Showing posts with label The old barn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The old barn. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Chuck's blue truck
Watercolor 6x8 copyrighted 2011
Nita Leger Casey
We did get this storm , at 8 AM we had 18 inches by the afternoon we had two feet ,the nice thing about it , it looks beautiful outside. Nobody was out today except the snow plows .
I missed not seeing my friends today Wednesday is our breakfast club day so instead I told them I would paint a scene from out of my window , this what I painted the view from my home studio looks in to my neighbors yard , I always like that little barn in the winter , it has character , it actually had a red truck there ,but chuck has a couple of them and the other one is blue ,the red one would of compete with the barn ,artistic license always comes very handy, both trucks were very busy all day because they were doing a lot of plowing .
tomorrow it should be just beautiful when the sun will shine on that fresh snow .
if you are interested in this painting Email me

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Barn at sunset
6x8 pastel, copyrighted 2010
Nita Leger Casey
Another view of the barn, I was a bit fascinated with this barn, I actually did it from inside the house one day , it was in view from the porch , it's always a challenge to do the same scene but different time of the day and different angle , sometimes you do not to travel far to make a painting and not to be afraid to experiment with colors .
Any one interested in this one email me
I am getting closer to get my own studio at the Western Avenue studio at the Mills in Lowell . looking forward my new adventure .
Going to Chicago tomorrow , will be there for a few days !

Sunday, August 16, 2009

New England barn and flag,copyrighted 2009 by Nita Leger Casey
11x14 watercolor
I am still in Maine at my cabin in t he Western Mountains , spending a very hot week end ,we really needed this after a terrible July ,going home tomorrow.
this is a watercolor I painted on location in Lubec ,I just love old barns ,this barn was on the edge of the ocean , the fag was a nice addition ,a friend had hang the flag there because the person who lived there had passed away, it was a nice tribute to his friend .

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Farm at Harvard's Fruitland Museum ,copyrighted 2009 , Nita Leger Casey
5x7 pastel on canson paper $ 100.00

Scene from our Sunday ride to the town of Harvard , Ma , about twenty minutes from my studio on a beautiful sunny Spring day .Email if interested

Saturday, June 02, 2007

The old timer If you have been reading my blog or at least followed my work , you must have noticed my love for old houses, ever since I was a young girl , I have drawn houses on every piece of paper I could find . living in New England has been wonderful for me, I never run out of subject like these old timers. I would love to be able to finds homes for them , at least a nice wall! my work is all originals ,one of a kind and copyrighted.
this is 18x28 oil painted on stretch canvas, $800.00 email me

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Busy day today! after spending the day at an art show in conjunction with the Holiday open house tour in Nashua NH. Last night before I went to bed, I finished a painting that I had started during the week, In keeping with my Maine scenes.
I always liked this old barn, driving by countless of times until last year, it was dismantle for the wood and sold to be used somewhere else, it was sad to see it go!

"The old barn " oil on linen 6x12