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Chore Girl


A chore chart as cute as this couldn’t help but make anyone a tad excited to dig in and clean.

My daughter, Karrah is hoping that it will do the trick at her house.

A while ago she asked me if I would help her make a chore chart to go in the frame of the Advent calendar I made her for Christmas.

Who knew it would turn out so darn cute?


First of all she started out by making a list of things she wanted done each day or week. Things like: Feed the cat, change the litter box, read, check the mail, dust, clean the bathroom and you know, all those little household jobs.


From there is was off to the craft stores to see what we could find. We found a few items at Hobby Lobby, but we hit the BINGO at Joannes.


We were able to buy a lot that we just embellished a bit and placed them on a tag or some other background. A few we had to create. What do you think of our handmade feather duster and broom?


We only had to work on it two days. The first day we made most all of the magnets. The second we decorated the chart itself. Saydee is only 18 months old but I’m sure Karrah will have her cleaning closets tomorrow.



I simply love the lime green and black! It’s so cute that it almost makes me want to go down to their house and do chores. I said almost!

Here’s hoping that it works a little magic with Taylor!

Happy Cleaning!!

Spring. . .

Is it Spring yet?


It certainly felt like it yesterday. So much so that I found myself pulling a few weeds that were sneaking their little heads out.

My hubby and I were taking the lights out of the trees and I just couldn’t resist.

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Can’t wait to see the bees and the humming birds!



Don’t all of these little things make you anxious for Spring?

Advent Addict

As of late I have to admit that I have become a bit of an Advent Addict! It all began when I purchased one from Pottery Barn clearance after Christmas last year. Then when I made the one that is in a frame it became out of control!


I loved this tree advent from Pottery Barn. When it went on clearance I just couldn’t resist.


I had saved a picture of this large canvas advent for years. Always loved it but never had a place to hang it until we moved into our new home. This year my sister-in-law and I decided we both had “The perfect spot”.


Again, my sister-in-law and I made a Halloween advent that went into this frame. From there it has blossomed. Not only did we make Christmas ones ( made four others for my children), but we are going to make a Valentines, Spring, and 4th of July one.


Even after those three, for some uncanny reason it’s simply just not enough. My friend Joyce made an advent out of playing cards. It is so dang cute that my sister-in-law, Laurie and I are at it again. Here we are in her SWEET craft room creating our latest advent. I will post a pic when it is finished.

I certainly hope I don’t forget what day Christmas is because I definitely do not have an excuse. Hmmm, I wonder if there’s an AAA (Advent Addict Anonymous).
