Showing posts with label Bye Bye Birdie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bye Bye Birdie. Show all posts

Sunday, March 6, 2011

They Did It!!!

The kids pulled it off. Bye Bye Birdie went so well. I always stand at the back of the house during performances, really letting the kids run the show. I had been worried all week that the show wouldn't be far enough along for me to feel comfortable doing that. But... never underestimate the power of middle school kids. They made it happen. I was so proud of them and their performances. I had a lot of young, inexperienced kids in this show, and I hope this was the first of many shows they do in their school careers.

A set of ambitious, generous parents hosted the cast party after the show on Friday night, and then I went home and crashed. I rehearsed for much of the day on Saturday and then performed in the Way Off Broadway cabaret show at the Country Club. I had church this morning, and then I FINALLY could rest. I had a 2 1/2 hour nap this afternoon that was simply delicious. Now I'm at school, trying to catch up on everything... key word: TRYING! I'll get there. It's just so nice to know that my busiest week of the year is behind me... WHEW!

P.S. This stressful weekend is making me have the weirdest dreams. Today I dreamed that I had a voice lesson with Stan Brown (that would be AWESOME, but it never happened), and that my check had bounced. I was humiliated. I also dreamed that I drank almost an entire 20 oz. Pepsi before I realized what I'd done (I haven't drunk caffeine since the end of November, and let me tell you, there's nothing more I wanted this week than a big icy cold Diet Mountain Dew. I drowned my sorrows with Cadbury Mini Eggs instead. God, I love those things.), and that Pepsi was sooooo good. I could seriously feel it bubbling down my throat. I need more sleep. It seems I always dream weird things when I'm exhausted.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


So I haven't felt like blogging in over a month. What's up with that?

Since I blogged last, life has been flying by...

1. I went to the Twin Cities to see Jeff play Albert Peterson in Bye Bye Birdie. He was amazing. I was so proud to know him and be in the audience.

2. Andrew and I went to Martini's in Burlington for Valentine's Day. Now, that is one amazing place. Great food, great atmosphere, great drinks. It was a lovely evening. Andrew gave me a beautiful blue topaz pendant on a gold chain that he had ordered specially to go with it. I love love love it. I gave him Ken Burns' National Parks documentary. I think he likes it, but every time we watch it, he starts to fall asleep. Hm. :)

3. I finished the play Waiting for Oprah. We had small houses, but I was proud of our work. The cast got really close, and we loved being on stage together. I miss seeing all of them every day!

4. I've been singing with the Way Off Broadway cabaret group which has been fun. It's been a lot more rehearsal time than I'd planned on, but I love singing in 4+ part harmony, and I love performing with Margaret Clair. I didn't sing with the first one, but I'm performing with all the rest. There are 4 all together. The third one this Saturday night and has a Sondheim theme.

5. The middle school play opens tonight. I'm so totally exhausted. I don't know why this one feels so overwhelming. I guess I just forget what it feels like each year. Last week I had strep throat, and I think I'm just not bouncing back like I'd hoped. That's probably some of the fatigue. I think they're ready. It's not as polished as I'd like, and some of the scene changes are still rough, but I know the audience will like it. Bye Bye Birdie in its full-length form is a big bite for middle school kids. I'm anxious to see it tonight... I know the kids will have fun performing for an audience. They're definitely ready to get some laughs and applause.

6. Next week I start rehearsals for Into the Woods. I am completely thrilled because I get to play the Baker's Wife again... my very very very favorite part I've ever played. I just cannot wait. Andrew is playing the Steward, so it will be fun to do a show together again. I know I should pretty much be committed for doing four shows in the span of less than 4 months, but I could NEVER turn down a chance at Into the Woods. It's going to mean that I really don't even get a spring break this year, but I don't care. It's going to be worth it!

Hopefully now, I can be back in the swing of blogging. I think I was so busy, I just couldn't take a moment to even reflect.
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