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Showing posts with label Chicks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chicks. Show all posts

Our First Cuckoo Marans chick!

I popped a few cuckoo marans eggs under Heidi the bantam hen when she went broody (23 days ago!) and look what pecked it's way out! Sadly the other 2 eggs didn't hatch. This wee chick is strong as an ox though!

I've got three broody hens at the moment and in total they're sitting on 20 eggs (all Cuckoo Marans eggs!). So this time next month hopefully I'll have more chicks! I'm also expecting arrival of 24 hatching eggs (yes... cuckoo maran!) next week for the incubator. I've never hatched in an incubator before so I'm hoping all goes well. We're limited to our three solar panels for energy and will have the incubator set up in the yurt with us. If for some reason the sun stops shining or the batteries fail we have a small generator as back up! Exciting times! : )

hen xx

Meet the ducks & chickens & goats & sheep!

Got no time to write very much so I just thought I'd share some photo's!

Indian runner duck- BATHTIME!

Small-1 the black Indian Runner duck has gone all broody and is sitting on 10 eggs. I took a sneaky picture of her nest when she wasn't looking! 

This is the gorgeous Heidi. She is sitting on 3 very dark brown eggs from my Cuckoo Marans. They only have a week to go! I'm very excited about getting lots and lots of eggs in the incubators in the next week too! 

Storm and Lightening. My shadows.. I can't go anywhere without them following me (whether there's a fence/giant bank/gate or hedge in the way!)

I watched these two like this for AGES the other day. Sleepily chewing the cud cheek by cheek. So, so sweet! 

Hebridean Ewe.. Lordy she's impressive.

These two Shetlands (well the one on the right is a Shetland/Hebridean cross) right freak me out.. "Look into my eyes.. bring us nuts bring us nuts"

Finnhe the Katmoget Shetland ewe. She's very pretty.

Finnhe puckering up.. she might be pretty but she's NOT my type!

Jingo.. my pride and joy! Shetland ram (fawn)

Hope you enjoyed meeting a few of the animals :)

hen xx
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