Showing posts with label 2012. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2012. Show all posts

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Friday the 13th, Black Friday and Doomsday Friday


The world is ending on Friday, what a coincidence - that some people always believed that Friday the 13th is bad luck and we have black Friday AND the 21\12/12 the world is ending. This must then be proof that the world will end. sorry to disappoint you guys - it will not end.

What happens when end of the world dates are here and nothing happens? They postpone it. Save-The-World-Live-Green They always say that they are 110% sure that the world will end on a particular date and then nothing happens. then they say it will happen later. Mark my words - they will keep on postponing  the date long after you are dead. There will always be a date when the world is going to end. But it never will.

The world has existed for billions of years and will continue still. We humans will most likely  die off along with all the animal kingdom, because of the way we humans are destroying the planet everyday. We are like a bad case of the fleas or a tick infestation to the planet. But long after we humans are dead and gone the earth will go on. Long after our bodies feed the earth and our race along with our sins and crime against life are forgotten - new life will most likely continue.

We live in a unimaginably vast universe with a number of planets and stars uncountable. Earth is a spec of dust - even invisible with the vast universe. We are very. Just to put things into perspective.

The world wont end with a big bang or have a quick end. We humans have been ending the world all by ourselves. Tree by tree, species by species we have started. we have contaminated its waters beyond repair - we are sucking out its blood/oil dry - we are eliminating our earthlings, other species, for our own personal gain. We have annihilated entire forests along with all life within. We have consumed and poisoned the oceans and all that live in it. And we keep on doing these things - faster and faster and more effectively. We are ending our earth, our only home.

So lets instead make a world saving day. What about that? A time when we all stop destroying the earth for personal gain. A world where suffering and abuse ends once and for all. Sounds impossible, undoable - its not. Its real and possible and doable.

Make a difference - join us to create World Saving Day Where we all live in a Equal Money System. Nothing will happen unless you make it so. You have the power - we all do - to change the world.

Friday, 14 December 2012

Why the World did not End Yesterday:


If you are reading this on the 22/12/12 then he world did not end yesterday. You might be disappointed or happy or simply curious. Here I will write the reasons WHY the world did not end.apocalypse-now-257348

The Mayans brought this on - they were very interested with TIME and thus created a sophisticated calendar. The way it worked is almost like a car odometer.  Lest say the odometer reads 999998 - the numbers rotate so after another 2km it will go 999999 then 000000. It restarts . The Mayan calendar will be on 000000 on 21/12/12. Does this sound familiar? it was the same thing back in the year 2000 where people said the world will end when the dates goes from 99 to 00. Its did not.

meteor.jpg.w300h247One of the theories of what will happen on 21/12/12 is a rogue planet hitting earth - according to scientists  if there was a planet on its way to earth it would be the one of the  brightest object in the sky - and everybody would be able to see it. So all you have to do is go look out outside.

Another apocalypse theory is the sun flaring and destroying us all. The sun has been flaring for billions of years and not one have destroyed the earth. According to NASA scientists.

Many times over in history  people have said the world will end and it did not. NOTHING will happen.

19If you are tired of waiting for the world to to end, because the you know the world is a bad and ugly place and to see it end would just be great. Why not rather spend all that energy on making this a place worth living in? Join us in doing that by going HERE and introduce yourself - if you want to see a better world. You will receive great support.

Also a free educational course yo better know yourself ad who you are :

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Why Wait for Ascension before we better ourselves? Why not change now?



isn't It frustrating that you have to wait? Do you ever Wonder if what you are doing is good enough? Will you be granted ascension rights after all you hard work?

How about the waiting for the SHIFT – Will you be granted the power of understanding and achieve a higher consciousness? What if the cosmos grants you unworthy?

I propose a solution – and alternative where you are the one who determines your future. Where you no longer have to wait and wonder what if you miss it – the shift – or what if you left behind. For the first time you direct your life. I will share with you the power to place your life in your own hands.

Where you Become the Master of your Own Desteni.

