Showing posts with label West Virginia College of Law. Show all posts
Showing posts with label West Virginia College of Law. Show all posts

Monday, January 11, 2010

West Virginia Law Review: Call for Scholarly Health Care Articles

Over the weekend I received an email from Todd Bergstrom, Executive Editor of the West Virginia Law Review announcing a "Call for Articles" for an upcoming issue of the West Virginia Law Review focusing on health care.

Great to see the law review staff looking at the social disparities in access and outcomes that exist in our current health care system. I hope that some of my fellow health care policy and legal colleagues will consider submitting a article for consideration. 

The West Virginia Law Review recently announcement the launch of its new website, including a blog. I look forward to following posts from the College of Law.

Todd asked that I post the following announcement with details on submitting an article for consideration.
The West Virginia Law Review announces a call for articles and invites scholars, practitioners, and researchers to submit contributions for its upcoming issue focusing on health care. This issue will include articles from the Law Review’s Lecture Series, “Beyond Politics: A Discussion of Health Care in America,” a thoughtful discourse on the social disparities in access and outcomes engrained in our current health care system. For this issue, we are particularly interested in scholarship discussing the following topics:
  • Health care reform;
  • Health care access and outcome disparities, especially as they affect women and children, racial minorities, and the rural poor;
  • Health care as a human right;
Articles will be selected by our Articles Selection Team and the Editor-in-Chief based on scholarly merit, originality, relevancy, and writing style. Articles should be thoroughly researched and contain appropriate footnotes in bluebook format. Please submit articles electronically to by June 30, 2010. Any questions regarding the call for articles or article submissions generally should be sent to

West Virginia Law Review Staff

Monday, November 03, 2008

WVU College of Law: Entrepreneurship Law Clinic

Today the West Virginia State Bar announced a new project at the West Virginia University College of Law to provide legal assistance to technology start-ups, existing small business and nonprofits.

The Entrepreneurship Law Clinic will be directed by Professor Michael V. Risch and staffed by current law students. The Clinic will provide supervised legal counsel to small businesses and start-ups in a clinical setting by offering no cost or low cost assistance.

The Clinic will provide services to clients who are unable to find or afford legal representation. Initial services will include: preformation counseling; choosing and forming a business entity; financing and investing; drafting Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws, LLC Articles and Operating Agreements, etc.; filing for tax-exempt recognition; drafting and negotiating contracts; protecting and licensing intellectual property and forming employment policies.

Congratulations to Professor Risch for starting the new clinic program which will be valuable to the growing creative community looking to stay and invest in West Virginia. The program not only assists those with new ideas or businesses but also provide real life training to law students who will gain invaluable skills to help out lawyers like myself upon graduation.