Showing posts with label Entertainment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Entertainment. Show all posts

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Remembering Marky...

A year have passed.. I still remember him. I'm not an avid fan but I like the way he groove and move to the beat. A mysterious death caused thousands of his fans asking what had happened to him. Today marks a year of Marky Cielo's passing. I was browsing the Internet and checking if there are news or writings to mark this day for Marky but I could not find one. Even, the number one entertainment portal do not have any article to mark one year of Marky's passing. I hope he is not yet forgotten by the people. Let us not forget to pray for him. May he rest now in peace and the angels guide and welcome him to the kingdom of God.

Here are some of his videos:

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Time Traveller's Wife (2009)

After P.S. I Love You shown in the big screen, here comes The Time Traveller's Wife. Be ready for another romantic film that will get you goose bumps once again. This is another bestseller novel put in the big screen.

The book and movie is about
Henry DeTamble (born 1963), a librarian at the Newberry Library in Chicago, and his wife, Clare Abshire (born 1971), an artist who makes paper sculptures. Henry has a rare genetic disorder, which comes to be known as Chrono-Displacement, that causes him to involuntarily travel through time. When 20-year-old Clare meets 28-year-old Henry at the Newberry Library in 1991 at the opening of the novel, he has never seen her before, although she has known him most of her life.

Starring Eric Bana as Henry Detamble and Rachel McAdams as Claire Abshire. I know that this story can be somehow tiring because it's waiting and waiting for the one you love to get back to you. In the story, you won't know when your love one will return to you after disappearing over and over again. But patience is still a virtue. Adventure, romance, drama and science fiction all rolled into this movie showing this August 14, 2009. Check out the trailer.

Question is, will you also do the same and wait for the one you love?

Video credit: hitfixcom

Friday, July 10, 2009

The King of Pop will remain in our lives forever

I was surfing the net and saw these videos and I just thought of sharing them to all of you... MJ forever... May he rest in peace... He will be remembered...

His last rehersals and appearnce in Japan (2007).

Friday, June 26, 2009

Rest in Peace King of Pop... 1958-2009

This morning at 7:45am Philippine time, I just arrived from work and as I entered our living room and my father is watching the local news, I gasped for air and was in shock because what is on the news is unbelievable, really! The news anchor just said that Michael Jackson is found dead at his residence in Los Angeles, California. I was stunned and starring at the television screen with wide eyes and all ears. It said that he had cardiac arrest and they said that he died at the UCLA Medical Center. At the age of 50 he died and I hope he may rest in peace.

I grew up watching him dance and listening to his music. I was still a kid back then. I remembered I was imitating his hairstyle when I was I think 5 or 7 years old same with the way he dress during those days. I learned dancing by just watching him move and groove on television. I know there are a lot of negative things that he had done in the late 90's, but to me he is still the one and only King of Pop. I heard last month or April I think that he will be doing a last curtain call concert in Europe this July. How sad that he didn't make it. He must have gone through a lot of stress and pressure these past few days that lead to his death. I hope the media will not make a circus out of his death.
My condolences to his family and friends.

Now two of my top icons and idols in the entertainment industry had passed away this year. First it was Francis "Kiko" Magalona and now Michael Jackson. It's really sad for me. Two icons, two idols, left this earth. It's another loss in the entertainment industry but I hope their legacy will live on... Rest in peace my idols. May God Bless you both.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Let's pause for a commercial break

Nowadays, I seldom watch TV because I spend my time after work playing lawn tennis or surfing the net. One time I was watching a evening program and there are always commercial breaks. Not just one commercial but several of them especially if the program is being watched by many and hitting high ratings. I was tired of watching many infomercials and other commercials and I was about to switch channel when a new commercial came up.

I didn't switch the channel and watch the commercial. The commercial is about a little kid (bulilit is what we call little kids ages 1-5 in the Philippines) and she is living in a big new house. The commercial is for Camella homes endorsement. Camella homes is one of the housing developer in the Philippines. As I was watching the commercial, the kid thought she is living in a small house that's why she is moving little by little around the house and finally she realizes that she is now living in a big new home. The kid is cute! And I wonder who she is for that is the first time I saw the kid on national television.

