Showing posts with label Garden Bloggers Blooms Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Garden Bloggers Blooms Day. Show all posts

Friday, May 15, 2009

Garden Bloggers Blooms Day May 2009

Scorching Sun, smoldering earth, parched plants mark the mid may GBBD. The heat has been getting on me and my plants, though I did take a break from it all, but more about it later. Right now it is a desperate defiant attempt by the blooms to thrive. Sunflower Plumerias Canna Lily Adenium Trumpet vine Dwarf Ixora Russelia equistiiformis Clerodendron Thomsoni Heliconia Rostrata Quisqualis indica or the Rangoon creeper Lemonia spectabilis

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Garden Blogger's Blooms Day March 2009

March GBBD is the most interesting mid month bloom display post for me. Unfortunately I missed posting for GBBD last month. But not this time as the garden is in its prime, bustling with blooms, and all other commitments can wait as it is not every month that you can display your blooms with a mixture of pride and satisfaction. Evolution of a home garden is such an apt reflection of our own evolvement as humans with time. There has been a gradual positive change in the character and contents of the garden. The range of plants, their arrangement in the garden, the quality of blooms, everything has shown an improvement from previous years. Spring imparts a Midas touch as almost everything which is supposed to bloom, blooms. And, its thanks to the magic of Spring that there is a veritable feast for eyes which I share here as a part of GBBD started by Carol of Maydreamgardens: Dimorphotheca Gazania Lemon Bloom Begonias Bottle Brush Rose Dahlias Ice Flower A rose bud with Marigolds in background Brachycomes and Kalanchoe Poppies Nasturtium with Verbenas

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Garden Bloggers Blooms Day-June 2008

Things on professional front had kept, most of my time and nearly all my attention, diverted from anything else, including my blog and gardening. But thankfully, despite my compromised attention the blooms have continued and even the Weather Gods have been benevolent; showering their watery blessings on the parched plant souls. The Rainy season here, which is popularly called as The Monsoon, has arrived and hopefully – if the weathermen can be trusted – we are in for some dark drenching days ahead. With these thoughts I present my Bloom list as part of GBBD started by Carol at Maydreamgardens: Crepe Myrtle or Lagerstromia Ball lily Periwinkle Fire Bush or Hamelia Patens Garlic vine Dwarf Mussaenda, White Wing or Mussaenda glabra Buttterfly weed Gladiolus, though not fully open... Gerbera Shooting star flower or Pseuderanthemum Laxiflorum Canna Lily Crape Jamine Balsam or Impatiens Hibiscus This is an unknown bloom which I bought from the nursery a few days back. Any guesses?? All my blooms are drenched in rains, rain drops can be seen on almost all of them, still they appear very cheerful and happy! Good times ahead for my garden.... P.S.- The bloom was later identified by 'Debofkolkata' as Lemonia spectabilis. Thanks a lot!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Garden Blogger's Blooms Day May 2008

There has been some relief from the intense heat thanks to some very welcome showers. Not only have the little drizzles managed to bring the temperature down but they have also ensured adequate hydration for the parched plants; for some reason (wo)manually watering the plants never replicates the magical effect rain-water has on them. So 15th May, 2008 in Indiagarden finds the Weather a tad less uncomfortable than expected, the plants in the ‘pink of their Health’; all ready to be a part of the Blooms day post started by Carol at Maydreamsgarden.The first in the list is Alpinia Zerumbet or Shell ginger.The flower is fiery yellow red inside and cool white and pink outside!! Hibiscus is enjoying the warm temperatures to the fullest... Cestrum Noctrum or the Queen of Night- Aroma is simply intoxicating at night! Plumeria is imparting a very Hawaiian feel to my garden... Malphigia Coccigera-flowers are very short lived, they come and go in quick succession during summer days. Sweet William,Gaillardia with Balsam in the background. Dahlia still continues to bloom despite the adverse temperatures...very surprising!! Sedum Morganium showcases its small delicate blooms...I had brought its cuttings from my Aunt's place in Dehradun. The frilly Dianthus with its intricate central design is truly nature's work of art. The twin blooms of Adenium also called Desert Rose... but one of them is getting sweltered by heat!


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