Showing posts with label iguana. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iguana. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Wordless - 235

Inviting your captions and titles on my wordless moments. 

Wordless Wednesday, Outdoor Wednesday, Camera Critters, ABC Wednesday, Weekly Topshot , Nature Notes .

Thank you very much dear friends for all your lovely comments in my previous post. Few of your comments here:

1. My photo or your life! by Magiceye
2. Hold on, let me take care of that bit of schmutz on your shoulder. by catsynth 
3. The next bird that lands on my head is going to get a taste of this! by Kay
4. Cupid's arrow has nothing on mine :) by DeniseVA
5. Center shot from the Centaur! by Meoww