Share Your Cup Thursday #22

Hi everyone and welcome to Share Your Cup.  This is the place that you share what ever it is that fills your cup, (makes you happy).

I just realized that today is the 22nd and we are on SYC #22.  Thanks to all of you the party has been a success and continues to grow.   I really appreciate you taking away my worst nightmare.  That of throwing a party and nobody showing up. lol!

Here are my fav five from last week:

I am sure that most of you know how talented Kate from Salvage Dior is.  After all she has been featured in Romantic Homes magazine.  She always wows us with her wonderful whites.  Well, she’s done it again.  Look at this darling wall art made from rubber outdoor mats.  Yes, rubber and purchased for $1 at the dollar store.  Hop over to see how she did it.


Candy from Pickin and Paintin saved this beautiful piece from a fire in her first little home.  She brought her back from the ashes and turned her into a real beauty.


How cute is this trash turned to treasure chest?  Pattie from On Hollyhock Farm rescued it from the trash and created a darling garden accent.  Go visit her to see her other garden beauty.


I’m sure that you are familiar with this next blog.  Linda from Coastal Charm hosts Nifty Thrifty Tuesday.  If you haven’t linked up with her before, you must!  Using an old coffee sack she turned an old industrial chair into this beauty queen!  Love that turquoise stripe!


Today I wanted to introduce you to a young artist.  Sarah from Sensible Sarah is such a talented girl.  Last week she shared her Big Head Doodles. It’s easy to see that her drawings make her happy.  I can see her drawing for Disney some day.


Thanks everyone and please grab my button if you were featured.


Now I can’t wait to see what you have to share this week.  Hopefully you are starting to get a bit of cooler weather.  That should help to make us all happy.

A few party rules:

1. I would love for you to be a follower of Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson
2. Link up a particular post and not your entire blog.
3. Please have a link back to this post. That way others will know where the party is. Feel free to grab my button on the sidebar if you’d like.
4. Please find time to visit at least a few other participants. It’s a great way to discover new wonderful blogs

Ain’t Life Peachy?

Hi folks, I’m here to tell you that I love life!  The ups, the downs, and the in- betweens.

Nothing brings me more joy than the start of a new day.

I especially love this bountiful time of year called the ‘harvest’.

There’s nothing quite like a delicious tomato plucked right from the vine. Whether you are eating them plain, made into a BLT, or a Caprese salad.  Yum is the word!

Last week I stopped at a local fruit stand just down the road from my house and bought a box of ‘Picked Fresh Today’ peaches.

My, oh my have they ever been so sweet!  Hubby and I have been eating them straight up as well as on ice cream.    Over the weekend I decided that I wanted to make a peach pie.  My friend, Joyce had given me a new recipe and I was dying to try it.

Peach Pie

Best peach pie ever!

This morning I set a table for tea.  Just a small table, for only me.


Not only peach pie, but yummy peach tea.  The teapot is not old, a $6.99 find at Ross.


I went out into the garden to find some flowers.  They’ll make the table just right and start my day sunny and bright. My sweet frog dish was a 50 cent yard sale snag.


I bought the mercury glass cake stand for $7.99.  The cloche I picked up at a décor shop.  I was up in the clearance room which was 75% when one of the employees brought it up.  It was marked $67.99 (can you imagine?)  No way, but at around $16 I’ll take it.  The flower tea cup and saucer were given to me by my friend, Jill.


Life’s too short.  I say eat dessert for breakfast!  Maybe not every day, but every now and then how can it hurt?  Ha-ha, today is only Tuesday and I’ve had it for breakfast twice already this week. 

See that yummy cream cheese layer?


I know, I know, you’ve been thinking, “Is she ever going to give us the recipe?”

Well, here it is.

Peach Pie

2 baked and cooled pie shells, 1 8 oz. cream cheese, 1 c. powdered sugar, 9 lg. peaches (skins removed), 1 c. sugar, 4 Tbs. cornstarch, 1/2 c. warm water, 1/2 tsp. almond extract, 2 Tbs. butter, whipped cream.

Puree 1/2 of the peaches and place in sauce pan with 1 c. sugar. (I just mashed them).  Bring to a boil.

