Showing posts with label places. Show all posts
Showing posts with label places. Show all posts

Sunday, April 26, 2009

It's nice to be back! Game time!

Atlassst! I am finally officially back playing one of my favorite sports. Never mind the scourging heat of the sun. I started playing again Lawn Tennis last month. But unlike before, I was playing almost 4 times a week. But now I can't for I have lots to do but I still manage to play Lawn Tennis atleast twice or thrice a week. I'm glad that I am back playing because I also need to lose weight LOLz! I wish I could go back to dancing too. But for the meantime, playing Lawn Tennis is what I shall do. This is my stress buster and weight buster, LOL!

Here are the photos I took at the tennis court where I play.

Angeles City, Philippines

Coach Ric Manalo

Coach Ric is one of the coach or trainer of the Lawn Tennis players in Angeles City. He also trains some players who are taking part on the National Games on Lawn Tennis. His wife and 2 kids are lawn tennis players too. His daughter Nikki Manalo is a champion in lawn tennis. I forgot which division she is included. Also his son Joshua Manalo is also a lawn tennis champion. Coach Ric teaches lawn tennis to kids as early as 2 years old. There is no age limit as long as one can still play tennis. He teach basic, advance and professional tennis. His hard work, patience and skills molds the lawn tennis players of Angeles City. During his time, he won several championships in lawn tennis. I am amazed on how he teaches lawn tennis to kids because in just one week, a kid can play lawn tennis for beginners. There are some kids that really don't have the talent in playing this sport, however, Coach Ric will not give up that easily once he know a kid has a potential in playing lawn tennis. He teaches from morning even high noon until late afternoon depending on the available time of the person he will teach or train.

Here are some of the kids that he teach to learn lawn tennis

These are Alfred and Paula Inofre, they are siblings

Alfred takes the shot and...

Follows through.

Paula or Pau takes her shot and...

Follows through.. nice!

This is Alfred. They call him Red for short. He is 9 years old. Last year both of them started taking lawn tennis lessons from Coach Ric. They only get to play lawn tennis when they are here in Angeles City because they go to school in Manila. I get to chat with them during their break time taking lessons. Red is a shy type kid but once you ask him about computer stuffs and online computer games, he starts to talk and talk, LOLz! At his age, he can already play lawn tennis. I was not able to see them last week for they took a vacation and I hope I could see them next week.

It's a bit difficult to teach lawn tennis to kids because if they don't have the confidence and initiative to learn the sport, they won't learn and would easily get iritated. Coach Ric once told me he taught a 2 years old kid who is still wearing her diaper as Coach Ric teaches her. She can hit 10 to 15 tennis balls. After that she would tell Coach Ric "ayaw ko na (I don't want anymore)", LOLz! Then they will stop the lesson and resumes the next day hehehe.. I saw that kid once, she is beautiful like a little cherubin. I salute Coach Ric for his patience and perseverance in teaching lawn tennis.

I will post more of my courtside lawn tennis adventure next time so stay tuned! =)

Friday, January 30, 2009

Juz Trippin'

Last week was my birthday, Wednesday (Thank you so much for the friends and fellow bloggers that greeted me!). Never mind the age, LOLz! I simply celebrated it with my love ones and my friend Elaine. But orginally, I want to go to Manila and just take a walk. Eventually, I had the chance to go to Manila last Tuesday, January 27. From work (night shift) I just went home to take care of my dog and eat breakfast and off I went to Manila(no sleep at all, hehehe). Well, I had to go to PRC (Professional Regulation Commission) to check on my renewal fees damages. Lucky for me there is no long line to wait and get to the renewal window. It only took 30 minutes for me to finish and got out of the place quickly because there are too many people swarming to register I think for the next board exams. I ate lunch and think where I should go next.

I found myself going to Intramuros. This I think is the entrance of the east wing going inside Intramuros.

The last time I went there was 10 years ago. I think the place improved from the last time I saw it. I just want to see some greenery. Good thing it's not hot, polluted or humid. It's just the right weather but it rained a little. Then it was cool wind blowing and clouds covering the rays of the sun. There are many stalls on one street of Intramuros and there was this big tent showcasing the products made from Mindanao. Sorry I didn't get any photos of the inside of the tent because it might not be allowed and I don't want to be scolded. But these are the things I saw outside of the big tent,

These are model build houses just outside of the big tent in Intramuros. I think the first two photos is called Bahay Tagalog or typically house of a Filipino. The last photo I forgot to check, LOL!

