
Showing posts with label hot sauce. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hot sauce. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Very hot "hot sauce"

For the first time on my blog I will be talking about something my husband did in "Hanaâ's Kitchen" :o) He was growing tired of the store-bought hot sauce, which always tastes too vinegar-y and never hot enough. After a two year hiatus, he made a huge batch of hot sauce last weekend. Normally his homemade hot sauce consists of jalapeno peppers and/or Thai peppers. This time, it's Thai peppers and to kick it up a notch or 10, he added Piquin Chili Peppers. We bought them at Penzeys a couple weeks ago. At 140,000 Scoville units, they're the hottest peppers Penzeys carries. And so, last Sunday, about 2 gallons of very very hot "hot sauce" was born :o)