Happy Leap Day my friends!
Can't help but want to do a little jig as we approach the month of March and we have a Leap Year to celebrate!
Just maybe I'll hold off from sharing a photo of me doing a jig. (trust me, not a pretty sight) Instead I'll be 'goin green' and share with you my growing collection of jadite.
I started collecting about 3 years ago. I don't go online to search for it, but wait till something happens to fall into my arms. Ha,ha! Not literally, but you get the idea.
It's not real often, because I won't pay the big bucks some are asking. But now and then I find a treasure!
My first pieces were some small saucers that I found while visiting Vernal, UT.
Then I found a few teacups and one mug and saucer.
Recently I purchased two bowls off of Instagram. They were very reasonably priced and shipping was included.
I bought the flour shaker in Napa, CA while on vacation. The measuring cups were picked up at an estate sale for $4. One is missing and another has a little chip. Still, I saw a complete set on line for $100. Wowzer!
I bought this swirl bowl a couple years ago in Scipio. I was on a girl trip to St. George. Because it was so stained inside I got it for $18. He told me that if it hadn't been he would have marked it $35. I filled it with bleach when I got home and it's good as new!

The sugar bowl was gifted to me by a sweet quilting friend, RaeAnn. It was her only piece of jadite so she thought
I needed it. :)
The S&P shakers were scored at our local thrift for $4.
Notice the sweet trim on these teacups? I love them!

This mug and one saucer was also at our thrift shop. Each piece was marked $10. The nice fellow said that he'd give
me both for that. 
I will tell you that I did pay 'up' for the plates. I have never seen one here. My sil found them at a flea in Virginia. The lady wanted $20 each. Because she bought 8 for each of us she gave them to her for $15.
Random shakers with no match can be picked up quite cheaply. $6 each for these at a vintage sale. The enamel coffee pot was scored in New England. Had to add it because it's the perfect
shade of green!
The pitcher is Vaseline glass and the glasses are blendo.
I bought this sweet scalloped bowl at fleaology last Fall. The juicer was also a New England find.
This is what the cabinet looks like closed. (hard to not get a glare off the glass) I've tucked bits of Easter in here and there. I have one more box to empty, so hope to be adding more. Maybe even a few faux flowers would
be fun for spring.
I hope you have fun 'goin green' for the month of March!
I will be joining these lovely parties: