have dire consequences to life on earth. And both these events are going to occur at the same time. The thing about pole shifts is that its totally unpredictable.

But then again it might happen – earth may just decide it had enough of humans, give a good shake and there's the end of humanity. The end of the day if it does happen there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. Maybe just before the end take a good look at your life and the  life of others and ask yourself how you could have made a difference to end the bullshit that is life as we have created it with all its abuse. The maybe its not so bad that it all ends.

earth-pole-shifting-1 BUT – In the more likely event that NOTHING happens and you are sick and tired of people who prophesied the end and when nothing happened they say ‘’we got the date wrong’’ and then postpone it endlessly – why not instead create a world where you would like to live in? Its very easy to live in fear and to use that fear not to stand up and change all that which is unacceptable on earth and then instill that fear on others to justify your own actions. 

The world is not going to just end. It will slowly and painfully end as we consume all the resources in the name of greed.  They are already starting to run out. Why is oil prices rising drastically…

So if you wake up December 22 2013 and life is still as it is now and you want it to change then Join us at Desteni for a life that is continuous and free for all that reside on earth. We will be the ones making this world worth living in with the Equal Money System.

Do this free online course to be part of the solution:

Sunday, 19 June 2011

How i Came to Desteni

How I came to Desteni

I was born and raised a christian. Prayed every night and went to Sunday church. It was at my last 2years of school that I basically stopped being a full Christian meaning I only said I was to avoid conflict with people and parents. I was selective in terms of what I believed the bible said.

I was my last year of school and by that time my sister sunette already met Bernard and Esteni. Throughout that year sunette helped out with driving me and my younger sister to school and I remember sunette sometimes talking about various points regarding what they are doing. I did find it kind of strange but it did not bother me because it made sense. I was pretty much apathetic towards everything back then.

I met Bernard the first time when I was out with a friend at the mall. I saw sunette eating at a restaurant with Bernard and them so went to say hello. Sunette commented that I am a musician and play drums and then Bernard suggested I should give LJ some drum lessons.

That is how I met LJ. So I came by 2 a week giving drum lessons. It was about 2 or 3 months after I finished school that I was forced to look at what I want to do for the rest of my life. I was still living with my parents and I needed to ‘’get a life’’ so to speak . Then one day Bernard asked me what direction I want to take in life. I had no idea. After giving him a blank stare as a response I then said I want to do something with music. Sunette already moved in and lived here with everybody so Bernard suggested I could move in and be a music tutor as well as a schooling tutor. I was eager to do so and moved in 3 days later.

That was 5 years ago. And that is where my world changed. I learned common sense. How I learned self responsibility – that I was ultimately responsible for my thoughts feelings and actions. That I cannot blame or judge another. I learned the meaning of true power - if I want to change I am the one that has to make that change. And I alone have the power to do so. I saw for the first time how truly fucked up existence is and how we are all trapped in a cleverly designed system to keep us from ever realizing what is really going on.

Heaven On Earth:

I used to say that line allot ‘’ as above so below’’. And if we look at how bad shit is on earth, imagine how bad shit is in heaven.

An Equal Money System would be heaven on earth. Heaven being freedom from fear and abuse. That is what our current world system is based on – fear and abuse. It functions on the suffering of many to benefit the few. And we created it – this wonderful world. Now we are entering the stage of consequence and we have trapped ourselves with our greed and desire.

Now Millions suffer everyday and we live in a world that is not worth saving. And that must end.

Money is the goal and with Equal Money System Life would be the goal. We will move from survival to actual living. I saw for the first time a way where an Equal World is actually possible. And rather complaining about this world I am standing up to become that change and investigating solutions to solve all this bullshit we have on earth. And the cool thing is that we as humanity can do this. We can create a heaven on earth for every being. Once and for all end all forms of abuse that exist in this world.

That is why I stand for a Equal Money system – because none are free until all are free.

001 Practical Living with Equal Money and the Social Changes to come

Principle and Personality

Silently we Suffer

Self Forgiveness is the Key to Equality Sep 2

Kurt Cobain 2 from the Afterlife: DESTENI

Adolf Hitler series:

Waking Up and Becoming Aware of the Mind in Process Support ... ture=email

9. Desteni I Process is Leadership Training

1. BEGINNING of Creation