Almost everyone at my work is talking about the commercial and the kid. I searched the internet for the commercial and I found it. I want to share it to you and I also found out that her name is Cha-Cha Canete. She is 4 years old. She once played in the noontime show at Eat Bulaga called Kontrapelo. I found a video too when she played at the noontime show.

Here is the commercial and the video when she played,

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

You're still the man and forever will be...

40 days ago is not an ordinary day for me. 40 days ago, I was eating my lunch while watching my favorite noon time local show called Eat Bulaga. 40 days ago Vic Sotto made a very special announcement but that made the public mourn and shocked. 40 days ago news spreaded like wild fire and fast as a bullet train. How time flies, don't you agree?

Today is the 40th day since the untimely rest of our beloved Francis "Kiko" Magalona. I hope his family, friends and relatives have already accepted the faith that our dear friend Kiko had gone to. I was reading about 40 days after death and I found out that within that 40 days, a soul wanders into the natural and supernatural worlds. On the first day of death, a soul is judged if it will go to heaven, hell or purgatory. A soul do not haunt houses, or walk the earth as ghosts.

In another entry I have read, it said that in these 40 days the soul is tested for sins. Each day for 40 days, a soul goes through obstacles that are called toll-houses. For the course of two days the soul enjoys relative freedom and can visit places on earth which were dear to it, but on the third day it moves into other spheres. At this time (the third day), it passes through legions of evil spirits which obstruct its path and accuse it of various sins, to which they themselves had tempted it.

Then, having successfully passed through the toll-houses and bowed down before God, the soul for the course of 37 more days visits the heavenly habitations and the abysses of hell, not knowing yet where it will remain, and only on the fortieth day is its place appointed until the resurrection of the dead. Some souls find themselves (after the forty days) in a condition of foretasting eternal joy and blessedness, and others in fear of the eternal torments which will come in full after the Last Judgment. Until then changes are possible in the condition of souls, especially through offering for them the Bloodless Sacrifice (comme
moration at the Liturgy), and likewise by other prayers.

I just hope and pray that Kiko is finally in the heavenly kingdom enjoying himself for eternity. Kiko wherever you are you will not be forgotten. We will keep on including you in our prayers. May the Lord Bless you and finally rest in peace.

To view my previous post about Francis Magalona please click here and here.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Not Goodbye... Until then Francis M.

Yesterday March 10, 2009 was the last public viewing for the remains of Master Rapper Francis "Kiko" Magalona at the Christ the King church in Green Meadows, Quezon City, Manila. Necrological service was held last night at 8:30pm and ended at past 10pm. Afterwards, Kiko's remains were removed from Christ the King church at 12:30am brought to Funeraria Paz for cremation. The remains reached Funeraria Paz at 1am then the family were given an hour to stay with the remains of Kiko. Cremation started at 2am and ended at 5am. Pia loving wife of the late FrancisM went back to Funeraria Paz at 8am to claim the ashes. This morning, March 11, as of 8:32am his remains are brought back to Christ the King church after being cremated and put on a metal brass urn for his final mass 9am before bringing his remains to final rest at Loyala Memorial Park in Markina. We will surely miss him with his music, funny attics, photography and his presence hosting a noon time show.

He will never be forgotten. He will remain in every Filipino's hearts either young or old, rich or poor. Sadly I was not able to catch a final glimpse of him. Nevertheless, his legacy will continue for he has put up a strong foundation ahead of him. His shirts are selling like hot cakes off the market even before and I know this will continue. Memories of him will not be set aside and will continue to be seen everywhere through his music and shirts. His passion to help others and is proud to be a full blooded
Filipino will never be forgotten.

Whenever we will see someone wearing his shirts or see the logo he has made, he will be remembered. I hope they will pursue the idea of exhibiting his works on photography and I also hope that they will open it to the public. The National Commission for Culture and Arts (Philippines) might consider Kiko as one of the National Artist of the Philippines but as of this time, the nomination for 2009 is closed and the next nomination for National Artist will be opened after 3 years. With that, I hope that Kiko will be one of our National Artist in 2012. This is not the end of Francis Magalona, this is the beginning of a new life. We will remember you Kiko as long as we live. I know your reunited with your parents now up there. We will pray for you.

