Showing posts with label Enrico Rava. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Enrico Rava. Show all posts

5 October 2014

Roswell Rudd-Inside Job 1976

As promised here's Roswell Rudd's Inside job, overall I think a pretty fine , and Somewhat undervalued record ..which has to my knowledge never seen a cd reissue!

A nice live set recorded at Studio Rivbea, on the 21st of May 1976... Rudd and Rava always sounded great together
And BTW/for newbies who may not have heard it  the masterly eponymously titled" Enrico Rava Quartet"
on ECM is very special and highly recommended!

23 September 2014


Kenny Wheeler, trumpet, fluegelhorn
Enrico Rava, trumpet
Ack Van Rooyen, trumpet, fluegelhorn
Tomasz Stanko, trumpet
Manfred Schoof, trumpet, fluegelhorn
Michel Pilz, bass clarinet
Tom Van der Geld, vibes
Rainer Brüninghaus, piano, electric piano, synthesizer
Günter Lenz, bass
Bo Stief, bass, electric bass
Fredy Studer, drums
Ralf R. Hübner, drums
Joachim-Ernst Berendt, announcement
Werner Wunderlich, announcement

Disc 1
01. Introduction (Joachim-Ernst Berendt)     1:57
02. Time is Up (B. Stief)     8:32
    Wheeler, Van der Geld, Brüninghaus, Stief, Studer

03. Introduction (Joachim-Ernst Berendt)     1:03
04. Back to the Sun (E. Rava)     7:25
    Rava (L), Van Rooyen (R), Brüninghaus, Stief, Studer

05. Introduction (Joachim-Ernst Berendt)     1:03
06. Castle of the Haze (T. Stanko)     8:24
    Stanko, Pilz, Van der Geld, Brüninghaus

07. Introduction (Joachim-Ernst Berendt)     0:26
08. Some for Two (M. Schoof)     2:29
    Schoof, Stief

09. Introduction (Joachim-Ernst Berendt)     0:37
10. Snow Trip (M. Schoof)     9:04
    Baden-Baden New Jazz Orchestra. Solos: Schoof, Van Rooyen, Pilz, Van der Geld, Brüninghaus, Lenz (L), Stief (R)

11. Introduction (Joachim-Ernst Berendt)     1:13
12. Do Not Tear the Posters Down (G. Lenz) (live version)     5:35
    (L-R): Van Rooyen, Schoof, Stanko; Brüninghaus, Lenz, Studer, Hübner

13. Introduction (Joachim-Ernst Berendt)     0:35
14. Do Not Tear the Posters Down (G. Lenz) (studio version)     5:45
    (L-R): Van Rooyen, Schoof, Stanko; Brüninghaus, Lenz, Studer, Hübner

15. Closing announcement (Joachim-Ernst Berendt)     0:26

Disc 2
01. Introduction (Joachim-Ernst Berendt)     2:16
02. Resonance (M. Schoof)     13:31
    Baden-Baden New Jazz Orchestra. Solos: Brüninghaus, Van Rooyen, Wheeler, Van der Geld; Lenz/Hübner (L), Stief/Studer (R)

03. Introduction (Joachim-Ernst Berendt)     0:41
04. Ba-Ba (K. Wheeler)     15:27
    Baden-Baden New Jazz Orchestra. Solos: Rava, Van der Geld, Stanko/Rava/Wheeler (tpt), Schoof/Van Rooyen (flh)

05. Introduction (Joachim-Ernst Berendt)     1:47
06. Here Today (A. van Rooyen)     4:17
    Baden-Baden New Jazz Orchestra. Solos: Stanko, Lenz, Brüninghaus

07. Introduction (Joachim-Ernst Berendt)     1:13
08. Brigitte in Her Garden (R. Brüninghaus)     13:47
    Baden-Baden New Jazz Orchestra. Solos: Wheeler, Schoof, Brüninghaus

09. Closing announcement (Joachim-Ernst Berendt)     0:52

Disc 3
01. Introduction (Joachim-Ernst Berendt)     1:52
02. Individual Ego Control (R. Hübner)     7:26
    Rava, Schoof, Stanko, Pilz, Brüninghaus, Lenz/Hübner (L), Stief/Studer (R)

03. Introduction (Joachim-Ernst Berendt)     0:53
04. E.V. in Sarajevo (T. van der Geld-R. Brüninghaus)     9:19
    Van der Geld, Brüninghaus

