Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A Few Things I've Realized...

* There hasn't been chocolate milk on our computer screen now for almost a month. I like it.
* I like making Christmas gifts for people. It makes me feel creative and I feel like the gift is more personal because I made it for you. 
* Tennyson is going to be 2 in two and a half months. How did he get so big so fast?
* Julian will be 4 in 3 months. He has started wiping off my kisses already.
* John-David is still my favorite person in the world. When it all seems to be crashing down around me, he is the one who helps me pick up the pieces and put everything back together. And he does it while being understanding, compassionate, loving, patient, and hopeful.
* The boys and I are going to Alaska in February. It's going to be something like -20 in February... I think the boys and I might just freeze. 
* I like waking up early.
* I really like exercising.
* I love being a mother and a wife. I could think of nothing else in this world that I would rather do.
* I can and should make the choice to accept the blessings the Lord has to offer me. I had never thought about blessings in this way. The Lord wants to bless us. He wants to help us. He wants to do what He can to provide for us and guide us. However, we can ignore it. We can walk past the blessing waiting for us. We can second guess the promptings and guidance we receive. When the Lord is stretching forth His hand to bless me, I can and should accept that blessing with gratitude and love and adoration.

What have you realized recently?

1 comment:

IAmHere said...

So... is there chocolate milk anywhere in the house or have you developed a magic shield for the computer area..? *smile*
Wiping off kisses huh...? Tell him he is just smearing it all over his is better to just leave it, mommy kisses increase your super power by factor of 4!!!
love ya,