Remembering Francis "Kiko" Magalona

Kaleidoscope World - Francis Magalona

So many faces, so many races
Different voices, different choices
Some are mad, while others laugh
Some live alone with no better half
Others grieve while others curse
And others mourn behind a big black hearse
Some are pure and some half-bred
Some are sober and some are wasted
Some are rich because of fate and
Some are poor with no food on their plate
Some stand out while others blend
Some are fat and stout while some are thin
Some are friends and some are foes
Some have some while some have most

Every color and every hue
Is represented by me and you
Take a slide in the slope
Take a look in the kaleidoscope
Spinnin' round, make it twirl
In this kaleidoscope world

Some are great and some are few
Others lie while some tell the truth
Some say poems and some do sing
Others sing through their guitar strings
Some know it all while some act dumb
Let the bassline strum to the bang of the drum
Some can swim while some will sink
And some will find their minds and think
Others walk while others run
You can't talk peace and have a gun
Some are hurt and start to cry
Don't ask me how don't ask me why
Some are friends and some are foes
Some have some while some have most

Every color and every hue
Is represented by me and you
Take a slide in the slope
Take a look in the kaleidoscope
Spinnin' round, make it twirl
In this kaleidoscope world

Kaleidoscope workd...
In this kaleidoscope world

Friday, March 6, 2009

In memories of the MASTER RAPPER

This is my 100th post here in my blog. Music has been a part of my life. Since I could stand on my own two feet, as a kid and child, I listened to any genre of music. I grew up with listening and dancing to music.

Today part of that music suddenly stopped for one of the icons of the music industry took an early final curtain call and left us in this world with his rich music at the age of 44. At 12 noon today Philippine time, Actor-Host and Master Rapper of the Philippines Francis "Kiko" Magalona finally laid to rest after struggling 7 months of Leukemia. Eventhough I knew he is struggling to cure himself from Leukemia, the news of his death did not easily sank in me. I was just sitting there watching Eat Bulaga the noontime show in GMA channel 7, where in Francis is also one of the host for 10 years. Everyone in my family was shocked as Vic Sotto one of the host of the longest running noontime show delivers the news. It is another lost in the entertainment industry and almost everyone is in mourn.

Francis "Kiko" Magalona 1964-2009

I have watched Kiko as far as I remembered from the movie Bagets (a story of the lives of a group of teenagers in the 80's) and Ninja Kids, he became part of That's Entertainment an afternoon show during the late 80's. He uplifted the music industry of the Philippines with his unique talent in singing rap songs and in performing on stage. The songs that I love to hear from him are Mga Kababayan ko (my countrymen), Kaleidoscope and Cold Summer Nights. He wrote and sang many songs for the Filipino people and for the world. He was recognized not only in the Philippines but around the world for he became one of the MTV Asia Videojock and has his own segment in MTV which is MTV talk. He received many awards left and right for his contribution in the music industry. He had helped many artist in the entertainment industry and he has his own brand of shirts or clothing line where he sells them in afordable prices in his store called 3 stars & a sun.

I know that this is not the end of Francis "Kiko" Magalona for this is the beginning of his lifelong legacy. A legacy that will live forever in every peoples mind and hearts. As one of his fans, I salute him for his legacy and thank you for the memories and songs.

To Mrs. Pia Arroyo-Magalona and family and friends, my sincerest condolence.

To know and read Kiko's journey in his life and struggles, visit


I dedicate this 100th post on my blog to Francis. May his soul rest in peace. Let us pray for him.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Twilight + Harry Potter = ??

