Showing posts with label bingo card. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bingo card. Show all posts

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

So Proud

This is my take on this weeks UKScrappers weekly challenge. The challenge was to scrap something/someone you care about, use 2 of something old/new/borrowed/blue, use ink and have some journalling. So I think that I have encorporated all of those in there somewhere. The picture is of someone I care for, and them holding someone they care for :) My DS was desparate to hold his new cousin, and very pleased to be photographed with her - he is a proud big cousin. The something old/new/borrowed/blue - well I used my edging scissors which I have had for ages and not really used to trim my paper borders the idea came from Gabrielle P on this thread, also the stickers and the inspire frame are really old. There is blue in the papers, and the papers are some new ones from the Kioshi range...didn't manage to borrow anything! I have inked lots of the edges and included some secret journalling down the side of the photo. I used my Martha Stewart double loop punch, some of my new buttons, and made and inked my own bingo card - couldn't find one with the word cousins on it so made my own using the cheri liney font....and had lots of joy trying to print it on the printer - for some reason it didn't like the card!

Thanks for popping by - here are some more close ups


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