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Showing posts with label Penny Black. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Penny Black. Show all posts

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Workout Wednesday~~ooops, where did Wednesday go?

Yes, Wednesday passed me by and my post didn't appear!
So let's just call this 'The Thursday Thought from Wednesday'! ha!
So as you can gather from the title, 'working out, exercise, moving' is my most recent personal challenge!
What is on my mind right now...'WORK-OUT'!
stamps: Penny Black 'chicky work-out'; papers: SU and MME; inks: Memento Black and Copics 

I joined a gym last month and started off strong the first two weeks.  THEN, all of a sudden I didn't have time to go (or I didn't want to get up that early~)!  I was 'absent' for two weeks, it was the end of our school season and I had to get used to my son being home.  
I knew I had to get myself motivated again, 'cause I was feeling so good after working out!

Do you know Rhonna Farrer?  Rhonna Farrer of Rhonna Designs 
(Rhonna was 1/3 of the fabulous House of 3)?  
Well, if you don't know Rhonna, you've got to visit her blog HERE!
She is such a multi-talented gal who amongst everything else that she does,
also hosts "the 21 Challenge" every year!
You can work on one of your goals, while at the same time inspire your creativity! 
You know the old saying, "it takes 21 days to create a habit"...have you ever tried that? 
It IS so true! 

Even though Rhonna is not doing the 21 Challenge right this moment, I have decided to apply this to my life in the way of exercising. I haven't created an exercise journal (hmmmm, this would be a good project to start one soon), but I am really trying to stick with a workout program for 21 days, and then strive for success by continuing to actively exercise regularly!  

So what am I doing, you ask? I joined one of my local Curves locations and am doing some form of exercise EVERY day.  
I am on Day 11 of exercising every day!  
Wow, is it already Day 11? 
I've made it halfway to 21 days...woohoo! 

Here's what I have done so far: 
Day 1: (Monday): Core workout (yup, I was sore the next day!)
Day 2: Zumba workout (2-30 minute sessions...woohoo!)
Day 3: Regular workout
Day 4: Zumba workout
Day 5: Regular workout
Day 6: Zumba workout
Day 7: Walking (Curves is closed on Sunday. You really should have one day of rest, but I really wanted to stay active and walking felt good!)
Day 8: Core workout
Day 9: Zumba workout (2-30 minute sessions...woohoo!)
Day 10: Regular workout
Day 11: Regular workout

In my experience, having a friend to workout with really gives you that extra push to go do it! It's the thing about being 'accountable' know, committing and taking action. Well, we also send text messages to remind each other that "we are going tomorrow", or "I'm leaving in 5 minutes", or "I'm here, where are you?", or "I worked out and I feel great, did you go today?".

So  I'm on day 11 and will forge ahead, to make it to Day 21!  

If you are thinking about your health and feeling good, or just getting active...I guarantee that working out will help you feel good about yourself...I do! I try to go in the mornings most of the time to kick start my day, but I also go in the afternoons when some of the classes are held. Oh and by the way, I have another friend who joined us too for some of the workouts! 
The more the call a friend today and motivate each other is SO worth it!

I may start a new tab at the top of my blog for Workout Wednesday to keep my workouts documented and post weekly rants about how it's going.
(If I write something down I will try harder to stick to it, 
which is why I'm blogging about this goal!) 
Okay, so now I have said this O.U.T. L.O.U.D.!  
Whew, that felt good!
Hope your day 'works out'! *smile*


Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Giveaway Post~The Daily Marker

I just had to post this 'cause I think these 2010 Penny Black stamps are the cutest! Kathy at The Daily Marker is giving these away...isn't this an awesome set of stamps?
And WOW, I love Kathy's blog...she is so talented at 'coloring'...amazing work!