Showing posts with label awards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label awards. Show all posts

Saturday, 5 February 2011

A Blog Award!!

Wow, I have been passed this award by 2 of my lovely blogging buddies, Tilly and Jacee, thank you so much girls!!

The award is aimed at bringing unknown good blogs to light, I am honoured to think that someone thinks my blog is good enough for this award and happily accept it.

There are a couple of conditions to follow in accepting, and they are:

  1. If you have been tagged, do you want to accept, then you have to create a post on your blog and post the love blog photo.
  2. Choose 3-5 of your favourite blogs to tag, link these in your blog too and tell the lucky people they have been tagged.

There are lots of lovely blogs out there and its very difficult to choose, every blog deserves an award and I would love to pass this on to every blog I visit, but the aim is bringing unknown blogs to light and these 5 fab blogs are my choice.






Please pop by and have a peek at these lovely ladies blogs, become followers and give them the recognition they deserve, you won't be disappointed!!

Thank you my blogging friends!!


Friday, 2 April 2010

An Award!!

I received this lovely award from Kelly from Little K Smiths Crafty Corner, thank you Kelly. I now have to pass this award to 12 people including the person who sent it to me, so here goes!













Please take a look at their blogs, they are awesome! Hope you are all enjoying the Easter weekend, the weather is foul, good excuse to stay in and craft!

Thursday, 22 January 2009


And another lovely award!! This one if from Joey, thank you so much hun, I feel so honoured to receive these awards.

Again, most folk seem to have these awards already and there are so many talented people out there, so I am passing it on to everyone in craftland and blogland! I would also like to pass it on to all my lovely followers, my bloggin buddies and anyone who kindly visits my blog.

One Lovely Blog Award

Wow, another award! This one is from Debra, she has some lovely stuff on her blog, go take a peek.
Again, most folk have this award so I am nominating all my lovely followers, all my bloggin buddies and anyone who visits my blog.

Tuesday, 13 January 2009

2 Awards!

Wow, I am a lucky girl I have been nominated for the Marie Antoinette Award twice and I am very honoured, thank you to Lorraine and Glenda

The above award is called 'The Marie Antoinette' a Real Person, a Real Award.The rules are:

1. Link to the person who gave you the award

2. Nominate 7 more persons

3. Link the nominees and let them know about this award

4. Post the award on your blog

So now I have to nominate 7 lovely bloggers which is very difficult because there are so many talented crafters out there in blogland but here goes:

I would like to nominate the award to all my followers too, in fact I nominate everyone!!

Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Jilli has given me this fabulous award and I have to pass it on to 5 of my blogging buddies. I have to list 5 things I am addicted to, so here goes:

1. My family
2. My craft room
3. My Computer
4. Chocolate
5. Porridge (yes really!)

I am nominating the following 5 fabby buddies:

Debs (MeanlilG)
Eileen (Ikkis corner)
Viv (Crafting Haven)
Pam (Handcrafted with Love)
Michele (Miches Niche)