I was sick this monday with that I was not able to get to work. I hate it when I absent myself from work. My joints and muscles where aching. See I told you, I will get sick before or after my birthday. Talkin' bout birthday again huh. LOLz! Now my throat is aching, I need to see my doctor later. Hopefully I can get back to work tomorrow night. Oh well, you might be wondering how I've arrived with that equation. I love to read books especially novels. I thought I won't find time to read, but out of my busy schedule, I found a novel series that interest me. Well, it all started when I was searching for a book online. I was searching about a book how to overcome grief and how to comfort a person who is in grief. Some of you might be familiar with online books or what they call eBooks. Where in you can read your favorite books online for free instead of buying the book itself. For those who always go online they have the luxury of reading their books online through these eBooks. This is how I read all 4 books of the Twilight Series without buying the hard copies. As I was browsing and looking for the book I wanted, I saw a novel online. At first I hesitate to check it out because the title itself sounds spooky and boring. But I started to read it and got hooked to it just like on the Twilight Series books. For those Harry Potter and Twilight fans, let me share to you this book.

I found the book online House of Night just like Harry Potter and Twilight it comes in series too. By author's
P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast
came the book series of the House of Night. Let me give you an overview of the book.

The book is all about vampire-themed young-adult. In the books, the bloodsuckers, known as “vampyres,” have assimilated into society, and when their special traits begin to appear during the onset of puberty, they’re sent to the titular school for training to become adult vampyres. The ongoing story follows young Zoey Redbird as she discovers her true identity and tries to adapt to her new “lifestyle.” “P.C. and Kristin Cast created a thrilling world that juxtaposes teen drama with supernatural suspense, using the transition from human to vampire as a metaphor for the transition from adolescence to adulthood,” While I was reading the first chapter of the book series it came to me that I was like reading the continuation of the book 4 Breaking Dawn of Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. It's like the daughter of Edward and Bella have grown rapidly and now a teenager about to become a full pledged vampire.

The House of Night currently have 4 books published. You can click on the titles of each of the books below for you to read the whole novel for free.

Book 1: MARKED

The House of Night series is set in a world very much like our own, except in 17-year-old Zoey Redbird's world, vampyres have always existed. In this first book in the series, Zoey enters the House of Night, a school where, after having undergone the Change, she will train to become an adult vampyre, that is, if she makes it through the Change. Not all of those who are Chosen make the Change. It’s tough to begin a new life, away from her parents and friends, and on top of that, Zoey finds she is no average fledgling. She has been Marked as special by the vampyre Goddess, Nyx. But she is not the only fledgling at the House of Night with special powers. When she discovers that the leader of the Dark Daughters, the school's most elite club, is misusing her Goddess-given gifts, Zoey must look deep
within herself for the courage to embrace her destiny--with a little help from her new vampyre friends.


Fledgling vampyre Zoey Redbird has managed to settle in at the House of Night. She’s come to terms with the vast powers the vampyre goddess, Nyx, has given her, and is getting a handle on being the new Leader of the Dark Daughters. Best of all, Zoey finally feels like she belongs--like she really fits in. She actually has a boyfriend...or two. Then the unthinkable happens: Human teenagers are being killed, and all the evidence points to the House of Night. While danger stalks the humans from Zoey’s old life, she begins to realize that the very powers that make her so unique might also threaten those she loves. Then, when she needs her new friends the most, death strikes the House of Night, and Zoey must find the courage to face a betrayal that could break her heart, her soul, and jeopardize the very fabric of her world.

Book 3: CHOSEN

Dark forces are at work at the House of Night, and fledgling vampyre Zoey Redbird’s adventures at the school take a mysterious turn. Those who appear to be friends are turning out to be enemies. And oddly enough, sworn enemies are also turning into friends. So begins the gripping third installment of this “highly addictive series” (Romantic Times), in which Zoey’s mettle will be tested like never before. Her best friend, Stevie Rae, is undead and struggling to maintain a grip on her humanity. Zoey doesn’t have a clue how to help her, but she does know that anything she and Stevie Rae discover must be kept secret from everyone else at the House of Night, where trust has become a rare commodity. Speaking of rare: Zoey finds herself in the very unexpected and rare position of having three boyfriends.
Mix a little blood lust into the equation and the situation has the potential to spell social, and eventually emotional disaster for Zoey and cut her off from life at the House of Night to... Hellish Life! Just when it seems things couldn’t get any tougher, vampyres start turning up dead. Really dead. It looks like the People of Faith, and Zoey’s horrid stepfather in particular, are tired of living side-by-side with vampyres. Not to mention, Zoey is having a bit of boy trouble. But, as Zoey and her friends so often find out, how things appear rarely reflects the truth...


