Showing posts with label Caudiciforms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Caudiciforms. Show all posts

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Captivating Cacti

It is strange that the very set of eyes which revel in the colorful beauty of soft fragrant flowers, also find the crude, thorny cacti appealing. Nature is a master crafter to have hoodwinked our brains into enjoying such a contrasting variety of things, that they all appear so beautiful in their own unique way. I was besieged by these thoughts while falling in love with my cacti & succulents again and again.Enamored, I caught the few I have on my camera. The diverse geometric shapes and the unique adaptability characteristics make them a tribute to the eclectic craftiness of nature. Some of them have swollen stems to store water and food for testing times of drought.Known as Caudiciforms, they make lovely shapes and forms.
Adenium Obesum or the Desert rose
Jatropha Podagrica or the Buddha Belly Plant
Beaucarnea or the Ponytail Palm
Some of them form rossettes by complex geometric arrangement of leaves like these Agaves and Haworthias .
Agave isthmensis
Agave palmeri
Agave Americana variegata
Haworthia limifolia
Some form long spiny columns like these Euphorbias Then there are Kalanchoes which are known for their non exacting, non demanding nature. Some varieties bless their owners with profuse blooms in gorgeous colours, while others have an understated beauty and charm.
Kalanchoe Beharensis
Kalanchoe gastonis-bonnieri
Kalanchoe farinaceae
Kalanchoe longiflora
Kalanchoe blossfeldiana
The identity of these two plants still eludes me as the local plant nursery person was, unfortunately, more interested in selling them, without caring to know more about their details, and hence I am left only with their physical presence to admire. I wish I can get some more information on them, and I am still searching… Although I have tried my best to name them correctly, but I hate to admit that my knowledge on their exact names is slightly challenged, therefore I request my blogger friends to please point out, if I have bungled somewhere. This little fellow seems to be enjoying the shade, or maybe testing the place for its winter hibernation, blissfully oblivious of the attention he is getting.


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