05. Introduction (Joachim-Ernst Berendt)     1:03
06. Fanfare for King Nitwit (T. van der Geld)     9:08
    (L-R): Van Rooyen, Wheeler, Rava, Schoof, Stanko; Pilz

07. Introduction (Joachim-Ernst Berendt)     1:19
08. One (E. Rava)     11:55
    Rava (R), Wheeler (L), Brüninghaus, Stief, Studer

09. Introduction (Joachim-Ernst Berendt)     0:29
10. King in Yellow (E. Rava-M. Schoof)     9:23
    Rava (R), Schoof (L), Brüninghaus, Lenz, Hübner

11. Closing announcement (Joachim-Ernst Berendt)     0:53

Disc 4
01. Introduction (Joachim-Ernst Berendt)     4:48
02. Ba-Ba (K. Wheeler)     14:50
    Baden-Baden New Jazz Orchestra. Solos: Rava, Van der Geld, Stanko, Rava, Wheeler, Schoof, Van Rooyen

03. Introduction (Werner Wunderlich)     1:02
04. One (E. Rava)     7:39
    Rava, Wheeler, Brüninghaus, Stief, Studer

05. Some for Two (M. Schoof)     4:25
    Schoof, Stief

06. Castle of the Haze (T. Stanko)     8:33
    Stanko, Pilz, Van der Geld, Brüninghaus

07. Introduction (Werner Wunderlich, Joachim-Ernst Berendt)     0:46
08. Brigitte in Her Garden (R. Brüninghaus)     13:26
    Baden-Baden New Jazz Orchestra. Solos: Wheeler, Schoof, Brüninghaus

09. Announcement (Werner Wunderlich)     0:59
10. Introduction (Joachim-Ernst Berendt)     0:37
11. Snow Trip (M. Schoof)     8:50
    Baden-Baden New Jazz Orchestra. Solos: Schoof, Van Rooyen, Pilz, Van der Geld, Brüninghaus, Stief (L), Lenz (R)

12. Introduction (Joachim-Ernst Berendt)     0:56
13. Fanfare for King Nitwit (T. van der Geld)     10:23
    (L-R): Van Rooyen, Wheeler, Rava, Schoof, Stanko; Pilz

Disc 5
01. Back to the Sun (E. Rava)     8:30
    Rava, Van Rooyen, Brüninghaus, Stief, Studer

02. Introduction (Joachim-Ernst Berendt)     0:49
03. Time is Up (B. Stief)     8:32
    Wheeler, Van der Geld, Brüninghaus, Stief, Studer

04. Resonance (M. Schoof)     13:51
    Baden-Baden New Jazz Orchestra. Solos: Brüninghaus, Van Rooyen, Pilz

05. Introduction (Joachim-Ernst Berendt)     0:29
06. Individual Ego Control (R. Hübner)     4:56
    Rava, Schoof, Stanko, Pilz, Brüninghaus, Stief, Hübner

07. Introduction (Joachim-Ernst Berendt)     0:33
08. For Fredy and Ralf (R. Hübner)     6:48
    Baden-Baden New Jazz Orchestra. Solos: Hübner (L), Studer (R)

09. Here Today (A. van Rooyen)     3:38
    Baden-Baden New Jazz Orchestra. Solos: Stanko, Wheeler

10. Componauta (E. Rava)     10:12
    Baden-Baden New Jazz Orchestra. Solos: Stanko, Wheeler, Rava

11. Announcement (Joachim-Ernst Berendt)     0:27
12. Closing announcement (Werner Wunderlich)     0:09

60 items - TT = 298:13

Recorded at Südwestfunk Studios (SWF), Baden Baden, Germany in December 1978.

Discs 1-3 includes music recorded during the Baden-Baden New Jazz Meeting in Südwestfunk Studios in Baden-Baden.
Discs 4-5 were recorded at a public performance in early December at Kurfürstliches Schloss in Mainz.

25 January 2014


Here we have another installment of the Baden Baden Free Jazz Meetings.
This post of the concerts/rehearsals is not complete.
Several titles were released and are still available and therefore not included here.
You can find the missing titles: "Every Single One of Us is a Pearl," "Ruby, My Dear," and "Kunstmusik II" on Pearls (FMP 0380)  at destination-out.
 "Marañao," "Composition 23B," Jahrmarkt," "Hannebüchen." and "The Forge" on Baden-Baden '75 (FMP CD 137). The CD is to my knowledge still in print although harder to obtain. Try it here f.e.

