
Showing posts with label Black Dahlia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Black Dahlia. Show all posts

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Gift of Prophecy

           Looking back, i know that the man possessed no gift of prophecy ; he simply worked to assure his own future, while i skated uncertainly towards mine. It was his flat-voiced "Cherchez la femme" that still haunts me. Because our partnership was nothing but a bungling road to the Dahlia. And in the end, she was to own the two of us completely.

The Black Dahlia
James Ellroy

Sunday 24 March 2024

Never Knew Her

I never knew her in life. She exists for me through others, in evidence of the way her death drove them.

The Black Dahlia
James Ellroy

Elizabeth Short
LAPD mugshot

Wednesday 6 March 2024

Staring Into the Lens

         On a September night in 1943, a Santa Barbara police officer worked the camera for a routine mug shot. Staring into the lens was a 19 year old female arrested at El Paseo Restaurant's bar for underage drinking.
         The resulting black-and-white photograph, with the young woman's dark, curly hair framing a face both defiant and vulnerable, has since become iconic.
         It's the face of Elizabeth Short, known now as the Black Dahlia, who was brutally murdered in Los Angeles shortly after World War II. The 1947 crime grabbed national headlines when her body was found surgically bisected at the waist, drained of blood and bizarrely mutilated. The murder remains unsolved.

Gretchen Wenner
Santa Barbara Independant
jun 2018


Tuesday 23 January 2024

You'll Be Grateful

        Here's what film noir is to me. It's a righteous, generically American movement that went from 1945 to 1958 and exposited one great theme, and that theme is ....... you're fucked. You have just met a woman, you are inches away from the greatest sex of your life but within six weeks of meeting the woman you will be framed for a crime you did not commit and you'll end up in the gas chamber, and as they strap you in and you're about to breath the cyanide fumes you'll be grateful for the few weeks you had with her and grateful for your own death.

James Ellroy

Theo Stroomer
James Ellroy

Saturday 23 September 2023

Thinking of Betty

       I returned to the car thinking of Betty alive, happy, in love with a guy who would never betray her. As i crossed the park i looked up a Mount Lee. There was nothing left of the panel but  "Hollywood" ; the orchestra played "There's nothing like show business".

James Ellroy
Black Dahlia

Saturday 17 June 2023

Pick Up Every Waitress

         As a child, Ellroy was exposed to his mother's boozy promiscuity and his father's slovenliness and womanising. Armand Ellroy was Rita Hayworth's manager and, he claimed, her lover. His dying words to Ellroy were : "Try to pick up every waitress who serves you". 
        As a teenager Ellroy postured as a neo-nazi and was kicked out of school. He burgled his female classmates' homes to steal their panties. He became a booze and drug fiend. Later he faked insanity to escape the army, after which he was often homeless or in jail for petty crimes. He worked in a porn store. He lost his virginity to a communist whilst high on cough syrup. When he was aged 27, substance abuse nearly killed him. In between all this he found time to read hundreds of detective novels.

Dark Obsessions of the Demon Dog
Dan Jones
The Critic

Monday 13 March 2023

Through the Years

       As much as i transferred my mother to Elizabeth Shore of The Black Dahlia, as much as her dad mutated into an obsession with crime in general, well, i have thought about other things through the years.

James Ellroy

Tuesday 22 March 2022

Stripped-Down Staccato

          Dialogue and narration in Ellroy novels often consists of a "heightened pastiche of jazz slang, cop patois, creative profanity and drug vernacular" with a particular use of period-appropriate slang. He often employs stripped-down staccato sentence structures, a style that reaches it's apex in The Cold Six Thousand and which Ellroy describes as " direct, shorter-than-longer sentence style that's declarative and ugly and right there, punching you in the nards".

excerpt from
Ellroy review in Justforbooks.tumblr.com

Alain Garrigue


Wednesday 26 January 2022

I Never Knew Her

           I never knew her in life. She exists for me through others, in evidence of the ways her death drove them.

James Ellroy
The Black Dahlia

Elizabeth Short with
unnamed boyfriend

Wednesday 1 April 2020

Monday 13 January 2020


      There was no blood present on the woman's body, and there was none on the grass beneath her either. Investigators determined that she must have been killed elsewhere, cleaned of blood, and then dumped in the vacant lot overnight.

excerpt from
Morgan Korzik
Black Dahlia Website


Monday 6 January 2020

Exacted a Price

       The suppression exacted a price; years of nightmares and fear of the dark. Writing the book was only mildly cathartic; transmogrifying Jean to Betty left one woman still unrecognized.

excerpt from
My Mother's Killer
James Ellroy
GQ Magazine 2007
