Showing posts with label birdhouses. Show all posts

Project Complete


Last week I went over to my sister-in-law Laurie’s with my birdhouses in hand. She made one using some of my ideas and I made this one using hers.

I loved the jewel hanging from the roof.


I knew that I had to use the soar ticket and the clothesline. SWEET!

Also loved using corrugated cardboard for the roof.


She gave me a piece of this cool paper by Tim Holt. It is just a natural color with subtle images. You apply colored stains and then the images pop. So cool! She always has and knows the latest and greatest.

Like I say, my birdhouses are cute, but hers will be to die for!


No bird village would be complete without a few birds flying in the branches. I bought a package of chipboard birds at Archivers. I covered three of them with paper and added a few embellishments.


This musical song just happened to be about a Robin. I couldn’t possibly cover that up.


I kept this one real simple because I loved the paper.

Now, to show you what I did with all of these little birdhouses that I created.


I placed it in my entry for a TWEET meet and greet.

Stop by and hopefully it will put a song in your heart!

I must give a shout out of thanks to my friend Joyce. She brought me the branches. She actually brought four of them and I used two. They were just what I envisioned!

Groovy. . .


It was a nice day so these two birdhouses took a trip outdoors.

This birdhouse is taking me out of the Beatrix Potter era and into the ‘Hippie’ era. Wouldn’t you know, it’s one of my daughter, Kylee’s favorites.


I had two of my grand daughters over night when I made it.

After I put the fringe and the crochet flowers on I told my 12 year old g.d., Taylor that it looked like a hippie birdhouse.

She replied, “grandma, I don’t think there are hippie birds.”

I answered, “oh Taylor, I bet there are.

She said, “oh yeah, those birds with that fluffy thing on top.” Made a believer out of her.


Notice the music note? Can’t you hear those beatniks in there strumming some instrument?


I decided that no hippie home would be complete without a name. There you have it. . . ‘Hippie Haven’.


This one belongs to a clepto bird.


You know how birds gather the most random things for their nests. That’s what’s going on here. The picture is a little washed out so it’s hard to tell. There is an old heart earing, a silver ring, another rose, and a little bow.

Tomorrow I will feature the last birdhouse and the completed project.

Till then, don’t forget to feed the birds!

Birds of a Feather

Today is a new day and just like always, I can hear the morning doves cooing whenever I walk out onto my deck,

What better sound could there be to introduce my next two bird houses?


This sweet music bird perched upon twigs brings a song to my heart.

I picked up the silver rose at Roberts in the jewelry section.


I made the music flower to coordinate with the bird.

The burlap flower (made from tree wrap) started out as a rose, but then it just kept unraveling to be some kind of a funky flower.

I placed pearls in the center of each to give them a bit of pizazz.


I found myself really enjoying the little houses.

You couldn’t add as many embellishments, but there is just something so sweet about them.

The entrance is adorned with sequins. The silver rose and bird were in the same package as the larger rose.


Glittery polka-dots! Sigh!!

I made the little rolled flower from a scrap of turquoise wool.


Fly away little birdie. . . there’s a great big world out there to explore!

I hope you take a moment today to enjoy this beautiful world we live in.

Ta-ta, till the morrow!

I know a bit corny, but remember I am playing pretend. So why not pretend that I live in another era.

Something like the land of ‘Miss Potter’ would suit me just fine!

Besides, my sister Julie calls me ‘Bubble Girl’. She says that I live in a bubble and can only remember the good things of my childhood and not the bad.

All I can say to that is, “I like this bubble of mine just fine!”

Birds of Paradise

As you know, I struggled with embellishing my first birdhouse.

Finally, last weekend the embellishing gods were smiling down on me.

I felt as though I was in PARADISE!

You know how it is, sometimes the creative juices just seem to flow better than others.

I now am the proud owner of 9 little castles for birds, as my cute friend Peggy put it.

I will share two of them with you each day and then, hopefully the finished product will be revealed.


