
Showing posts with label Paul Cain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paul Cain. Show all posts

Friday 29 July 2022

Dark Railtrack

Strangers on a Train

Deuxiemme Souffle (1966)

Night Train (2009)

Second Track

The Commuter

Double Indemnity

Bad Day at Black Rock

Two Men in Manhattan

Narrow Margin (1952)

Taking of Pelham 123 (1974)

Berlin Express

Runaway Train

Night Train (1959)

Human Desire

Sudden Fear

The Girl on the Train

Friday 14 June 2019

Allowed Him to Sink

George C. Sims (Paul Cain) 1932

           Sims was an alcoholic and a compulsive liar. An ironist given to elaborate fronts that revealed as much as they concealed. A man whose tenuous grasp on his own identity allowed him to sink, for a brief time, into the role as Paul Cain, and to keep playing as long as he could.

Boris Dralyuk
excerpt from
The Incomplete Cain
LA Review of Books

Saturday 17 December 2016

Fast One

       There was a soft click of ball against ball and then sharper click as the black ball dropped into the pocket that Coleman had called.

Paul Cain

Fast One

Sunday 21 June 2015

Fast One

The young man in the raincoat leaned forward and slapped Kells across the mouth. Kells looked up at him and his face was very sad, his eyes were sleepy. He said ''that's too bad''.

Fast One
Paul Cain

Monday 3 February 2014

Paul Cain

           ........ most of them are glimpses of a hard era and the hard folks that lived there. There are a few cops, but it's mostly reporters, grifters and people just trying to get by.

Glenn Harper
on Seven Slayers
by Paul Cain


Paul Cain

Monday 30 September 2013

The Sucker Instinct

              It was dark there, there wasn't anyone on the street - i could have walked away. I started to walk away and then the sucker instinct got the best of me .........

Paul Cain
Seven Slayers

Phantom Lady
Robert Siodmak

Monday 23 September 2013

Black Mask

           The kitten jumped off the desk and went to Kells' bloody head and sniffed delicately. Kells could feel the kitten's warm breath. Then everything got dark and he couldn't feel anything anymore.

Paul Cain
Fast One
published in
Black Mask Magazine
March 1932

Thursday 15 March 2012

Paul Cain

Centipede Press have issued the complete works of fiction by Paul Cain in one volume which includes 1932's legendary Fast One rated by many as one of the most perfect all-time Noir masterpieces. Although Fast One was Cain's only novel it was described by Raymond Chandler himself as a 'high point in the ultra-harboiled manner'.

Friday 14 October 2011

No Exit Noir

              No Exit Press is a publishing imprint which has always been a reliable source over the years of everything from Jason Starr and James Sallis all the way back to Paul Cain's 1933 Hardboiled landmark Fast One.

                                  Willeford, Bunker and other notables in between.

Friday 19 November 2010

Best recently read stuff

Best recently read novel would prob be Street 8 by Douglas Fairbairn highly recommended for it's original storyline and unpredictable nature- it reminds me of Willefords Miami setting for the Hoke moseley series.

 Also despite being aware of George Pelecanos for a while i'm just working my way through his Washington dc Derek Strange books- Best so far is Hard Revolution set amidst the '68 city riots.

Having just started this blog here's a number of slabs of Noir reading (some very loosely Noir)

The Burglar-David Goodis
My Dark Places-James Ellroy
Nightwebs-Cornell Woolrich
Doghouse Roses-Steve Earle
Music of Chance-Paul Auster
Unknown man no-89-Elmore Leonard
Big Gold Dream-Chester Himes
Jones Men-Vern Smith
Playback- Raymond Chandler
Shoedog-George Pelecanos
They shoot horses don't they- Horace McCoy
Rope Burns-FX O'Toole
The Hustler-Walter Tevis
Grifters-Jim Thompson
Pick up-Charles Willeford
Papers of Tony Vietch-William Mcllvaney
In cold blood-Truman Capote
Fat City -Leonard Gardiner
Narrowback-Michael Ledwidge
Looking for a Street-Charles Willeford
Fast One-Paul Cain
Post Office- Charles Bukowski
L.A Diaries-James Brown
Mr Blue-memoirs of a renegade- Edward Bunker
You play the Red and the Black comes up- Eric Knight

Best recently viewed Noir DVD's

Consequences of Love (Italian)
Third Man
No country for old men
Red Lights (Feux Rouges) (French)
Rock'n Rolla
Odd Man Out
Blast of Silence
Red Badge of Courage
Key Largo
Strangers on a Train
Red Belt
State of Play (uk tv series)
Glengarry Glen Ross
Treasure of the Sierra Madre
Un Flic (French)
After Hours
Just Another Love story (Danish)
Rear Window
The Verdict
Music of Chance
Body Heat
Armee des Ombres (French)
Low winter Sun (uk tv movie)