Zoey has lost all of her boyfriends, when Erik Night caught her cheating on him, Loren Blake was killed and her imprint with Heath Luck was broken, and has also lost her friends' trust for lying to them. Neferet is up to no good, as proven when Aphrodite receives a vision about Zoey's grandmother writing a poem which was originally a song about dangerous creatures which have the form of ravens. Zoey grows closer to Aphrodite, but also regains her friends' trust when she explains why she could not be truthful to them. A new character, James Stark, is introduced as well. Stark has an instant connection with Zoey. He tells her of his unique gift of never missing his target making him dangerous with a bow and arrow. He dies in her arms when his body rejects the change. Zoey confides in him as he is about to pass away that he may not be permanently dead, and that he may return as a new kind of fledgling. In the end, this proves to be true as Stark returns as an undead creature and follows Neferet's command to injure Stevie Rae and causes her to bleed onto the ground, making it appear as if the earth is bleeding, thus rendering a line in the poem true. This returns the spirit that the poem spoke of back to the surface. Zoey leads her friends, including her former boyfriend Erik Night, away from the House of Night and plans to defeat Neferet and save the House of Night.

To be released in March 10, 2009 is Book 5 HUNTED but I found it's plot:

What if the hottest guy in the world was hiding a nameless evil, and all he wanted was you? At the start of this heart-pounding new installment of the bestselling House of Night series, Zoey’s friends have her back again and Stevie Rae and the red fledglings aren’t Neferet’s secrets any longer. But an unexpected danger has emerged. Neferet guards her powerful new consort, Kalona, and no one at the House of Night seems to understand the threat he poses. Kalona looks gorgeous, and he has the House of Night under his spell. A past life holds the key to breaking his rapidly spreading influence, but what if this past life shows Zoey secrets she doesn’t want to hear and truths she can’t face?

On the run and holed up in Tulsa’s Prohibition-era tunnels, Zoey and her gang must discover a way to deal with something that might bring them all down. Meanwhile, Zoey has a few other little problems. The red fledglings have cleaned up well – they’ve even managed to make the dark, creepy tunnels feel more like home – but are they really as friendly as they seem? On the boyfriend front, Zoey has a chance to make things right with super-hot ex-, Erik, but she can’t stop thinking about Stark, the archer who died in her arms after one unforgettable night, and she is driven to try to save him from Neferet’s sinister influence at all costs. Will anyone believe the power evil has to hide among us?

Book 6 has been announced on the official website of the House of Night titled TEMPTED. But no plot or release date about this book yet.

I have done some researching and found out that they are planning to do a movie on the House of Night. Better read first the books before the film comes out. But I found a sneak peek trailer of the movie project. Check it out.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Farewell Marky...

I was not planning to blog about what happened to the late Marky Cielo, but I can no longer control what is on my mind after what I have watched from monday to yesterday morning and then I have read the blog entry of my friend Jules about him.

It was really a lost especially to the family and close friends of Marky. i like to see him dance than Mark Herras. for me he is the prince of the dance floor. it was really a shock to the whole showbiz industry and many still cannot believe that a quiet, kind and humble young man will end up like this. I don't know him personally but I have watched him through starstruck and when they are only a few of them left on the competition, I knew he will be the one titled as the ultimate survivor of the competition. My mother and I were just talking about him last week wednesday when we saw him on TV and he looked improved physically. He gained muscles out of daily workout at the gym and his looks really improved comparing when he was just starting out of showbiz after he won the title. He looks so vain but nevertheless, he is the still the same guy that he is when he started out in Philippine Showbiz. When he had a mall show here at SM City Clark, Angeles City, I was not able to catch him on stage dancing for I was not able to go at the mall when he was there. But after he performed, people I know who were there told me that he came down from the stage and personally greeted his fans.

