Showing posts with label Poinsettia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poinsettia. Show all posts

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Welcome Winters

November is about to end, and there is a wintry excitement in the air. Wintry-excitement might sound like an oxymoron to the western garden bloggers, considering the dull dreary winters there, but the North Indian summers are so exasperating that one doesn’t mind the chill of winter air-at least I don’t. Sun is not scorching anymore...though still shining brightly. Roses are enjoying the drop in temperature to the fullest, rewarding my garden with exuberant blooms. Ornamental Peppers are turning a fiery shade of fiery as their taste. The Garlic vine or Cydista aequinoctialis ,a harbinger of winters, blooms, spraying its very mild, and if I may add, not-so-pleasant garlicky aroma to the surroundings; Marigold's blooming time is perfect.It forms an integral part of Indian festive decorations. Lady of the Night, or Cestrum Nocturnum spreads its intoxicating aroma as the night falls. Bougainvillea basks in the sunshine.... Poinsetttia gearing up my garden for Christmas. And how can I forget the 'Mums' of Garden, Chrysanthemums, blooming in myriad shades and colours. The green leafy veggies, like mustard, fenugreek, spinach, ready for harvest; All in all, my plants are very excited about the coming winters...and I am excited too!!


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