I'm indebted to Peter Losin for his detailed information regarding line-up and titles - I took the freedom to duplicate it here with some minor changes. (Miles Ahead)

Kenny Wheeler, trumpet
Manfred Schoof, trumpet
Enrico Rava, trumpet
Günter Christmann, trombone, alphorn
Paul Rutherford, trombone
Albert Mangelsdorff, trombone
Evan Parker, soprano & tenor saxophone
Peter Brötzmann, tenor saxophone, bass saxophone, clarinet
Anthony Braxton, alto saxophone
Gerd Dudek, soprano & tenor saxophone
Rüdiger Carl, alto & tenor saxophone, clarinet
Michel Pilz, bass clarinet
Alexander Von Schlippenbach, piano, accordion
Peter Kowald, bass, tuba, vocals, conductor
J.B. "Buschi" Niebergall, bass
Paul Lovens, drums, percussion, saw
Achim Hebgen, announcer

Disc 1
1 Introduction (Achim Hebgen) 4:34

2 Every Single One of Us is a Pearl (E. Parker) 26:01
 Duos (L/R): Parker/Kowald; Christmann/Carl; Mangelsdorff/Pilz; Niebergall/Rava; Schlippenbach/Lovens; Rutherford/Lovens/Kowald/Braxton; Wheeler/Dudek; Brötzmann

3 Introduction (Achim Hebgen) 2:00

4 A Capella Breath (M. Schoof) 4:27
 Rava (L), Schoof (center), Wheeler (R)

5 Introduction (Achim Hebgen) 2:19

6 From E-Flat On (M. Schoof) 7:38
 The Globe Unity 11: Wheeler, Schoof, Rava, Rutherford, Mangelsdorff, Christmann, Kowald (tuba), Parker, Dudek, Braxton, Pilz

7 Introduction (Achim Hebgen) 0:15

8 Ostinato (M. Schoof) 7:26
 Solos: Pilz, Dudek (ss)

9 Introduction (Achim Hebgen) 0:42

10 Night Heron (A. Mangelsdorff) 3:07
 Wheeler, Rava, Mangelsdorff, Parker, Braxton

11 Introduction (Achim Hebgen) 1:34

12 Brief Inventions (A. Mangelsforff-E. Rava) 4:01
 Rava, Mangelsdorff

13 Introduction (Achim Hebgen) 1:29

14 Marañao (E. Rava) 10:17
 Solos: Schlippenbach (p); Braxton (as); Schoof (tpt)

15 Announcement (Achim Hebgen) 0:59

Disc 2
1 Introduction (Achim Hebgen) 0:55

2 Man-Brax (M. Schoof-A. Braxton) 4:16
 Schoof, Braxton

3 Introduction (Achim Hebgen) 0:47

4 Ruby, My Dear (T. Monk) (arr. Schlippenbach) 4:47
 Solo: Braxton

5 Introduction (Achim Hebgen) 1:49

6 Composition 23B (A. Braxton) 18:05
 Solos: Schlippenbach, Lovens, Rava, Carl (as), Schoof, Brötzmann (bss)

7 Introduction (Achim Hebgen) 0:52

8 How It Base (A. Braxton-E. Parker) 4:16
 Braxton, Parker

9 Chris-Brax (A. Braxton-G. Christmann) 2:40
 Braxton, Christmann

10 Introduction (Achim Hebgen) 2:36

11 Ten Beats (G. Christmann) 2:50
 The Globe Unity 11: Wheeler, Schoof, Rava, Rutherford, Mangelsdorff, Christmann, Kowald (tuba), Parker, Dudek, Braxton, Pilz

12 Introduction (Achim Hebgen) 0:21

13 Pardon Mein Kopf (R. Rutherford) 3:04
 Rutherford solo

14 Introduction (Achim Hebgen) 1:46

15 Hip Hymn No. 2 (P. Rutherford) 19:34
 Duos: Christmann/Brötzmann, Kowald (L)/Niebergall (R), Dudek/Mangelsdorff, Braxton/Pilz, Carl/Parker, Rava (L)/Wheeler (R), Christmann/Brötzmann