These are pretty simple, but sometimes simplicity does the trick.


As you can see, a sparkly turquoise butterfly beat some unlucky bird to his perch. Or who knows, maybe he just stopped by for a visit. I feel like a kid playing make believe. Oh, such fun times!

I bought the lime green reindeer moss at Sun River Gardens to use in some of my Spring decorating. I can’t get enough of it.

I love this paper with the writing on it.


This was the first small birdhouse I made. Everything that shines is not always glitter. Sometimes it’s just bling. Such is the case with the jewels circling the entrance to this little birdies home.


Actually, this birdie is not so little. Occasionally it’s fun to exaggerate things a bit.


Why stop with the bird? I decided to do the same thing with the flower.

Sometimes you just need the three B’s: BIG, BOLD, and BEAUTIFUL!

I know that I got the big and bold going, just hope the beautiful is there too.

Hope you enjoy my first two birdie retreats and I’ll share a couple more with you soon!

Till then, don’t forget to “Spread your wings and fly”

Home Tweet Home…

Look what tweet little project is next on the agenda…paper birdhouses.


My sister-in-law had this bird brain idea that she wanted to keep the large canvas advent calendar we made at Christmas out all year. Certainly, ornaments weren’t going to cut it. Think, think, think…(rub chin, tap forehead) what could she hang on it? What could be better than birds and birdhouses? Was I in? What do you think?

I’m not going to leave my calendar out, but have anticipations of something fun to do with them.

I’ll share that with you when the project is complete. I still need to make a few more. Wish me embellishing luck! That’s the hardest, but yet the funnest part. Is funnest a word? Probably not, I don’t think so. Oh well, you get the jest.


It’s all about the details! A little bow, feather, flower, and glittery bird help add to their charm.


I refuse to tell you how many hours each house takes. But then maybe I’m just a little slow. Hopefully, I’ll get faster with the next one. Did I mention that I love that bejeweled perch?


The first house I made with my sister-in-law and she had already figured a lot of it out. Last night I decided to make another one. At first everything I tried to do for embellishments just didn’t make my heart flutter.

Finally, I liked the finished result. What do you think, I done good, right? It’s a little simpler than the first one, but I like.


I love the little glittery bird perched atop. Everything looks better with glitter!


This is not where they will nest permanently, but thought that they would look cute on this swag made by one of my friends; Mrs. LaCognata herself.

Project Run-A-Way

You've heard of project runway? Well, at our house we have what I call project run-a-way. My hubby is very patient because I always have a honey-do list a mile long. Especially, since Spring has arrived, (sortof). I know however, that I have to pace myself and not spring it on him all at once. For example, I bought 3 bird houses that I want placed on poles out in the garden. Last Tues. I stained the poles. When he arrived home from work I said, "look what I did today, do you think we could dig the holes and get them in tonite?" He replied, " I'll see, I don't know if I'm in the mood to dig holes." Then I reminded him that he was going to be gone this weekend and me the next. He then replied, "I'll do what you ask, and if I can't do that then I'll do what I want." This is a new saying that someone at work told him. I think that he may be using it quite often. Sure enough after dinner, shovel in hand he said, "let's go dig the holes and get the posts in." Step 1 was now complete. I was hoping that we would be able to get the birdhouses on the poles the next day, but it was raining. Thursday, he ran away to go fly fishing. The house is awfully quiet and I miss him. However, I know that after renewing his spirits; You know what I mean, being one with nature and all. He will come home a new man and ready to tackle step 2 of project birdhouse. This is just the beginning of my honey-do list for the yard. But, thank goodness that there are alot of streams and plenty of fish to be caught. I really don't mind as long as we can run away now and then together! Hope the fish are biting. It was a week later before we got the bird houses on the poles. Now project birdhouse is complete. Can't wait to plant some scarlet runner beans and Morning Glory vines to grow up them. I hope some little birdies decide to call them home. Now on to the next project.