You can join me with many others who are learning to become the masters of their life here  - the Desteni I Process And the Free Version -

With the tools of the Desteni I process you will learn how you became who you are and then how to change who you are to become more effective and to develop an awareness of life that has not been considered possible. Where you can become immune to mass media manipulation and not be directed by anyone but yourself.

Imagine that – YOUR life in YOUR hands. You can start the SHIFT into common sense awareness that is not only practical but also doable along with many others doing the Desteni I process.

So don't wait until its too late. Stop worrying and start learning with us. We are also designing a new world system where no being has to suffer needlessly – the Equal Money System – so that you wont even need to ascend anymore, because as one group together we will make this world a place where nobody would want to leave. True heaven on earth.

Go to and join us in the forum discussions

Monday, 10 December 2012

2012 - The Real Story of the Mayan Calendar. Your world end is Near...



So Here we are at last – 2012. Will the world end or not? What exactly should we look out for or expect will happen?072403-sydney-scenario

In the spirit of 2012 I gathered 5 Events of what is going to happen on doomsday in a 5 part blog series. In this one is an explanation of why people feel the need to have the world end.

The Mayan Calendar sparked it all. It only tracks the time for 26 000 years and ends December 21 2012 and this apparently means the end of the world. It doesn't.

Firstly - calendars keep track of time passing. It doesn't predict the future. Just like all calendars – including the Mayan Calendar  - they end somewhere. Our calendars end December 31 and start again 1 January. The Mayan Calendar also ends and actually starts a new cycle.

The Mayans never made any doomsday prophecies. So this whole Event was based on the end of a calendar.  Imagine that.

The world is not ending this year – always ask yourself how do these people know what is going to happen in 2012? Then ask yourself why do people make up Doomsday Prophecies and why do so many people believe it?

Our world is so messed up that people want it to end. And in the end that's all it is – an escape from this reality. A quick fix for all our problems. Something greater putting an end to the suffering. Not so hard to image why people believe in Doomsday.

walls-of-doom-doomsday-destruction-31242785-1440-900 Nothing is going to save us from ourselves. If we want a better world free from suffering and pain we are going to have to create it ourselves. We have to put an end to survival and the world economic system. We have to put an end to this world  WE created  OURSELVES that caused that is the cause of all the suffering. WE have to make this world so that nobody would want to leave it – a world worth living in. And in a Equal Money System we can.

We created the world  as it functions today in our image and likeness. That means that we have to change ourselves first before we can change the world. There is no quick fix here.

Be part the group that is for making this world a world worth living in, a group that realizes that we have to change our way of being to change the world. A group that will not stop until its done. Join the Destonians

The free online course is also a way to help yourself to become an effective human being  -

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Be Prepared for Doomsday! The End Times Here in 12 Days...


2012is the favorite date for End of World Times. And the earth it seems will go through some tough times.

Here I will go through some prophesied  ‘’world destruction’’ scenarios that people have said will happen this year.pole-shift-head

One of them is the pole shift AND the magnetic pole reversal. The pole shift is where earth actually shifts and the north pole wont be on top of the earth anymore. It is said that this shift will happen suddenly and cause major destruction. Although shifting has happened before it occurs over a long period of time – so long that nobody would notice.

The Magnetic pole reversal refers to south pointing north and north pointing south which would have dire consequences to life on earth. And both these events are going to occur at the same time. The thing about pole shifts is that its totally unpredictable.

But then again it might happen – earth may just decide it had enough of humans, give a good shake and there's the end of humanity. The end of the day if it does happen there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. Maybe just before the end take a good look at your life and the  life of others and ask yourself how you could have made a difference to end the bullshit that is life as we have created it with all its abuse. The maybe its not so bad that it all ends.

earth-pole-shifting-1 BUT – In the more likely event that NOTHING happens and you are sick and tired of people who prophesied the end and when nothing happened they say ‘’we got the date wrong’’ and then postpone it endlessly – why not instead create a world where you would like to live in? Its very easy to live in fear and to use that fear not to stand up and change all that which is unacceptable on earth and then instill that fear on others to justify your own actions. 