16 Announcement (Achim Hebgen) 0:10

17 Kunstmusik II (A. von Schlippenbach) 10:19

Disc 3
1 A Simple Waltz (K. Wheeler) 9:55
 Trios: Mangelsdorff/Pilz/Niebergall, Lovens/Pilz/Kowald (tuba); Solos: Schoof, Carl (as), Rutherford

2 Introduction (Achim Hebgen) 1:20

3 Billiger Willi (M. Pilz-P. Kowald) 2:03
 Pilz, Kowald

4 Un Peu d'Ail (M. Pilz-P. Kowald) 3:09
 Pilz, Kowald

5 Introduction (Achim Hebgen) 0:41

6 Jetzt Wird Abgerechnet (Globe Unity 11) 3:21
 The Globe Unity 11: Wheeler, Schoof, Rava, Rutherford, Mangelsdorff, Christmann, Kowald (tuba), Parker, Dudek, Braxton, Pilz

7 Announcement (Achim Hebgen) 1:00

8 Introduction (Achim Hebgen) 3:13

9 Zahltag (Globe Unity 11) 7:25
 The Globe Unity 11: Wheeler, Schoof, Rava, Rutherford, Mangelsdorff, Christmann, Kowald (tuba), Parker, Dudek, Braxton, Pilz

10 Introduction (Achim Hebgen) 2:10

11 Jahrmarkt I (P. Kowald) 5:46
 Solo: Christmann

12 Jahrmarkt II (P. Kowald) 7:32
 Solos: Parker (ss), Pilz, Brötzmann (cl); Lovens (säge)

13 Jahrmarkt III (P. Kowald) 9:49
 Solos: Schlippenbach (acc), Braxton, Rutherford/Mangelsdorff

14 Introduction (Achim Hebgen) 1:03

15 The Forge (A. von Schlippenbach) 8:36
 Solos: Parker (ss); Wheeler (tpt); Schlippenbach

16 Introduction (Achim Hebgen) 1:44

17 Hanebüchen (improvisation) 6:13
 Solos: Dudek (ts), Rava

18 Announcement (Achim Hebgen) 0:15

Disc 4
1 Introduction (Achim Hebgen) 2:05

2 Mainz Bleibt Mainz (P. Lovens) 6:55
 Solos: Rutherford (tb); Schlippenbach (p); Brötzmann (ts)

3 Introduction (Achim Hebgen) 0:27

4 Composition 23B (A. Braxton) 17:30
 Solos: Schlippenbach (p); Lovens (d); Rava (tpt); Carl (ts); Schoof (tpt); Brötzmann (bss)

5 Introduction (Achim Hebgen) 0:25

6 Hip Hymn No. 2 (P. Rutherford) 20:58
 synth on tape

7 The Forge (A. von Schlippenbach) 8:11
 Solos: Parker (ss); Wheeler (tpt); Niebergall (b)

8 Announcement (Achim Hebgen) 0:32

Disc 5
1 Introduction (Achim Hebgen) 1:03

2 Marañao (E. Rava) 12:35
 Solos: Schlippenbach (p); Braxton (as); Schoof (tpt)

3 Introduction (Achim Hebgen) 0:54

4 Every Single One Of Us Is A Pearl (E. Parker) 26:45
 Solos: Parker/Kowald; Christmann/Carl; Mangelsdorff/Pilz; Niebergall/Rava; Lovens/Schlippenbach; Schoof/Braxton/Rutherford; Wheeler/Dudek; Brötzmann

5 Introduction (Achim Hebgen) 0:12

6 Ruby, My Dear (T. Monk) (arr. Schlippenbach) 4:50
 Solo: Braxton

7 Introduction (Achim Hebgen) 0:27

8 Machine Gun (P. Brötzmann) 12:00

9 Closing announcement (Achim Hebgen) 0:19


Some of the music from the Workshop portion of this set (discs 1-3) has been issued commercially: "Every Single One of Us is a Pearl," "Ruby, My Dear," and "Kunstmusik II" on Pearls (FMP 0380), and "Jahrmarkt" on Jahrmarkt/Local Fair (Po Torch PTR/JWD 2). These titles were recorded November 25-27 at the Südwestfunk Studios in Baden-Baden during the New Jazz Meeting dedicated to "Ten Years Globe Unity Orchestra."