I was walking and walking and walking and then went to climb up the wall of Intramuros

Forrre!!! Hehehe Anyone want to play Golf?

Then I went down from the wall and next stop, Fort Santiago! I can't walk anymore so I crawled, LOLz!

Light a candle for your love one or say a prayer at Our Lady of Gudalupe

A chapel inside Fort Santiago constructed in 1773. A small and quiet place to pray and think.
I pray that may my Bestfriend be enlightened and be guided by the Holy Spirit. Amen

Plaza Moriones
I was looking under the bench for Red!

Red come out come out where ever you are!

I have a picture taken on this same spot 10 years ago

Fort Santiago Gate
The gate that tells history as it unfolds

Let's go through these gates

Plaza Armas and Rizal's Shrine (far left)

Dr. Jose P Rizal's Clothes

I got tired so I sat down on a bench and stared at this window which is located on the second floor of the Rizal's Shrine.

This is the pathway when you exit the Rizal's Shrine at the second floor. It is located along the wall of Intramuros.

Moat this is located infront of the Fort Santiago Gate

My digicam went dead so I had to take this photo using my phone

Those are the photos I have taken. I hope you have enjoyed them. I wish I have taken more photos but I think my digicam got tired too, LOLz! One thing I have learned here, never ever go without getting enought sleep first.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Turned out to be a good day!

Busy days for me for the past one week and so. It's been tiring busy days for me, however, I enjoyed each day. I enjoyed it in a sense that I have helped in every way that I can. Even though there is a slight misunderstanding, as they say "all's well that ends well". I was beginning to enjoy my long vacation (suppose to be 4 days) but it turned out to be 3 days because I was asked to go back to work on the 4th day due to the company needs higher productive hours. Talking bout vacation huh! So back to work for me, anyway in 2 days it will be my day off again, LOL!

So I was excited to take my day offs because I can take a rest after a tiring but enjoyable week for me. I was at work and about to end my shift and take my day offs, when suddenly I did not ended my shift on time because I still have work tied to me and I thought I can finish it before my shift ends. So I have to finish it and at least catch the last shuttle service going out in order for me not to commute and would easily get home. But I was not able to catch the last shuttle service going out due to I still have not yet finished my work.

So I will just wait for the next shuttle service. While waiting for the next shuttle service, I need to shake off some weights on my shoulders. Well, lucky for me it's not raining and I decided to take a walk at the park located at the back of the building where I work. And these is the scenery that caught my eyes...

This is also known as the Parade Grounds of Clarkfield, Angeles City, Pampanga.

Below is the pathway of the park

This is what you will see in the middle of the park

If you will going to ask me about those statues, well I have no idea. I had no time to read the description of the statues on the description stones at the foot of the statues because I was in a hurry I might not catch the next shuttle service again. But to my understanding, those are the statues commemorating the American-Japanese War. When the American soldiers took over Clarkfield as their home base.

Finally, I was able to get to the shuttle service and off I go to meet my bestfriend at the SM City Clark. Well, it turned out to be a good day after all and it's my day off too. I hope you are also having a good day my dear reader...

Saturday, July 12, 2008

City life.. or province...

I grew up in the city. Everyday I see how the city prosper. The busy streets, people and different types of vehicle. It's kind of tiring for me living in the city. I wanted to live in a place where the air is fresh and cool. Where each morning you hear birds whistling embracing a new day. Seeing the green trees and vast land. The high mountain being gleamed by the morning sun. Whoa! that's what I call living. Unfortunately, I don't get to see these each time I wake up everyday.

A few months ago, I was invited to attend a fiesta at a nearby province. Even if the province is near where the city I live in, I did not get the chance to go there because of the busy life living in the city. It is my first time to go the province. But the mountain of the province I can see from a-far when I am in the city. So for me, it will be a new adventure and scenery if I will go near that mountain. I love nature but don't get the chance to see one and since I was invited to go to that province, lucky for me! Let's go to Mount Arayat!

What a great site huh! I wish we can have more of these places.

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