People from all walks of life admired him. He was on his way to stardom but this incident stopped it from happening. The "incident"... Hmmm... This has a mystery behind what really did happened. Bear with me for I am about to let you know about what is on my mind behind this incident that caused me to suddenly wake up from my slumber sleep yesterday.

Last Sunday evening, I came to work and sitted on my pod and heared some of the people talking about someone died, someone from showbiz. Suddenly I heard the name Marky Cielo. I was shocked! Huh?! Marky died? Why? What happened? I was left out of the incident for I was asleep all day since I work on a night shift and nobody at home told me what happened. So I did my own researching and found out that they found him dead at his room lying on the floor at their residence in Antipolo City morning of December 7. His mother rushed him to the hospital but was declared dead upon arrival 10 a.m. They said that he died due to acute pancreatitis but at that time the autopsy report was not yet delivered but they said that he died due to acute pancreatitis. Hmmm.. that made no sense to me. You asked me why? Because first of all, they found him lying on the floor dead. Was he fond of sleeping on the floor where in he has a comfy bed to sleep on. Remember, a person who died due to acute pancreatitis must be on a comfortable sleeping position either on the bed or on a sofa. Do you agree?

The next day Monday morning December 8, I was watching a talk show entitled SIS of GMA channel 7 and they were paying tribute to him. One of the host of the show Carmina Villaroel went to Marky's residence in Antipolo to interview some fans and the young actor's mother. The wake is ongoing at their residence at that time. When Miss Villaroel interviewed Marky's Mother, she was asked "What was the last conversation you had with your son and what were you talking about? Was it personal or something else?". His mother replied "it was personal I won't go into details. I only said to him that you are already at the right age and that is your responsibility". They talked until 2 in the morning of Sunday December 7. That was the last time she saw her son alive.

Next, I was wondering why the autopsy report is not yet out since yesterday morning December 9 and I was told by my mother that the report is out, however, his mother do not want any of the results of the report to come out and let everyone know. That I respect and understand. What I don't get is that, the Scene of the Crime Operatives or SOCO (like the CSI) of Antipolo City are also not allowed to tell anyone what they got from the investigation they have done. But Marky is a public figure, the public deserves to know what really happened to him, right? And then I was again tuned in to SIS talk show and some of Marky's friends are there. Each of them read the letter that they have written for Marky. What caught my attention is when co-actor and friend Mike Tan said that he last saw Marky at their hangout an Internet cafe at Tomas Morato, Manila playing online games Saturday night December 6. He did not bothered Marky while he is playing but Marky acknowledged his presence and continued playing. After that, Mike left Marky who is still busy playing online games. So after Marky played, he went home and chatted with his mother. I wonder if Marky did ate and made himself full up to the neck between the time after he played online games and chatted with his mother. And then, Rainer Castillo also Marky's co-actor and friend said as he read the letter he wrote for Marky "You know what we are here your friends. You can confide to us and tell us..." He cut what he is suppose to say on live television that made me think again about what is the real cause of death of Marky Cielo.

All of these I was thinking yesterday and summed up on my mind and asked myself, did Marky Cielo died due to acute pancreatitis? If he did, why is he found lying on the floor? What is his mother telling the viewers all about what they have talked about that night when he came home from playing online games? Did he really ate and slept full? What is Rainer implying on his statement that he said yesterday on live TV?

I am not implying anything on this entry, however, just like the many people that knows the late Marky Cielo are asking what did really happened to him. How about you, what do you think?

With all of these, May he rest in Peace and find the path to heaven and join the Angels and our Father Almighty. Let us pray for him.

This only mean that Life is too Short and better live it to the right and best way that we can for we only live our life once. We do not know what's ahead. Living each day to the best that we can and sharing what we have will not waste our life instead will make us grow to a better person.

