Showing posts with label geocaching. Show all posts
Showing posts with label geocaching. Show all posts

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Weekly Update

Crazy week. CRAZY week! And we're headed into a CRAZY WEEK! I guess that's what you get with the end of the school year. Last Tuesday, I took the 7th grade GOAL kids to Hannibal, MO. We had a beautiful day. We went to the Mark Twain Boyhood Home & Museum and Mark Twain Cave. We took an hour tour on the Hannibal Trolley, and we did some geocaching. My GOAL kids have officially found two geocaches now and have their Illinois and Missouri badges.

When the bus got back to Fairfield Tuesday evening, I packed and headed over to Council Bluffs. Karl's funeral was beautiful and sad. It was especially hard seeing his wife lead his three kids by the hands down the aisle. I got to see many old friends from high school that I hadn't seen in ages. It was nice to reconnect. Several of us went out to eat lunch together. We laughed, shared memories, and raised a glass to our dear friend. The visit with Tracy was way too short, but luckily, I plan to head back over this summer. I hit the road again that afternoon to come home.

Friday was the 7th grade assignment journal trip to the mall in Coralville. It was a nice day, and I made the last of my purchases (I hope) for our upcoming trip. Yesterday, I went to 2 graduation parties and to the cemeteries. Now, I'm trying to catch up on some rest to battle this last week. It's going to be another crazy one.

I hope wherever you are, you're enjoying your friends and family this Memorial Day weekend. Take a moment to remember loved ones you've lost and those heroes who gave their lives fighting for our country.
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