Dissolve cornstarch in water and stir into pureed peaches.  Stir & cook till thick and clear.  (Really couldn’t see the clear thing).  Remove from heat.

Add almond extract and butter.  Cool.

Cream together cream cheese and powdered sugar.  Spread into bottom of baked pie crusts.

Slice remaining peaches and place on top.  Pour pureed mixture over peaches.

Top with whipped cream.  I added sugar, van, and a tad of almond extract to cream.

I hope you enjoy it.  If you ask me, this pie is just peachy!


I hope your breakfast was a sweet as mine!



I want to take a moment to thank a couple of people for featuring me this past week.  Holly from Circle Creations featured my Fall Quilt and Tammy from One More Time featured my lampshade.  Thanks so much ladies!  I truly appreciate it.

I will be sharing this post with:

Little Red House for Mosaic Monday

Sandi for Tea Time Tuesday

A Stroll thru Life for Tabletop Tuesday

Artful Affirmations for Tea Cup Tuesday

Martha's Favorites for Tea Cup Tuesday

All Star Block Party

Made in a Day for Made U Look

My Turn for Freedom Fridays

Come Play With Me!

How many of you are familiar with the song “Playmate”? I use to love it when I was young.


Here’s is the first verse:

Playmate come out and play with me, and bring your dolly’s three,

climb up my apple tree;

slide down my rain barrel, slide down my cellar door;

and we’ll be jolly friends forever more! 


At our previous home we had a darling playhouse.  It was actually a small pioneer home turned playhouse.

These pictures are from a scrapbook I made in ‘1998’.  The year we brought the building in.  They are not the best, but it gives you an idea of what it looked like.  It had changed so much when we moved in ‘2009’.  Lot’s of trees around it now.


I decorated the inside décor with a bit of Mary Englebreit charm.  I white washed the walls and Kylee helped me stencil fruit.  It was furnished with vintage and thrift finds that I collected for years.  The cupboard was built by my FIL for my oldest daughter, Nichole. Hankies hung from one of the windows on a clothesline.


My sister gave me the mini couch and I had it recovered.  Hubby built the clothesline, complete with crows. A wash tub hung on the side for those laundry day chores.


Vintage tins were planted with Violas and child sized toys found homage just outside the door.


When we moved I was sad to leave it behind. Luckily, my youngest son bought our home.  He has two boys, but someday maybe a girl will have as much fun as Kylee did.  Really, though even my grandsons loved playing in it. My friend, Diana always wished that she could find an old building to make a playhouse for her back yard.

As luck would have it that day came about 7 years ago. It was going to be demolished so they gave it to her.

She has been working on it a little each year.  Last week the darling was finished.  And I do mean darling!

We saw the shutter idea on a cute store in S.L.C.  We sketched them on a piece of paper hoping to make them some day.  (yes, planning on a new outbuilding here soon)


Let’s step inside!

Is this not darling or what?  she found the chairs at Ross.  The table was a thrift find she repainted.


If you came to play we could have a spot of tea.  A special doily has been placed on the chair just for you!


Don’t fret if you can’t find anything to wear, there are lots of fancy shoes for us to share!



My dolly would love to play with yours!


Diana and I use to be partners in a business where we taught Tole painting lessons.  I love that she hung some of the plates that she painted years ago.





Doesn’t this make you wish you were a kid again?


More cute décor outside.  Don’t you love the red window made door?



Now that you’ve met this little darling, meet the creative genius behind it.  My friend, Diana. 


Diana is really a multi talented gal.  She did a lot of the work on the playhouse herself.  Including sheet rocking the entire inside.

She’s one handy girl to call friend!

I must admit, a bit of jealousy going on over here at Mrs. Olson’s!  lol!



Sharing with:

Sunny Simple Life for Sunny Simple Sunday

Alderberry Hill for Make the Scene Monday

Kathe with an e for You're Gonna Love it Tuesday

Cowgirl Up Link Party

Lavender Garden Cottage for Cottage Style Party

It's a Very Cherry World for Rednesday

Share Your Cup Thursday #21

Welcome everyone to Share Your Cup.  This is the place to come and share with the world of blog what ever it is that fills your cup.  In other words what makes you happy.

For some of us that’s thrifting, gardening, sewing, traveling, crafting, cooking, or spending time with family, etc.  For others it’s a little bit of everything.

Each week as I try to chose those who I am going to feature I feel a little bit like I’m in that Lay’s potato chip commercial.  “I bet you can’t eat just one!”  Only it’s, “I bet you can’t choose just five!”.  I know I have said this numerous times, but it’s so true!

Here are this weeks featured five:

Francine and her hubby went on an adventure.  They found this wonderful pillar with a groove down the back to cover a pipe running down their living room wall.  How perfect was that?  Hop over to  Ethereal Plus and read more about their ‘crazy day’.

chippy pole1

I know that this has been around blogland for a while, but I love the faux mercury glass bottles made by Audrey from Elegant Economincs.  Go visit to find easy instructions on how to turn everyday bottles like salsa and pickles into beautiful mercury glass.

mercury glass and bird crop

Anyone who knows me knows how much I love red, white, and vintage.  How could I not feature these fab finds by Rebecca from Walnut and Vine?  You would NOT believe what she paid for them! Nope, not gonna tell ya.  Must go visit to find out.


Since I’m on the color red let’s go ahead and show this next feature.  Elaine from Sunny Simple Life has been in the organizing mood since back to school is just around the corner.  Not only does she show these darling dishes but she has some vintage Pyrex as well.  Guess what color?  Yup, turquoise.  She also gives great organizing tips.


Our last feature is a man from Island Rustic.  He has been lightening up some items around the home with a beautiful new color.  Hop over to see. And look at these gorgeous garden blooms.

Lighten up 4

Thanks so much for sharing and please grab my button if you were featured.


Last week I had quite a few new people join the party.  Really excited to have you! As I was visiting I noticed a few people still have the word verification on.  Just want you to realize that you would get a lot more comments if you take that off.  A lot of people don’t want to take the time to do that and often they have to enter it more than once.  Something to think about.  Also I am not seeing a link back to Share Your Cup on a few blogs.  Probably just an oversight, but please do that.  Only blogs with links back will be featured.

Now for a few party rules and then ‘Let the party begin”!

1. I would love for you to be a follower of Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson
2. Link up a particular post and not your entire blog.
3. Please have a link back to this post. That way others will know where the party is. Feel free to grab my button on the sidebar if you’d like.
4. Please find time to visit at least a few other participants. It’s a great way to discover new wonderful blogs

Oh My Stars!

Hi everyone, thanks for stopping by.  In case you haven’t noticed there’s been a lot of Fall Fever going on here in blogland.

I have been seeing posts pop up here and there featuring some fun ideas.

I must admit that I am getting a bit anxious to put out my Fall décor.

However, for the last month or so all I could do is see stars.  Now if blondes aren’t dizzy enough, we certainly don’t need to see stars!  Yup, stars were popping into my head constantly.  I was even seeing them when I laid my head on my pillow at night.  Now maybe that’s not such a bad thing.

Here’s the culprit as  to why I just could not get stars out of my head.  For the past month or so I have been trying to finish this Fall quilt for my bed.


50 something stars later and oh don’t ask me how many half square triangles; it is finally finished.

Well, still need to bind it, but the hard part is done!

This pattern is called ‘Halloween 1904’.  A few of my friends bought the kit. The stars, pumpkins, and moon were meant to be appliqued.  Because my friend, Joyce didn’t applique she decided to use wool instead of fabric.  She sewed them on machine with invisible thread.  When she showed me hers with the touches of wool I knew I wanted to make it.

One thing that was nice is that I was able to use lots of my scraps.  The wool would have been quite pricey, but my cousin, Betty had old wool from clothing that she let me use.  What a price saver.  I only had to buy a small amount of wool.  Joyce gave me the velvet ribbon for the stems.  Aren’t friends the best?


Here is a picture of me showing it to my quilt guild today.


Can I just tell you that honestly I think I made more mistakes on this quilt than all the other quilts I have ever made put together.  I don’t know if it’s because I really was not in the quilting mood.(Trying to get a few quilts made for our guilds upcoming Fall Quilt Show), or that my knee was bothering me, but let’s just say, “It’s not my best work”.

If you’d like to see other wonderful quilts and a sneak peek of our upcoming quilt show visit the Kennel Girls Blog.  Click on words and it will take you there.

I made it King size to fit my bed.  Once I get it on there I know I will love it. I will use it Sept. thru Nov.

This post is turning out to be a bit long, but let me show you another quilt I just finished.  Now this one was fun.

Remember, our new grandson, Will?  Two weeks old last Fri.  I made him a woodland quilt for his nursery.  Easiest and fastest quilt I’ve ever made!


I was trying to hurry and get it finished so I decided to machine applique the owl and branch with invisible thread.


The best part is the soft fuzzy minky backing.  The quilter did a cute oak leaf pattern.  Hope baby Will likes it!


What have you been up to lately?  Sure hope you haven’t been seeing stars!



I will be sharing with:

Savvy Southern Style for Wow Us Wednesday

The Melrose Family for Whimsy Wednesday


All Star Block Party

French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday

Made U Look Party

Bowl Me Over!

Hi friends, the last little while I have been having a bowl fetish.  My question is, how does one decide whether or not it is a collection or an addiction?

After all, to collect one must add, right?

A couple years ago a friend picked up this Pyrex bowl for me at a yard sale.  She knew that I would love the turquoise color.

She was right, I loved it; but at the time I had no thoughts of collecting more.


But then I happened across the large one that matched.  How could I pass it up?  Next came the mini casserole.  I recently found out from a blog friend, Erica from Golden Egg Vintage that the pattern is called ‘Butter Print’.  I had no idea.  The small bowl on top is Fire King and not Pyrex.  I had never heard of Fire King until I started blogging.  I bought it at a thrift store in Oregon.  Didn’t realize it was Fire King until I got home.  Just liked the color and graphics.  I use these for every day use.



Now I couldn’t stop there, could I?  How could I resist the cute colors of this set?  My friends, Aunt Bunny sold the set of 3 to me for $15.  The bottom bowl is not Pyrex, but it is old.  I paid $15 for it at an estate sale.  Again, loved the color. A couple of the bowls sit on vintage saucers that once belonged to hubbies grandmother, Tula.  Don’t you love that name?

PicMonkey Collage

Enough already?  Ha, ha what do you think?  I have no pink in my kitchen what so ever.  But oh these are so cute for Spring!


Found out that this pattern is called, ‘Gooseberry’.


One always needs a stripe to go with a pattern, right?


I have come to the conclusion that if I happen upon anymore pink Pyrex that I could pass it up.  Turquoise is a different story.

Now these aren’t bowls, but how cute are these fridgies?


My favorite, of course are the turquoise and red. My kitchen and family room colors are red, turquoise, and green.

But won’t these earth tones be cute for Fall?  Notice that I do use them?  The orange one has crushed pineapple in it.


Well there you have it, my newest addiction collection.

I have to tell you that at the filming of this collection some items were damaged destroyedWhen pulling out my pink Pyrex bowls from a lower cabinet, and not wanting to get down on my still recovering knee, I accidently made other dishes fall out.

I broke an old bowl with a cute veggie scene on it, two plates to match and two poppy bowls.  The poppy bowls are not old, but so cute with my poppy dishes.

I wanted to spat my butt and put me in time out. lol!

Darn, collateral damage is the pits!  They were not savable and had to be trashed.

Hope you are more careful than this bull in a china cupboard!



I will be sharing with:

Debbie Doo's Newbie Party with a Twist

Coastal Charm for Nifty Thrifty Tuesday

Kathe with an e for You're Gonna Love it Tuesday

Cowgirl Up Link Party

A Stroll thru Life for Tabletop Tuesday

Southern Hospitality for Thrifty Treasures

Knick of Time for Knick of Time Tuesday

Lavender Garden Cottage for Cottage Garden Party

Coloradolady for Vintage Thingie Thursday

Common Ground for Vintage Inspiration Friday

The Thrifty Groove for Thrifty Things Friday