The world is not going to just end. It will slowly and painfully end as we consume all the resources in the name of greed.  They are already starting to run out. Why is oil prices rising drastically…

So if you wake up December 22 2013 and life is still as it is now and you want it to change then Join us at Desteni for a life that is continuous and free for all that reside on earth. We will be the ones making this world worth living in with the Equal Money System.

Do this free online course to be part of the solution:

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

2012 Don't Wait for Higher Powers: Use The Do-It-Yourself Ascension Kit


Isn't It frustrating that you have to wait? Do you ever Wonder if what you are doing is good enough? Will you be granted ascension rights after all you hard work?

How about the waiting for the SHIFT – Will you be granted the power of understanding and achieve a higher consciousness? What if the cosmos grants you unworthy?

I propose a solution – and alternative where you are the one who determines your future. Where you no longer have to wait and wonder what if you miss it – the shift – or what if you left behind. For the first time you direct your life. I will share with you the power to place your life in your own hands.

Where you Become the Master of your Own Desteni.

You can join me with many others who are learning to become the masters of their life here  - the Desteni I Process.

With the tools of the Desteni I process you will learn how you became who you are and then how to change who you are to become more effective and to develop an awareness of life that has not been considered possible. Where you can become immune to mass media manipulation and not be directed by anyone but yourself.

Imagine that – YOUR life in YOUR hands. You can start the SHIFT into common sense awareness that is not only practical but also doable along with many others doing the Desteni I process.

So don't wait until its too late. Stop worrying and start learning with us. We are also designing a new world system where no being has to suffer needlessly – the Equal Money System – so that you wont even need to ascend anymore, because as one group together we will make this world a place where nobody would want to leave. True heaven on earth.

Go to and join us in the forum discussions

Here you can read about Realizations some of those had walking a process towards a free world:

Monday, 23 January 2012

2012– Do we really need to wait for Ascension before we Change?


We have to ask ourselves why we believe ourselves to be so limited. That we lMatti sfghack the power to see beyond our limitations. So much so that some believe we first need to ascend to a higher plane to become enlightened and know and see everything. Or if we go with the Consciousness shift that some higher power will bestow us with the knowledge to end poverty and live in harmony.

We are fully capable of ending poverty. We have the power to change ourselves. We do not need a higher power or ascension to realise this.

The only problem with change is that its very difficult. And its allot easier to believe and have faith than actually applying practical methods to ensure the well being of everyone on earth.

I know i don't need to wait for ascension or a shift or whatever higher power. I am fully capable of changing myself to do what is best for all beings on earth and am busy doing so with the Desteni I process. And here at Desteni we are doing it by utilizing practical methods that everybody can apply that will lead to world everyone will want to live in.

So if you are sick and tired of waiting and would like to begin to be a part of the solution then join me along with so many others that are also realizing that the only way for earth to change is for us to change ourselves.

If we  do not do this and the world continues exploiting natures resources and humans exploit each other we will certainly end up destroying ourselves. I would not prefer that. Stop Believing the world will change when nothing is being done to change it. Be the change.




Featured Art Work by Matti Freeman




Wednesday, 4 January 2012

How Silence Brings Life

Self silence is when nothing moves in you – you are here. No thing that is not self directed moves within you.

Obviously this is a process so what we do is use Breath to be able to see the thoughts feelings and emotions as they come up.

We Humans are not breathing – we are not aware of our breath which is shocking because breathing is that which gives us life.

If you look at dolphins – their breathing is not automatic – they have to physically with awareness take a breath and can choose not to take the next breath and die.

So when you are aware of your breath you are here – when you not aware of your breath your in your head in another world. So when you notice you are not in fact breathing here you know your not here. Then you look at what thoughts came up in that moment that kept you from being here and do forgiveness on it with effective self corrective statements that you can live by.

Same with emotions and feelings – as they come up you deal with it. Anything that moves in you that you didn't direct you must investigate what it is and deal with it immediately.  You want to eventually have nothing move in you – silence Here. This is a process of becoming self directed where nothing can move you.

If you are asking what is self forgiveness go here –