Showing posts with label green. Show all posts
Showing posts with label green. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Wordless - 326

Inviting your captions and titles on my wordless moments. 

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you very much dear friends for all your lovely comments in my previous post. Few of your comments here:

1. The fish ate my homework by Shiju 
2. Need to reuse the hook! by Roger Owen Green
3. Looks like I'm going have to do a root canal. by Beth F
4. Thank you friend for the golden coin. by AuraOfThoughts MeenalSonal 
5. Take this secret message to my love! by Paulita 

Wordless Wednesday, Outdoor WednesdayWednesday Around the World, ABC Wednesday (G for green), Saturday Snapshot , Weekly Topshot

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Wordless - 305

Inviting your captions and titles on my wordless moments. 

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you very much dear friends for all your lovely comments in my previous post. Few of your comments here:

1. Thank you for your support. Now as I ride off into the sunset... by Roger Owen Green
2. We've been waiting for ages, is no-one going to take my hat! by sal spring 
3. FORWARD ME.. the city is within REACH now ... by Bikram 
4. Where is everyone? I thought this was the day of the parade! by Marie
5. I have taken roots! by Mridula

Wordless Wednesday, Outdoor Wednesday, ABC Wednesday (I for insect ) , Thursday Challenge (Garden), Nature Notes , Saturday's Critters

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Wordless - 303

Inviting your captions and titles on my wordless moments. 

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you very much dear friends for all your lovely comments in my previous post. Few of your comments here:

1. Quit kissing the girls or I'm feeding you to the fish. by Beth F
2. Say another word and your dropped Sonny Jim by Steve
3. Catch a froggy by the toe, If it ribbits let it go! by Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA
4. a top down view by i b arora
5. The princess is mine, Frog prince! by kunal2024

Wordless Wednesday, Outdoor Wednesday, ABC Wednesday (G for goat, grass, green ), Nature Notes , Saturday's Critters

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Wordless - 113

Wordless Wednesday

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Monday, December 7, 2009

Wordless - 88

Wordless Wednesday

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Indian Ringneck Parrot

Chicken have 24 taste buds, Pigeons have 27-59 taste buds, Quails have 62 taste buds and Parrots have about 300-400. (BTW an adult human being has over 10,000 taste buds!)

Camera Critters

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Mangoes, mangoes, mangoes and mango!

Wordless Wednesday - Tuesday and Wednesday Edition

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Mridula's Garden.
Wordless Wednesday - Thursday Edition.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Project Green-1

Wordless Wednesday-Thursday Edition.

Project Green at ANNA CARSON Photography.