Showing posts with label future. Show all posts
Showing posts with label future. Show all posts

Monday, 21 September 2015

Day 312 - Disconnected from Nature Are Humans Unatural

I know, I know “ Not another environmental story “. There are so many already and you have probably heard it all before. BUT, If we do not find a solution for the increased disconnectedness we humans have towards Nature then Pretty soon there won’t be a Nature to talk about anymore.


Monday, 14 September 2015

Day 307 - Stuck in the past? Fearing the Future? Never Living In the Present?

We always look back at life wishing we lived it more when we had the chance. Then we look at the future and fear the unknown. But when it comes to the Present – why don’t we live life to the fullest?

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Day 277: What does it mean to be "Here" in the moment?


images You have probably heard this a few times in life “Live in the moment”. What does it mean to live in the moment? What does it mean to be here in the moment? And more importantly why is it so hard to actually be here in the moment?

The next time you are doing something like cleaning your house or some gardening pay attention to where you thoughts go. I was walking through the orchard one morning assessing the damage from a recent hail storm which unfortunately destroyed most of the figs. Anyway, as I was looking at the trees and trying to fix some of the damage and salvage what I could, I was constantly thinking. Thoughts like thinking about what I’m going to do next and what I’m going to make myself for lunch and other plans of the week etc.

So while I was busy picking damage fruit and trimming broken branches I was thinking about other things. I was not actually here in the moment, but in the future looking at plans and things I am going to do next – instead of being here and focusing on what I’m currently doing.

So being here in the moment means actually being here in the moment. It’s Not thinking about the future and constantly being in your head. While I was thinking about these things while walking in the orchard my awareness was diminished. When I realized what was doing and stopped the thoughts to simply be here in the moment I could hear the birds that I did not notice before.

Not being fully here in the moment we tend to miss things – it is in these moments that we tend to misplace keys, or forget about turning the oven off or any other event of forgetfulness. Simply because when you were putting down the keys you were in your head and not actually aware of your environment.

So bring yourself back to earth and be Here

Saturday, 8 November 2014

Day 251: "I Wish I Could just get Away from it all"

images I’m sure many are feeling this or have felt like this in some point in their lives. There comes moments where you look at your life or the world and inside yourself scream for somebody or something to get you out of here – to take you away from your current situation to somewhere better. Where you hope and wish you could spread wings and just fly away – far away to a place where the grass is greener.
Today I found myself wishing for this when I was going through the latest news – a moment where I had thought to myself how great it would be to be able to get away from it all, to some paradise planet where all these terrible things do not exist. And at the same time I kind of chuckled, because even if it was possible for me to “get away from it all”, the terrible things will still exist. So even if am “away” from it I does not mean the bad things stop. I think the saying goes: “Out of sight, Out of Mind”.
After that I laughed, because it occurred to me that this is actually what we all are doing currently in the world. We only focus on our own lives, our own families, our own immediate environment and only deal with things that affect us directly – that in itself is a form of escapism, because we distance ourselves from all the bad things in this world. We shove it as far away as possible from our minds so that we do not have to worry about it: Children captured and trained to be soldiers? At least that is not happening here…
isdfndex  We all live in our own safety bubbles. Unfortunately not everybody has a bubble that is safe. I am now 27 years old and have not yet seen any improvement with the state of world, despite the fact that Christianity is the top religion in the world. And I'm tired of waiting for it. time to break free from that bubble. The main problem is the bubble – we will only act if it affects us directly. Once we all realize that the earth is actually one big bubble and we are all in it – then we will see great change. Let’s make sure that solution comes sooner rather than later.

Monday, 22 September 2014

The fear of the unknown – Why it’s pointless and How to Stop it


the-unknown-1 Today someone asked me a question: “How to relax in the face of the unknown?”

There are many who have faced this point or who are currently facing it. When you look at the road ahead and you have no idea where it will lead or the things you will face. When you Look at the future and become overwhelmed with fear and uncertainty. What is there to do?

I have faced this I my life. Where I am constantly anxious, because I do not know what will happen in the future. There are so many things that could go wrong with a particular choice and where I have no idea what to expect. In this case I walk around with that fear, the fear of the unknown.

The problem is that nobody knows what the future holds. You do not know what tomorrow brings, so then a fear is created along with a constant worrying. But if you really look at it, it’s kind of silly living with this fear and worry. There is saying: “Worrying is being in a rocking chair, it feels like you are moving, but you’re getting nowhere. This is true, because worrying about something has absolutely no practical use – it doesn’t benefit anything or anyone.

