This recipe is really simple so you dont need to have a lot of ingredients.Simplicity does not make it bad becouse this is one of the best iced tea recipe.
Lemon iced tea ingredients (4 servings):
- 4 tea bags of black tea (or 4 tea spoons of loose black tea)darjeeling is good becouse it have naturally citric taste.
- 150-200ml lemon juice
- 800ml of water
- 10-15 ice cubes
- 4-10 tea spoons of cane sugar
- mint leaves
Brew tea for 2-4 minutes in 800ml of boiling water. Remove the tea bags or grounds if you use loose tea. Mix cane sugar, lemon juice (optional mint leaves), chill and add to tea brew. Serve with ice cubes to keep it cool.
Bon appetite!