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When the Clock Strikes Midnight. . .

Hello my friends,
Do you mind me asking, "what were you doing when the clock struck midnight and 2017 came to an end?

Were you nestled all snug in your bed fast asleep, or were you up celebrating?
Our table was set and we were ready to party with family and friends.
If we had been having a formal dinner we would have dined upstairs, but since we were having finger foods and playing games I decided to host it downstairs.
That way we didn't have to lift that heavy typewriter off
 of the table.  :)

Ringing in the New Year!

Hello my friends,
do you have plans to help 'RING' in the New Year?
We will be having dinner and playing games at our home with some of our friends.
I have been putting my Christmas décor away and I wanted to decorate my mantle for the new year.
I was tidying my craft room the other day when I came across this 'Jack and Jill' kids magazine.

It's one that I saved from the estate sale I helped host,
 to give to my sister, Jeanne.
"1952" is the year she was born.  It became the inspiration for my mantle theme.  :)
Oh yes, I will gift it to her. . .but I'm sure she won't mind if I borrow it for a while.

Small Town Garden Tour

Hello my friends,

First of all; I want to thank all of you for your kind thoughts and prayers about my recent diagnosis.  It truly means the world to me!!
A small neighboring town called Highland hosted a garden tour of four homes during their summer time celebration, Highland Fling.
Highland holds a soft spot in my heart.  It's the town where we lived for 22 years and raised our 5 children.
It's nestled at the base of the beautiful American Fork Canyon.  Our home was just West of the mouth of the canyon.
A few friends and I decided to go.  It was easy to see the four gardens in less than two hours and we enjoyed a yummy dinner together before heading to the gardens.
The first home was fairly new and the gardens were young.  The front yard was very well kept and they added quite a few birdhouses for vertical interest.
