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Showing posts with label Stories. Show all posts

Huma - The Sunset Songbird of the Forest, by Hen

High up in the Grand Old Oak of the Forest, nestled in the crook of a thick, gnarled branch, sleeps Huma, the Sunset Songbird of the Forest. Anyone who hears her sing agrees that her song is the most beautiful and pure of all the birds.

Every evening, in the Forest, something extraordinary happens. All the animals of Tree, Sky, Soil and Stream gather together beneath the Grand Old Oak to hear Huma sing.

It isn't just the animals that gather, People come from miles around to wonder at the spectacle of her song every night.

Huma begins her song when the Sun begins to set in the evening sky and she only sings for the time it takes the Sun to settle beneath the horizon.

This is enough for the Animals. They listen, spellbound in the perfection and purity of her voice. When the Sun has set, and Huma's song is finished, they happily return to their nests, setts and ponds.

It's not the same with the People though, they are never satisfied.

"Hurrumph. I travelled all this way and all I get is 10 minutes of singing. It's just not good enough!" Says a grumpy old man, with a very wobbly belly.

"It's very cold. I need a drink. There really should be somewhere to sit and have a nice bit of cake and a cup of tea." Says a tall, thin lady with a very pointy nose.

"Well, it's nice and everything, but I really need a wee. There should be toilets here, it's ridiculous" Says a snotty boy in a red cap with lots of spots on his chin.

"Mummy, Daddy, I want one!! I WANT ONE!!!!" Squeals a little girl with one tooth and pig tails.

This is just some of the things the People say when they are visiting Huma. Sometimes they even gibber jabber while she is singing! Not for long though, not even a Person can resist her hypnotic charm.

One evening, as usual, the animals collected around the Grand Old Oak of the Forest and the People came from far and wide. They hustled and bustled and fidgeted and widgeted. Then, when the Sun started to go down, everyone hushed and waited in anticipation...

... Nothing.

The Sun got lower and lower in the Sky. Everyone waited...

... Nothing.

The Sun became a thin strip of scarlet red on the horizon. Everyone strained to hear...

... Silence.

The Moon replaced the Sun. The animals went home, a little confused, very sad and terribly worried about their dear friend Huma. The People complained loudly about how much time they had wasted and drove off home in their noisy, smelly cars for a cup of tea and a wee.

Where was Huma? Where could she be?

Well, the night before, a Shifty Person had tiptoed and whispered his way to where Huma slept on her branch. He peeked and sneaked behind her. Then, in a flash, he swept her up in a brown sack, swiped her off her branch and whisked her away!

That's why there had been no singing! Someone had bird-napped Huma!

The Shifty Person snook Huma back to his home. "Ha Ha! At last! I have Huma all to myself forever and ever! She will sing for me all day and all night and only I will hear her!! The most beautiful voice in the world is mine, all mine!"

Shifty Person took the sack from Huma's head and put her into a rusty cage in a dark corner of his dusty room.

He commanded her to sing.

Huma just closed her eyes and bowed her head. She had no song to sing. Just an empty hollow inside her heart where her voice used to be. The Person grew very angry. "I demand that you sing for me!"


Days passed.

Still Huma could not sing. She kept her eyes closed and her head bowed.

Nights passed.

A tear slowly made it's way down Huma's feathery cheek as she remembered the Grand Old Oak of the Forest and the little crook in her favourite branch where she liked to sleep. Poor Huma. She was so sad, much too sad to sing.

Huma could not eat or sleep and she slowly grew too weak to even stand. At this, Huma's captor, who had grown bored after the first day of stealing her, decided he didn't want Huma any more. He snatched her out of her dirty cage, threw her limp little body out of his window and forgot all about her.

Huma lay below the window, in amongst the weeds and empty sweetie wrappers, too weak to fly away. She looked up to the Sky and smiled. She was free from her cage at last. How happy she was! Quickly, Huma fell into a deep, deep sleep.

