Wednesday, March 16, 2016
The desert is still blooming
What is this strange plant that shot up in the desert a few weeks ago?!
Rain returned again today, which means that flowers and green things will still be doing their thing for a while more.
In a month or two, the dry season will start and the desert will revert to brown.
Meanwhile, if you don't walk out in the open lands every few days, you miss something new.
Friday, December 12, 2014
Fun in the cactus garden
Happy from y'all's enthusiastic response to my cactus posts earlier this week, I revisited the cactus garden on the side of Meitar's central hill.
I gingerly walked around each plant looking for unusual, photo-worthy phenomena.
Like this all-natural bowl of fruit!
They had fallen from the top and the pad caught them.
A single drop of liquid!
Here is the back of that same big plant.
I never realized cacti and succulents could be so much fun.
An interesting fact from Wikipedia's article on Opuntia cactus:
In the fall of 1961, Cuba had its troops plant an 8-mile (13 km) barrier of Opuntia cactus along the northeastern section of the 28-kilometre (17 mi) fence surrounding the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base to stop Cubans from escaping Cuba to take refuge in the United States. This was dubbed the "Cactus Curtain", an allusion to Europe's Iron Curtain and the Bamboo Curtain in East Asia..
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
More funny cactus
Continuing yesterday's post, here are some more strange cactus plants on Meitar's little mountain.
After the first rains they seem to be bursting forth in growth.
Hopefully José of Lisbon and the Sunny Coast blog will drop by and teach me the proper terms for what we are seeing, since he grows cacti and knows all about them.
You can click two separate times and enlarge the photos.
The same plant seen from above.
Yellow cups as if for catching the rainwater after seven months of dry season with no rain!
(For ABC Wednesday, V is for varied varieties of vertical cactuses.)
UPDATE: Jose, of Lisbon and the Sunny Coast blog, has indeed given us lots of information on the plants! Do see his comment on this post and on yesterday's post! Thanks, Jose!
Monday, December 8, 2014
The good life of a cactus in Meitar
In the center of Meitar is a little "mountain" where hardly anybody ever goes.
Yesterday I ventured up to check out the curious new growth on the cactus plants.
You can enlarge the photos quite a lot with two separate clicks.
They are all so different one from the other.
And so weird!
Tune in tomorrow for more cacti.
UPDATE: Cactus expert Jose of Lisbon and the Sunny Coast blog, has given us lots of information on the plants! Do see his comments on this post and on the new post! Thanks, Jose!
(Linking to Our World Tuesday.)
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Shadows and decaying elegance
The shadow of the fence lined up nicely with the drip irrigation hoses, so I took a picture for Shadow Shot Sunday.
Then I looked more closely at the ground and noticed some kind of soft jute-like mesh for new plantings.
My first time to see this system.
They seem to be rehabilitating the area behind the old Jerusalem Railway Station that was built in Ottoman times, in 1882.
It was the terminus of the railroad that ran all 86 kilometers from the Mediterranean port of Jaffa up until the year 1998.
The train did not run again until 2005 when a modern station was constructed in the Malcha neighborhood.
As you can see from this shot of the front, the boarded-up old station is decaying fast.
End of the line.
Shadows fall across the last section of track terminating at the bumper thing.
End of the line?
Yair Wallach wrote a fascinating article .
The character (in this little play) with whom he is exploring (trepassing) in the building says that the old Jerusalem Railway Station is
"a different kind of ruin. A ruin full of promise. It’s a crack through the wall of the past. It’s a time warp. But as long as it stands ruined, we can dream: we can dream of trains and passengers, we can dream of journeys to other cities and countries, and we can dream of a different Jerusalem.”.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Faux flora
This was my first time to see fake grass in Jerusalem.
In Jerusalem you don't see many lawns at all, normally. So the sheer area and deep green of this one caught my eye.
The Optical Center was closed for vacation for the whole of August, so I could not get through the gate to inspect their grass. I wonder if those flowers are fake as well . . .
Israel is suffering from a prolonged drought. This summer the government finally woke up and is trying to do something about saving water. So, no more watering of lawns and watering of gardens is severely restricted.
"The drought tax passed by the Knesset [July 15] is draconic and likely to cause a public outcry that will negate the purpose of the tax to begin with. The fine of NIS 20 [> $5] per cubic meter above quota is three times the average cost of NIS 6.5 per cubic meter, an
unprecedented use of strength by the government to affect [sic] a behavioral change."
The quote is from a media brief by Moreno Meister, where you can learn more about artificial turf use and costs in Israel.
You would think that we would start manufacturing the fake grass. But no.
And the stupid part is that for grass imported from countries with which we don't have certain trade agreements, the government is adding 12% customs. It should be in the national interest to lower prices, not raise them, and thus encourage water saving.
Faux grass is such a new idea for this semi-desert country that the customs folks just didn't know how to classify it, I suspect. Would you believe? They put it in the category of carpets.
More information in the Jerusalem Post article, "Israelis take to artificial turf."
ABC Wednesday celebrates the letter F today. For fun, go see what other bloggers have come up with.