For Part 2 of Kowald's "Jahrmarkt," the group is divided into six small groups throughout in the studio. From left to right in this recording:

Kowald (tuba), Schlippenbach (acc), Brötzmann (cl)
Parker (ss), Wheeler, Rutherford
Christmann, Niebergall, Lovens
Mangelsdorff, Dudek (ts)
Rava, Carl (ts), Pilz

The issued version of "Jahrmarkt" is presented as a single performance but in fact -- because of the logistics of arranging musicians in groups around the studio -- it was recorded in three pieces.

Rutherford's "Hip Hymn No. 2" also involved complicated logistics. The musicians are arranged in four groups from left to right:

Braxton, Dudek, Parker, and Wheeler
Christmann and Brötzmann
Schlippenbach, Kowald, Niebergall, and Lovens
Rava, Carl, Pilz, and Mangelsdorff

In addition, Rutherford prepared a tape of the synthesizer part, and the group played on top of it.

Discs 4-5 were recorded during a public performance on November 28 at Kurfürstliches Schloss in Mainz.

31 December 2011

Globe Unity Orchestra - Live in Imola '78 [New Links]

The wilder and free side of the GUO...

Happy New Year to all bloggers though, what comes, promises
to be an "annus horribilis": good luck!

Rec. live at "Rocca Sforzesca", Imola, Italy,
on July 15, 1978 (mics recording)

Alexander von Schlippenbach,piano
Günter Christmann,trombone
Paul Rutherford,trombone
Roswell Rudd,trombone
Gerd Dudek,tenor sax & soprano flute
Michel Pilz,clarinet,bass clarinet & flute
Evan Parker,soprano sax
Manfred Schoof,trumpet
Kenny Wheeler,trumpet
Enrico Rava,trumpet
Tristan Honsinger,cello
Buschi Niebergall,double-bass
Paul Lovens,percussion

1. G.Gaslini intro (01:05)
2. Improvisation (1:07:33)

Total Time 1:08:38
Improvisation (excerpt)

30 November 2011

Jazz Workshop - Live in Cremona '77 [New Links]

Workshop: a magic word in the seventies.
This is the first concert (of a short series) held by this group
of musicians, few days later in Milan, they performed with the
addition of Lester Bowie and then in Modena with the addition of
Alexander von Schlippenbach.

Rec. live in Cremona, Italy, on September 6, 1977
(mics recording)

Enrico Rava,trumpet
Paul Rutherford/Danilo Terenzi,trombone
Steve Lacy/Evan Parker,soprano sax
Massimo Urbani,alto sax
Gaetano Liguori,piano
Kent Carter/Roberto Bellatalla,bass
Filippo Monico,drums
Tony Oxley,drums,electronics

01. Intro by G.Pellicciotti (01:38)
02. Workshop #1 (13:13)
03. Workshop #2 (09:52)
04. Workshop #3 (10:37)
05. Workshop #4 (07:37)
06. Workshop #5 (13:39)
07. Workshop #6 (07:43)
08. Workshop #7 (06:53)
09. Intro by G. Liguori (0:58)
10. Workshop #8 [inc.] (15:50)

Total Time 1:28:04

Workshop #7

30 May 2011


This record is similar to the London Jazz Composers Orchestra [> upcoming] sessions, as it features a large group , with individual players stepping out for solos from time to time.

There was an announcement about a reissue of the Horo catalogue. But apart of a few CDs (Rivers,Shepp, Sun Ra and Konitz/Solal duo), which are now - again? - OOP , we have still to wait until it eventually will happen.

Wish I could have been there!


Kenny Wheeler, trumpet
Alberto Corvini, trumpet
Enrico Rava, trumpet
Roswell Rudd, trombone
Danilo Terenzi, trombone
Steve Potts, alto & soprano saxophone
Evan Parker, tenor & soprano saxophone
Maurizio Giammarco, tenor, soprano & sopranino saxophone, flute
Tommaso Vittorini, baritone saxophone
Steve Lacy, soprano saxophone
Massimo Urbani, alto saxophone
Frederik Rzewski, piano
Martin Joseph, piano
Tristan Honsinger, cello
Irene Aebi, cello
Kent Carter, cello, bass
Roberto Bellatalla, cello, bass
Paul Lytton, drums, percussion
Noel McGhie, drums
Roberto Gatto, drums

LP 1

1. Tromblues 11:49
2. Dialogando 12:02
3. La Quercia 23:15

LP 2

1. Vortex Waltz 14:50
2. Nella Casa Delle Papere 10:06
3. La Legge E' Uguale Per Tutti 06:12
4. The Message From The Maine 17:44

Recorded live at "Quercia Del Tasso, Rome, July 5 & 6, 1978.