"Look! What is that?" A Little Person asked her friend.
"It's a bird, bird brain" Her helpful friend replied.
"She is so beautiful. Aww, look, she is poorly."
"She looks dead to me."
"She is NOT dead. I'm going to take her home to my Daddy. He'll fix her." With that, the Kind Little Person put the sleeping Huma very gently into her pocket and headed straight home.

"Daddy, Daddy, look what I found! Quick, she needs your help" Luckily for poor Huma, the Kind Little Persons Daddy was the kind of doctor that can heal animals.

"Well, well, well. What have we got here.” He said gently. “Oh, my! You have found yourself a very special bird. People have been searching high and low for this little bird and it is you that have found her. This is Huma, the Sunset Songbird of the Forest"

"Can you fix her Daddy? Can you?"

"I will try my very best to." Daddy took Huma and placed her in a willow basket by the wood stove, somewhere warm, clean and quiet to rest. When Huma awoke, Daddy gave her a little water and some seeds. Huma could sense that this Person was a Good Person. She felt safe and so took a little water, pecked at a few of the seeds and almost instantly felt better.

After many days of being cared for by the Kind Little Person and her Daddy, Huma stretched her wings and felt strength in them again.

"It's time that this precious bird was released." Daddy said to the Kind Little Person. "We will take her to the Forest and set her free."

"Lets go now Daddy, I can't wait to see her fly!"

Huma felt a sense of anticipation as she was carried from the house in the willow basket and carefully placed into a car. The trees sped past in a blur. 

Finally, after quite some time, they came to a stop. Huma recognised the smell of where they were; damp moss and leafy soil, she recognised the sound of where they were; dancing leaves in the breeze. She smiled quietly to herself, she was home again. The Forest, at last.

"Are you ready to let her go?" Daddy asked his Kind Little Person.

"Yes Daddy, lets do it now."

They opened the car door and Huma cautiously peeked over the edge of her basket.

Then with an effortless hop on to the edge of the basket, she fluttered up to settle on the  car door. She gave a thankful look to the Kind Little Person and her Daddy, before flying elegantly skyward and coming to rest on the twisted branch of an old Hawthorn Tree. She looked down at the smiling faces below her and decided to say thank you in the only way she knew how. Huma began to sing.

The Sun wasn't going down and there was only the Kind Little Person and her Daddy there to hear her. It didn't matter to Huma, she just had to sing, it had been so long. It was the most pure, the most perfect, the most heartfelt song Huma had ever sung. She stretched out her wings, raised her delicate little head to the sky and sang it for them, she sang it because she was filled with their compassion and she was free.

When she had finished, Huma looked down at their faces and smiled. Below her the Kind Little Person and her Daddy were holding hands and gazing up at Huma, their faces open with awe. They had never felt so happy, they had just heard a song so beautiful their hearts were filled with it. They both carried that song with them for the rest of their lives, spreading the melody of kindness and gratitude to anyone who would hear.

Huma flew home to the Grand Old Oak of the Forest and to her favourite crook in her favourite branch and nestled down to sleep.

That evening, the Sun started to set and Huma started to sing. The animals nearest to the Grand Old Oak stopped what they were doing, it was Huma, she was home!

A whisper, like the wind blew through the Trees, Sky, Soil and Stream. Huma is home, she is singing!

The animals rushed to hear her. What joy! What happiness!

Huma, The Sunset Songbird of the Forest, sang from her favourite old Oak branch till time never ending...

The End

If you would like to use this story of Huma, please get in touch with me.

hen xx


The woods are well protected.  We were very careful to pay our respects to each guardian to ensure safe passage...

There is Yellow Archangel to watch from on high and to watch from deep within...

We caught a dragon waking in the woods, getting ready to yawn his first firey roar of the Season...

A sentry, standing sure...

When we were finally allowed safe passage, we entered into a world of such beauty, such magic, that we were enveloped in a deep silence.  A silence born of awe at so many wonders.  We also learned things...

Woods can be white...  and woods can be blue...

I take great delight in lying on my belly.  Not just because I like to rest, you understand... but also because it's another world.  A world of little perfections.  Not only that, if you lie down on your belly in a woodland carpeted with bluebells your eyes get full of purpley blue.

