Showing posts with label pie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pie. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

30 Days of Thanks: Days 13-18

Day 13: Something Old:  I'm thankful for my great grandparents' bedroom set that welcomes guests to our home.  My brother slept in the bed two weeks ago when he was here for our early Thanksgiving celebration.  My Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Hiatt bought that bedroom set when they got married in 1917.

Day 14: Something New:  I'm thankful for my new (to me) car, Maude.  She's a red go-getter, and I feel safe and secure driving her.  Bluetooth is awesome!

Day 15: Experience:  I'm thankful for our honeymoon this summer.  Andrew and I waited almost a year to go on our trip, and it was worth the wait.  Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver, and the Rocky Mountaineer to Banff and Lake Louise before flying home from Calgary was a spectacular trip, and we made so many wonderful memories.

Day 16: Recipe:  I have lots of recipes I love, but I think I'm most grateful today for the pie crust recipe from Beth Howard's cookbook, Ms. American Pie: Buttery Good Recipes and Bold Tales from the American Gothic House.  It was the first recipe I used to make pie, and it's the only one I've used.  I've had such good feedback from it.  When I took two pies to school this week for Support Staff Day for American Education week, I had lots of compliments and two requests for the recipe.

Day 17: Store:  My favorite store is Target.  I guess I'm thankful for having one only 25 minutes away for my entire life.  I'll try not to cry big crocodile tears that it is closing, and now I'll have no reason to go to Ottumwa except to watch a movie.  Why are you leaving me, Target, oh WHY???

Day 18: Quote: Wow.  I have a lot of favorite quotes.  I guess I'll choose one unknown to the world but special to me.  Before I'd embark on an adventure, whether it was on stage or in the classroom or out in the world, my mom would tell me, "Go get 'em, Babe.  It's showtime."  I say it to myself now, and I hear her voice saying it my head.  It gives me strength and helps me when I'm feeling nervous.

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