HORO HDP 39/40

(lp rip)


5 March 2011

Enrico Rava/Roswell Rudd Quartet - Live in Milan '77

The great 1977/78 Rava's quartet feat. R.Rudd with a difference :
G. Liguori (piano) replaces J.F.Jenny Clarke absent for illness
in those days. The original quartet here.

Rec. live at "Teatro Uomo", Milan, Italy, on November 14,
1977 (mix recording)

Enrico Rava,trumpet
Roswell Rudd,trombone
Gaetano Liguori,piano
Aldo Romano,drums

1. The Fearless Five/Blackmail (39:46)
2. Lavori Casalinghi [inc.] (45:00)

Total Time 1:24:46

Lavori Casalinghi (excerpt)

6 August 2010

Enrico Rava Quartet - Live in Rome '80

Dear old Rava...

Rec. live in Rome, Italy, on March 16, 1980
(mix recording)

Enrico Rava,trumpet
Franco D'Andrea,piano
Giovanni Tommaso,bass
Bruce Ditmas,drums

1. Lulu/At The Movies/Rose Selavy/Round About Midnight/
Small Talk (46:24)
2. The Fearless Five/Outsider/Ah/Lost And Found (54:10)

Total Time 1:40:34

17 June 2010

Globe Unity Orchestra - Live in Moers '79

The opening concert at the "8th Moers Jazz Festival" with a great
edition of the GUO.

Rec. live at the "8th Moers Jazz Festival", Moers, Germany,
on Friday, June 1st, 1979 (mics recording)

Alexander von Schlippenbach,piano,conductor
Kenny Wheeler/Enrico Rava/Mark Charig,trumpets
Albert Mangelsdorff/Paul Rutherford/Gunter Christmann,trombones
Evan Parker/Gerd Dudek,reeds
Tristan Honsinger,cello
Bob Stewart,tuba
Buschi Niebergall,bass
Paul Lovens,drums

1. Improvisation (50:31)
2. Flat Fleet [E.Rava] (11:46)
3. The Forge [A.von Schlippenbach] (09:05)

Total Time 1:11:23

2 March 2010

E. Rava & M.Mengelberg Octet + RAI B.B. - Live in Rome '80

Ninth event/concert for the series "I Concerti di Un Certo Discorso".
A very long concert divided into two set : each set in a folder.

here the complete list of all concerts.

Rec. live at "Teatro dell'Opera", Rome, Italy, on May 19, 1980
(radio broadcast)

Enrico Rava,trumpet
Ray Anderson,trombone
Renato Geremia,violin,tenor saxophone
Eugenio Colombo,alto saxophone,flute
Larry Fishkind,tuba
Misha Mengelberg,piano
Giovanni Tommaso,bass
Han Bennink,drums,reeds
RAI B.B. :
Nino Culasso/Doriano Beltrame/Cicci Santucci/Oscar
Valdambrini,tp - Giancarlo Beccattini/Marco Pellacani/
Gennaro Baldino/Dino Piana,tb - Gianni Oddi/Baldo
Maestri/Sal Genovese/Beppe Carrieri/Carlo Metallo,reeds
- Pino Rucher,gt - Carlo Zoffoli,vib

1. Fragments Suite [E.Rava] (1:16:59)
2. Eight Reflections Of The Crocodile Silopo [M.Mengelberg] (1:07:40)

Total Time 2:24:39

9 December 2007


here's a superb broadcast in good sound, of Enrico rava's great 1978 quartet.
the band that made one of the great albums in the ecm catalog (self titled 1978).
both Rava and Rudd in playfully good form, and with jf, jenny-Clark and Aldo Romano ,who provide a propulsive constantly shifting textural backdrop, things couldn't possibly be any better.
i don't have the flac's for this.
thanks to the original trader, taper , seeders
only one track is carried over from the ecm (studio album)'Lavori Gasalinghi '
Enrico Rava Quartet-Bremen,Römer1978/02/13
Enrico Rava tpt Roswell Rudd tb J.F. Jenny-Clark db Aldo Romano dr

1) medley (suite) 53:58
King in Yellow / Lavori Gasalinghi / Out of Nowhere/Maranjao