The way I dealt with this was looking at my past. What I found the core point to be was a lack of self-trust, because if I did trust myself that I am able to face whatever comes my way then there is really nothing to be worried about.

imagesThus far in my life I have faced many points within myself, from anger, jealousy depression etc. and I have learned allot about myself and the power I have – we all have - to direct ourselves. And although when these points first came up and I had no idea if I will be able to move past it and doubted myself at first, I eventually did make it through. It took time yes, but in the end thus far in my life whatever happened in my life I was able to push through it and come out the other side I little stronger.

Within all this self-trust was developed. IM not saying that I have completely abolished all fear and worries of the future, it is still a process and sometimes I feel that anxiety come up, but I have found a way to stop it. And even though I have no idea what the future will hold I know one thing – that I will be able to face it head on no matter what.

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Day 155 - Future Projection


Winter is coming. The nights are getting colder and the early morning have a bite about them. Rain is getting less and trees are getting ready for their long sleep by shedding their leaves as the wind brush beside them.

imagewwwsOn the farm winter means dry season and dry season means fire season. With the frost and cold that kills and the rain that deprives the grass - the fields get very dry, creating perfect fuel for fire. Each farm has the responsibility for making their own fire breaks - that is when you burn the grass along your borders to prevent a fire from jumping from one farm to another. Winter also means preparing fruit trees so that they are protected from the frost and cold. It’s time for winter preparations to begin.

When I was looking at this I went into anxiety and started to worry and the usual suspects made an appearance: Time - what if we do not make it in time and the farm burns down and the fruit trees dies. Rushing - We must hurry to make sure  we get it in time and now the one I am writing about: Future Projection.

What I did was go into my mind and thinking about winter and all the things we need to do, because we only have 1 month ‘till June and so went into anxiety. Yes, I even forgot for a moment there was a May still coming before we get to June. When I realized my error I was relieved.

What I should have done is look at things for what they are - meaning that instead of thinking about the future and worrying about it I instead simply look at what we need to do in order to be prepared for the winter and estimate how much time we need to be done and get to it. Firstly giving us enough time take out the possibility that we won’t have enough and thus there is no rush.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to project myself into the future and my mind so much so that I left out an entire month

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to remain here in the moment when looking at things that needs to be done in the future.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to look at things for what they really are here in the physical, but to look at things from the mind which is not real

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to go into anxiety when I looked at what we need to do to prepare for the winter

sdvsdvI forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear that if we do not get all the preparations done in time the farm might be at a greater risk from fire.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when the first cold nights came to go into a memory of ''time to get to fire breaks'' that had an energy attached to it of anxiety and when I accessed this memory I also accessed the anxiety.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to remove this energetic attachment to the memory of anxiety so that it doesn't influence me anymore

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that if I give myself enough time do to things there will be no need  to rush and worry about time.

I commit myself to stop projecting myself into the future - instead I remain stable here in the moment when looking at things do to and prepare for in the future. Thus, utilizing future projection PRACTICALLY, through looking at what does need to be prepared for the coming winter, for example, assessing the time within that projection, as well as the responsibilities and then getting to it – no reactions required, only practical applications

I commit myself to look at things and situations for they really are and not influenced from my minds perspective

I commit myself to stop the automatic response of rushing when I see I have an important task ahead, instead I remain stable here and plan what needs to be done and then simply do it.

I commit myself to stop immediately looking at the worst case scenario - instead I realize that it’s from my worrying that I create the worst possible consequence.

I commit myself to stop the anxiety of worrying every time winter comes, instead I stop and breathe and realize that I have been through enough winters and know exactly what to do and how to do it and thus it’s pointless to worry about it and start trusting myself within this as I have proven this to myself over and over.

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Purification of Time


imagesThe Sun - a great fusion reactor, ball of fire. The light hits the earth providing energy for nature, for the whole earth. And so with the rotation of earth and the light from the sun we have a measurable, mathematical, indefinite continued progress of existence and events  - or in simpler terms, Time.Time has become an integral part of our lives, with our lives/living that rotates around time. We live according to time, we work according to time and we sleep according to time. We plan our day according to time - something we created and placed importance in.

Time for me also plays a role in my life. I have schedules and appointments and other considerations that revolves around time. It is a way to organize my life.When I was  In School and when in class - there was too much of it (time) and after school for the day there was not enough Time. On the farm There never seems to be enough of it and I have had reactions regarding time.

With so many things to do, it seems like there is never enough time to get to it all. This would cause a state of anxiety within myself and also made me irritable at times. I was frustrated, because I could not get to everything since there was not enough time during the day to get to it all. When I looked at the time I would feel different depending on what time it is. In the morning it is fine, in the afternoon I see my time is getting less, which causes anxiety and frustration at times and by night time its like ''shit, the day is almost over and I did not get to do all the things I wanted, dammit!''.

So within this Time, decides who I am and what I do and how I feel, but time does not really exist - its simply nature moving that we equated and allowed to direct who we are. I am the one creating the energetic experience in regards to time in my Mind. I am the one creating the feelings and reactions and beliefs in regards to time making it more than what it is.