My condolences to the family, friends and fans of the late Mark Angelo Cadaweng Cielo (1988-2008).
To check photos of Marky Cielo, click here
For more updates on Marky Cielo, please visit

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Marian Rivera and Dingdong Dantes

The Philippine Entertainment Industry is once again glamorous and entertaining since the days of Guy and Pip, Sharon and Gabby love teams. Dingdong Dantes and Marian Rivera are the most anticipated and watched love teams of today. From TV ratings to TV guesting to Primetime Soap operas on TV to Mall Shows, left and right they are the couple of the new age. As far as I remember, Dingdong Dantes from his teenage days doing mini TV series and later on got into some directing and then TV hosting and now you can see his Bench billboard ads in the stretch of Edsa. Now, waiting for the day that he will be on the ramp modeling the products of Bench with other TV actors of today including Richard Gomez. Also, he had put up a restaurant called Centerstage that now has two branches. From a teenage idol to a director to a business man to a ramp model and now the king of primetime television series. That's a long way to go!

Dingdong Dantes in his Mall tour here at Angeles City last July 11, 2008.

Marian Rivera on the other hand started from TV commercials and her very first TV ad is Skyflakes. From there, she started on an afternoon television series with Oyo Boy Sotto and then came Super Twins that was shown primetime with matinee idol Dennis Trillo. From there she auditioned to be the lead role of the most favorite mexican telenovela Marimar and luck is on her side because she got the lead role as Marimar with Dingdong Dantes. These was a big break for the both of them. After Marimar, she did a movie with Richard Gutierrez entitled My Bestfriends Girlfriend and before that her first movie was Desperadas with Ruffa Mae Quinto, Rufa Gutierrez and Iza Calzado. Both were box office hit! Aside from the primetime TV soap opera, she also have TV guestings and her first dance album went Platinum. Luck is on her side because from commercial model she became an instant queen of primetime television soap opera. And many are still waiting for Marian to pose at FHM.

Recently she did a Mall Tour with Dingdong here at Angeles City.

What's next with these couple? That's for us to find out.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

On International Album...

As I have previously written, Aiza Seguerra is now taking her career in the music industry to greater heights as her 10th Album will go International. In the earlier quarter of this year, a singaporean production will produce Aiza's 10th album and it will cater Asian countries like Singapore, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Vietnam.

The album is created here in the Philippines and it included Bonus tracks like the Tagalog version of Para Lang Sa'yo and the songs I'll be There For You and Persistent Rain.

The songs included in Aiza's tenth album (and her first international album) are "Open Arms," Vincent," "I Can't Make You Love Me," "Somewhere Over the Rainbow," "Smooth Operator," "At Last," "Time After Time," "Home," and "Journey."

The singaporean production released the album on, June 17, but Open Arms will be available here in the Philippines by July.

Another Filipino making another milestone in the Philippine music scene.

Proud to be Pinoy!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

An International Album

I have been a fan of different genre of music, from pop to ballad, hiphop to new wave and also acoustic. I grew up hearing John Denver, Bee Gees and The Bread because my Father has those old 45's and old song books that he kept in his cabinet. Sometimes I borrow them and check the old song books that he had since his high school days. I started listening to acoustic when I was in high school. From the old 45's, we have now CD's and DVD's. The first album I saw in CD is the Cruisin' set. I really love listening to the Cruisin' Album. It takes me back to the old days. Music has been my inspiration and it makes me feel uplifted when I listen to the songs that would make me forget the negative things that the day gave me. I play guitar a bit and sing a bit. But dancing is really my forte as I have wrote down on my previous blog.

In the Philippine Music scene, I admire Aiza Seguerra for singing and remakes once again the songs from The Bread and the old acoustic songs. It's been like 9 albums that Aiza Seguerra has already launched. Now that the music industry is growing, she is given a chance to do an International Album under the production of S2S Singapore. It is a Singaporean company. Aiza is currently the artist of Star Records and according to Aiza, the artists under Star Records sends samples of their artists' songs that are being released here in the Philippines to the S2S company. Lucky for Aiza, the company chose her to do an International Album. This will be Aiza's 10th album and it is an International album. According to source, Aiza already did a mini-concert for the Singaporean audience to know her and her songs. The album will consists of 10 songs.

