Monday, December 27, 2010

Kids Say the Darndest Things

This morning I turned on some music and started dancing. Julian looked at me seriously and said "Mommy, why are you jiggling?"


Sara said...

HAHA!! Not too long ago, Lawson was playing with my arm fat and I told him to stop. He said, "But mom, it's so soft and cuddly!" Little jerk! ha ha! :) If your kids can't tell you the truth, who can??! :)

Anonymous said...

ha-ha-ha! McKelle said to me the other have a big there a baby in there? maybe someday my baby belly fat from McCrea will disapear..then again, maybe not!:)

Monica Davis Bowman said...

Lol! No filter! I was singing in the car one day and Crestin asked me to stop because it hurt her ears!