I have learned that I don't know it all.   Who'd have thunk it!?  Below isn't a dandelion as we know and love it, it's one of the other types of dandelion type things, I just can't remember which one.  It's big and before it goes to seed it has red on the tips... recently I accidentally wrote that hazel leaves were beech leaves (can't believe I did that!!!) and didn't identify an Elm covered in seed!!  So I'm not saying what I think this is until I know for sure!!

This is a bluebell.  I can say that because, with my eyes, I can see it is basically blue and is the shape of a bell.  *tut*!!  It's surrounded by woodruff in flower too, so taking this photie smelled wonderful!!  Another reason for getting on your belly as often as possible - there's stunkiness to be had!!!

There is a Tufa in the woods near me.  It's the second one I've come across and I love them very much.  As  I love most things.    

It's basically a soft porous rock consisting of calcium carbonate deposited from the spring because it's rich in lime.

If you are celebrating this weekend have a wonderful time!  I might take Willow off to the Ridgeway and Uffington.  Special, special places.

I pray the Sun will warm your heart in the form of butterflies and bluebells, bumble bees and little kisses,


Hen's Dream

I was outside on what felt like the roof of an office tower block, I could see there was more building above us. The building was near the sea in a built up and busy area.

I was sitting on a high backed chair, woven with willow and I couldn't learn. A young man in his thirties was trying, patiently, to teach me something and I couldn't learn it. I was worried about this. But he kindly said that I shouldn't worry because there was more to life than I knew. Someone would be coming to show me, very soon.

A moment later a woman came. She was in her 60's with blonde hair all wavy and beautiful. The web of wrinkles on her face held a wide smile in place. A gentle smile. A knowing smile. We talked about diamonds. I told her that I regretted having so many diamonds in my life. That it was a weakness and it was only when I was prevented from having more diamonds that I gave them up. She said nothing mattered now. There is more to life than you know. Look....

She held her arm out as though to peel back a curtain. That is what it was. Our world was a curtain which just needed to be opened to see the 'more to life than we know'. The beautiful lady took my hand and her smile led me into the other space. We stepped through and into, what I can best describe as, Christmas. A warm place of dark reds and greens and the secret sparkle of gold deep in the shadows.

I stood in awe. Soaking the feel of the room into my bones. Without being aware of it she stepped us back out and the curtain closed. She had gone but my teacher was still there, smiling warmly at me, head cocked to one side, arms out for a hug. I lost myself in that hug. I felt released and happy.

Then the alien invasion happened. We looked over the balcony out to the sea and saw the ship coming. Saucer shaped, of course, with sides that folded round making a hook effect. It swooped down and skimmed the sea to help slow itself down. It seemed to ricochet off the ocean and fly up into the air towards us. The sound as it flew passed threatened to tear my brain out. An electric ripping of the air around us.

We had been so enthralled at the sight and so in shock from the sound that we failed to notice the alien creature floating behind us on the other side of the balcony. It fired an electric blue shot at us that seemed to miss, but I don't know how. We ran past it, back to where I had stepped through the curtain. Waiting for us were 5 more aliens. Beautiful elongated human forms but instead of flesh and bone they looked like they were made of diamond. Dazzling Electric blue and white, sparkling from within a powerful energy field that surrounded them all. They were holding something. I heard them say something but the noise from their energy field had pierced my mind like a gale force wind. The next thing I remember is waking up in a cold metallic chair surrounded by this energy field. The noise, so loud, intense, electric, threatening to make me pass out again.

I see a man, that I somehow know is able to step through the curtain into other dimensions. He has stepped out of his chair and is trying to speak with the aliens. They do not understand and instead put a creature on his head. An ugly, octopus type thing with huge crystalline eyes and 5 stumpy tentacles, suckering, to his skin.

Then I woke up.


It makes me laugh that aliens came!

I'd be interested in anyone's thoughts on this dream.  10 years ago I used to practice Lucid dreaming and did, in fact wake up in the middle of this dream to say goodbye to Leo.  It's the second time I've done this recently without trying.




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