I forgive myself that I ha ve accepted and allowed myself to get anxious when I see time goes by, fearing I would not get enough time for finish my tasks for the day

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel different depending on what time it is and within that, change who I am depending on what time it is - allowing time to decide who I am, not realizing that I am not the directive principle of who I am within the tasks that I do with accepting and allowing my reactive relationship to time in the mind to dominate/direct me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have thoughts and backchat in relation to Time where I would react and allow the thoughts and backchat to generate feelings and emotions like frustration and anger, because there is so much to do and not enough time. Not seeing, realizing and understanding how I would within this – actually then create a whole personality-relationship to time in my mind.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to in my frustration of never getting to time-scaleeverything and not having enough time, to become irritable and act out my irritation on others around me. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to see time as something more than me, something that directs me and something that I should follow and allow to dictate my life - not realizing that Time is simply nature moving, a point of universal reference within which to practically categorize/organize responsibilities according to minutes/hours/days/weeks/months/years etc.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that although time is a part of our life - it should not be something that directs me and changes who I am.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to remain stable and consistent no matter what time it is - within this realize that if I do my best and all that I am able to with the time I have then there is no point to worry about Time since I cannot make Time stop or squeeze out more time from somewhere and/or timetravel.

I commit myself to stop going into anxiety and fear when I look at the time, instead I breathe and stop the thoughts of ''there is not enough time'' and stop worrying about it - realizing that if I do my best with the time I have its impossible to do more.

I commit myself to stop getting frustrated and angry when I see I did not get to everything this day - instead I realize that there is in fact another day tomorrow and the day after that to do what I need to do

I commit myself to stop allowing Time to dictate and decide who I am, instead I remain stable no matter what the time is

I commit myself to realize that time is a reference point that is here that I can use to organize my life effectively and not something to react to.

I commit myself to stop the fear that time is running out - instead I realize that although Time is going by it is nothing to fear and rather to do the best I can with the time I have here on earth

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Why Wait for Ascension before we better ourselves? Why not change now?



isn't It frustrating that you have to wait? Do you ever Wonder if what you are doing is good enough? Will you be granted ascension rights after all you hard work?

How about the waiting for the SHIFT – Will you be granted the power of understanding and achieve a higher consciousness? What if the cosmos grants you unworthy?

I propose a solution – and alternative where you are the one who determines your future. Where you no longer have to wait and wonder what if you miss it – the shift – or what if you left behind. For the first time you direct your life. I will share with you the power to place your life in your own hands.

Where you Become the Master of your Own Desteni.

You can join me with many others who are learning to become the masters of their life here  - the Desteni I Process And the Free Version -

With the tools of the Desteni I process you will learn how you became who you are and then how to change who you are to become more effective and to develop an awareness of life that has not been considered possible. Where you can become immune to mass media manipulation and not be directed by anyone but yourself.

Imagine that – YOUR life in YOUR hands. You can start the SHIFT into common sense awareness that is not only practical but also doable along with many others doing the Desteni I process.

So don't wait until its too late. Stop worrying and start learning with us. We are also designing a new world system where no being has to suffer needlessly – the Equal Money System – so that you wont even need to ascend anymore, because as one group together we will make this world a place where nobody would want to leave. True heaven on earth.

Go to and join us in the forum discussions

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Day 112 - Rushing, Always Rushing!


Time and fear of not having enough creeps up in may ways and often results in Rushing. I have been writing about Time and how i rush and haste things. I have been driving in town and doing what I usually do when the person sitting next to me asking if I am in a rush. I had no reason to be yet still I was rushing. So here follows the steps to change me so that I stop rushing unnecessarily.Hurry1

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be in a rush while driving in town when there is no reason to be

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to make rushing a part of my life

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to in my fear of not having enough time to want to do everything fast

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not be aware that i am rushing while i drive

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to make rushing and haste  a habit where I do it with everything I do

I forgive myself that I havehurry accepted and allowed myself to believe that i am wasting my time if I do not rush when I drive

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that i have no reason to rush or be in a hurry and that it is my fear that i am wasting time

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when i drive to think about all the things i still have to do when i get back and thus be in future and not here

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to Breath and be here when I drive and be aware of myself by being here in the moment

I commit myself to when I drive to be aware of myself and stop rushing - instead I breathe and be here in the moment

I commit myself to stop making rushing a part of my life and to stop being hasty all the time - instead I calm myself and be here

I commit myself to to stop the belief that I am wasting time if I drive and not rush - instead I realize that I driving is necessary and if i rush i will be less aware of the road and have a greater chance of being in a accident

I commit myself to stop living in the future and to worry about the things I still have to do when I drive - instead I make sure I am here in the moment.

