Hmmmm - is all birthdays and presents! And there isn't either on this offering!
This is one of the Delicious Doodles birthday freebies! They are one year old - I seriously thought they had been going for way longer than a year - in a good way!
Well, there is a challenge to use one of the freebies they have been giving away this week - and this was my pick - so versatile!
And inside, is a mix and match game. You know - you draw the top half and bottom half of something and then mix and match...or it could be the front and could be parts of words...think hippo(potamus) and Meer (cat) = hippocat! I was just chatting to Josh about this and he said they used to have one at school that was foods and toppings - he always used to turn it to bolognaise and chips!
Simon Says Challenge is to make a present - and this will be winging its way up the country to this little case you are not sure which one...its the little one in pink! The two smaller ones are my bestest friend's little ones - yes, and the one in the middle is the dreaded JOSH! And - yes, he has had a haircut recently!
The kids made trifle last week and were astonished how well it turned out...considering we didnt have any cream, or sponge fingers! My mum used to make trifle with swiss roll, so did my friend's mum (the mum of these two!) so it was perfectly fine with us to replace the sponge fingers with swiss roll. BUT my mother in law and brother in law had a happy time teasing the heck out of me (about a year ago - not that I remember - lol) at just the thought of doing something so sacriligious!
SO - is it just our mums who used to do this (they lived at the other end of the country and didnt know each other!), or did your mums do this????
Thanks for looking!