Monday, October 22, 2007

Laila's Blessing

Our beautiful baby girl was finally blessed on October 13, 2007. We decided to bless her while all of Geoff's family was in town. Many obstacles later Saturday morning was the best time to do it. I feel like it started the day off just right. Geoff gave her a beutiful blessing and we felt so blessed to have so many of our family there to participate. Thank you Hill's, Hollands, and McGivens for being there. It was lovely.


McGiven Family.... said...

I love the slideshow! She is such a beautiful girl and Geoff gave such a good blessing. What a neat thing to be blessed on her sister's birthday. I miss you guys and I am sad then we are passing each other :( We love you!

Sharon said...

What a beautiful family. I love that you have a blog now and we get to see pictures and hear about all the fun things you are doing.

brittany said...

Aleena she is so beautiful. She looks like a little porcelin doll. I love the one of Aria kissing her head, and how in the world do you look so perfect after just having a baby. Share your secrets!

Renee said...

She looked beautiful and we were so glad that we could be there. She is such a sweet baby. We cannot wait to see you next week!

Heidi said...

What an absolute doll. you have a darling family. Maybe cause the parents are so dang cute??!?!

Chelsea said...

I love all the pictures. She looks so much like Aria. You Hills all look alike!