They do not know when will the album be released here in the Philippines. Let's just wait for it.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Dance with me....

I have been dancing since I think I was 3 years old. During those times Michael Jackson influenced me a lot. I try to wear clothes like his and even had my hair done like his too. As a kid, I really enjoy dancing especially if many are watching. I remember that when I was 4 to 7 years old, I used to dance at our garage with our neighbors as my audience. And also, my lola's mahjong players, LOL! I always set up our cassette player (cassette tapes are the bomb at those times) and there I go dancing to the beat of Michael Jackson. I learned how to moon walk and a bit of break dancing at age of 8. I even dance in front of our store at Nepo Mart (is like the first local mall here at our city) during those times especially when I hear a music that I like that is being played on the mart's sound system. Then every sales lady near our store will clap and watch me dance impromptu and just following the beat. Some shoppers will also stop and watch me. Until now I am thinking how did I do that without being embarrassed in front of many people that I do not know. Well as a kid, I was only having fun and enjoying when I am dancing. I just dance my heart out and interpret what I feel about the song. This is the last Michael Jackson song that I danced to during the year 2002, I think.

Until now that song let's me nod my head and tap my foot, LOL!

I have been dancing since 3 years old until I was 24yrs old and then I stopped because of work. I really miss dancing especially with some students of mine. Here is another video that I like to look at too. My sister likes Justin Timberlake a lot but me just a bit. I just like to see him move. Check this one

What a dance huh... Can you dance? =)

I did not know youtube yet during those times that I was dancing that is why I did not document the moves that I made.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Human Tetris

When I was in Elementary at a young age, I like to play video games. My uncle introduced me to Atari during those times and then at my teenage years my father introduced to me Nintedo games. Then when I was in college, the very first Play Station machine was introduced to me by my friends which I very much enjoyed playing because of the enhanced graphics compared to Atari and Nintendo games. I really enjoyed playing video games including Tamagochi =)

But I can only play these video games when I am at home and no schoolwork(homework) and of course it is not a school day. Weekends I can play the video games that I like, however, what if I would be going out or the TV set is being used by my siblings or parents. Then I cannot play the video games that I like. So I discovered Tetris. A pocket video game that I can bring wherever I go. Here is the game Tetris that I used to play just to give you an idea. It's a bit long but just to give you an idea.

Isn't it amazing where your mind would work to think and organize your thoughts to decrease the blocks in order for you not to be gamed over. What a game huh!

Now do you know that Japanese has another way of playing Tetris? Yeah, they do have another way of playing Tetris. It looks weird though but it's funny. Check this one...

Did you enjoyed that? :-D

Saturday, May 24, 2008

The comedian and actress....other side of Miss Giselle Sanchez...

I think almost everyone knows Giselle Sanchez, "the" Giselle Sanchez that we see on our TV screens especially on the TV shows of SST and Kwarta O Kahon (I think I saw her there, correct me Miss Giselle if I'm wrong), Movie theaters (the latest one is the Manay Po 2), and now her new TV Commercial about a detergent soap. But do you know that she also writes her own blog? That I know you don't know =)

Yesterday, while daydreaming and waiting for my workload, a co-worker of mine sent a link via e-mail and I clicked on the link and came up on the page the title "G-Spot>> Ang mamatay ng dahil sa... OFWs!" Ngek! I said to myself "what is this?". So I read on the blog and looked at the photos on the blog and saw that it is Miss Giselle. I finished reading the blog and I feel relaxed because of the story (read it for you to see). Then I begun thinking, is this really Miss Giselle Sanchez's writing and story or just another hoax pretending to be Miss Giselle? So I read on the other Featured Articles on the blog and got to know Miss Giselle. Yep, I am one of the many fans of Miss Giselle not only me but also my Family.

I like to share Miss Giselle's blog and knowing that she is one of the best comedian and actress in our country, I want you to feel relaxed, get to know Miss Giselle and be happy. So what are you waiting for start reading her blog. Just click on her link located on my B L O G G E R S column right pane of this page. Enjoy! =)

If wish to know more about Miss Giselle, you can also catch her at this site:

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