I commit myself to realize that things take time and there is nothing i an do about that - so i commit myself to stop worrying


Monday, 18 June 2012

Journey to Life Day 29 - Past Memories



When I was a kid my parents took us to see large machines shaped like dinosaurs. I really like dinosaurs so I really wanted to go and I remember the tickets were not cheap. But when we went in the dinosaurs were really big and scary and load. I got so scared that I started to cry and scream and wanted out and so we all had leave. When we got outside I regretted it because my parents got the ticket so that I can see the show but then it was just a waste of money.memories2

And to this day that memory still pops up and I still feel the regret

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to get a fright when I hear loud noises

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that loud noises can hurt me

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to link loud noises with my parent yelling at me and in that believe that loud noises mean angriness

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that my parents were disappointed at me

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to let money direct me and make me feel regret for wasting their money

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I have wasted their money - realizing that its my projected believe and how i perceived the situation

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to hold to this memory and reliving the regret instead of never let go of this memory

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be directed by this memory in trying to live my life in such a way that I never experiences regret and in that live not really living

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to based in this experience fear regret and not allowing myself to live life

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to direct myself in clearing myself from this experience so that I can live my life self directed instead of being directed and haunted by the past

I commit myself to stop fearing loud noises and not to associate loud noises to conflict

I commit to stop being disappointed in myself by doing what i am able to do to the best of my ability

I commit myself to stop regret - I cannot change the past and if i would have done things differently I would have sp there no point in regretting

I commit myself to learn from the experiences to see what I can do to change the point so that I don't have the same experience

I commit myself to  stop allowing myself to be directed by the past and to let go of the past so that I life self directed 

I commit myself stop projecting myself unto others and to stop assuming the worst.

I commit myself to see the importance of letting go of the past - because who i am today is because of the past and if I don't let go  i can never be self directed but will always be directed by the past.

Friday, 8 June 2012

Journey to life day 23 - Being unaware

This happens quite often - do you find yourself walking to a room, get there and then not remembering why? Do you look at your watch for the time and then after you looked someone ask you what the time is and then you don't know?

Today I went to make myself some tea - but I made coffee instead. In these situations you"ll find that the reason this happens is because your not here in the moment but n your head thinking, being unaware of the world around you.
 Your body is still here so it goes into auto-mode while you are in your head - and the silly things happen

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to be unaware of my environment by going to a place in my head.

I forgive myself that i have not accepted and allowed myself to to see that the place in my head is not real

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to give up my self distinctiveness by allowing myself to not be here and allowing thoughts to direct me

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to allow thoughts to direct me in not being here

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to not stop the thoughts so that i can be here and be aware of myself  and not miss take the world around me

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to go into behavior patterns in allowing myself to go into auto-mode where i have no self direction and being directed

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to walk into a room and have no idea why i wanted to go there in the first place - in this allowing myself to go into my head as i walk and not being here and thus unaware with no self directive power.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to give my thoughts power over me by allowing my thoughts to direct me

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that the thoughts are real and have power over me

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to leave this moment HERE to project myself into the future and in that not being here in the moment

I commit myself to stop believing that thoughts have power over me

I commit myself to stop allowing thoughts to direct me in not being here

I commit myself to stop the thoughts so that i can remain here

I commit myself to be here

I commit myself to breath to assist me in being here

I commit myself to be self directive

I commit myself to not give my power away to thoughts, feelings and emotions

I commit myself to not be aware of myself so that when i see myself going into my head to stop it immediately to bring myself back here

I commit myself to stop projecting myself into the future, but to remain in the moment

Monday, 23 January 2012

2012– Do we really need to wait for Ascension before we Change?


We have to ask ourselves why we believe ourselves to be so limited. That we lMatti sfghack the power to see beyond our limitations. So much so that some believe we first need to ascend to a higher plane to become enlightened and know and see everything. Or if we go with the Consciousness shift that some higher power will bestow us with the knowledge to end poverty and live in harmony.

We are fully capable of ending poverty. We have the power to change ourselves. We do not need a higher power or ascension to realise this.

The only problem with change is that its very difficult. And its allot easier to believe and have faith than actually applying practical methods to ensure the well being of everyone on earth.

I know i don't need to wait for ascension or a shift or whatever higher power. I am fully capable of changing myself to do what is best for all beings on earth and am busy doing so with the Desteni I process. And here at Desteni we are doing it by utilizing practical methods that everybody can apply that will lead to world everyone will want to live in.

So if you are sick and tired of waiting and would like to begin to be a part of the solution then join me along with so many others that are also realizing that the only way for earth to change is for us to change ourselves.

If we  do not do this and the world continues exploiting natures resources and humans exploit each other we will certainly end up destroying ourselves. I would not prefer that. Stop Believing the world will change when nothing is being done to change it. Be the change.




Featured Art Work by Matti Freeman

