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Saturday, February 28, 2009
Image hosted by IT'S OFFICIAL!!

It's Official......



Here's why I haven't been blogging for the past 4 weeks now, see it's gonna be March in 2 days and I really haven't posted anything. My blogging muse has temporarily evacuated my mind and has probably gone off to a vacation somewhere. I don't have the inspiration to blog now nor write decently in my papers. I just have no bloody idea why. :(

I'm really really sorry to my blogging mates and sisters that I haven't visited you guys for a while. Hopefully by the time the semester ends, I'll have gone back to my senses and continue blogging and put up a new layout. I do have a new layout, it just hasn't been experimented on yet.

I'm really sorry my fellow sisters :( Thanks still to those who still visit and think of me once in a while :p Somehow I'll make it all up to you guys. Things have really been going awry and I'm having a quarter life crisis here. :((

You can still check me out at tumblr, multiply, facebook(my friendster is officially dead), ym (ask for it and i'll PM ya :hehe) and of course Plurk. ADD ME GUYS!! But first introduce yourselves kay?

Peace out! :cool

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stolen @ 4:28 PM

Saturday, January 24, 2009
Image hosted by It's Time For That Season Once Again!

Sometime events in a year happened repetitiously or with a cycle such as new year and etc. But there's this really one event that I have been tuning in since grade 5 now and that's.......


That little golden statue has been held for 80 times now and it will be the 81st time now this year. Since I make it a point to at least exude a vibe of "movie blogness" in my blog coz I am an avid fan of films, I try to put in reviews or movie news here in my blog. :hehe I just can't help but talk about movies...

There have been a lot of speculation about the nominees before they were announced and most of possible candidates were those nominated by the Golden Globes but.... surprise surprise, favorites were NOT chose. Here are the complete list of nominees from theMovieBlog (my oldest favorite movie blog site but not my fave blog critic). my comments are in // (nahawa na sobra sa Computer, lolz!)

Best Picture

“The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” // Okay, I wasn't expecting this, not this MUCH!

“Frost/Nixon” // haven't watched yet so.... can't really say anything


“The Reader” // They say it isn't as good, 68% lang sa Rottentomatoes

“Slumdog Millionaire” // OMG YOU SHOULD DEFINITELY WIN! Those who haven't watched this are MISSING LOTS!

/** Some are quite furious why Dark Knight and The Wrestler weren't nominated. I loved the Dark Knight, I really do but it wasn't enough to save itself from a few bad acting and URGH plot holes. There was really something missing in there FOR ME. I did wish that Christopher Nolan was nominated for Best Director, but TDK earned nominations in the right places (the Academy still credits it!) But I was surprised that The Wrestler wasn't nominated. It was a REALLY beautiful film!

Wall*e.... why weren't you nominated?? Urgh!! But how the heck did "Waltz with Bashir" (a foreign animated movie) get into the Best Foreign film category while Wall*e DOES NOT? And Persepolis only won Best Animated Film last 2000 something. Sighs...


Best Director

David Fincher, “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” //i thnk shld b replaced by Darren Aronofsky for The Wrestler

Ron Howard, “Frost/Nixon”

Gus Van Sant, “Milk”

Stephen Daldry, “The Reader” // haven't seen, but maybe should be replaced by Christopher Nolan for TDK

Danny Boyle, “Slumdog Millionaire” //WIN IT nabit!

Best Actor

Richard Jenkins, “The Visitor”

Frank Langella, “Frost/Nixon”

Sean Penn, “Milk” // STRONG CONTENDER

Brad Pitt, “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”

Mickey Rourke, “The Wrestler” // STRONG CONTENDER!

Best Actress

Anne Hathaway, “Rachel Getting Married” //ooh! good job!! First time :P but won't win

Angelina Jolie, “Changeling”

Melissa Leo, “Frozen River”

Meryl Streep, “Doubt”

Kate Winslet, “The Reader”

/** haven't seen any of the movies yet so can't decide, but how come Cate Blanchett didn't get a nom and Brad Pitt does?? And Sally Hawkins of Happy-Go-Lucky WASN'T nominated! Gorsh man...



Best Supporting Actor

Josh Brolin, “Milk”

Robert Downey Jr., “Tropic Thunder” //OMG!! YOU'RE HERE!!! BIG BIG SURPRISE!! But loving it anyway :p haha

Phillip Seymour Hoffman, “Doubt”

Heath Ledger, “The Dark Knight” //WINNER HANDS DOWN

Michael Shannon, “Revolutionary Road”

Best Supporting Actress

Amy Adams, “Doubt” //wow! she got nominated na! nice nice :P

Penelope Cruz, “Vicky Cristina Barcelona”

Viola Davis, “Doubt”

Taraji P. Henson, “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” // maybe?

Marisa Tomei, “The Wrestler” // maybe?? :P

Best Adapted Screenplay

“The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” // was a bit too long though...



“The Reader”

“Slumdog Millionaire” //might be winner, sorry if i'm kinda biased, but really, LOVED IT. possibly my FAVE film of 2008

Best Original Screenplay

“Frozen River”


“In Bruges” //maybe


“WALL-E” //maybe rin

Best Animated Feature Film


“Kung Fu Panda”

“WALL-E” //WINNER HANDS DOWN but... could have been nominated Best Pic... grumble grumble...

Best Foreign Language Film

“The Baader Meinhof Complex”

“The Class”



“Waltz with Bashir”

/**haven't watched any... so can't decide

Best Documentary Feature

“The Betrayal (Nerkhoon)”

“Encounters at the End of the World”

“The Garden”

“Man on Wire”

“Trouble the Water”

/**haven't watched any... so can't decide but I've heard Man on Wire is really good! A solid 100% rating at Rottentomatoes

Best Art Direction


“The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” // liked it here

“The Dark Knight”

“The Duchess”

“Revolutionary Road”

Best Cinematography


“The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”

“The Dark Knight”

“The Reader”

“Slumdog Millionaire” //PLS WIN!!!

Best Costume Design


“The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”

“The Duchess” // period pieces always seem to win it somehow


“Revolutionary Road”

Best Film Editing

“The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” // maybe?

“The Dark Knight” // maybe?



“Slumdog Millionaire” // AGAIN.

Best Makeup

“The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” // maybe

“The Dark Knight”

“Hellboy II: The Golden Army” // well TONS of make up

Best Music (Original Score)

“The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”



“Slumdog Millionaire”// maybe

“WALL-E” //maybe

Best Music (Original Song)

“Slumdog Millionaire”

“Slumdog Millionaire”


/** there's been an uproar that Bruce Springsteen's song, "The Wrestler" wasn't nominated, they even claim that it'll WIN the golden guy, dang, i'm downloading the song right now.

Best Sound Editing

“The Dark Knight”

“Iron Man”

“Slumdog Millionaire”



// can't decide :(

Best Sound Mixing

“The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”

“The Dark Knight”

“Slumdog Millionaire”



// sound is not my forte in movies...

Best Visual Effects

“The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” // winner in my opinion :P

“The Dark Knight”

“Iron Man” //WEEE!! maybe

Best Documentary Short Subject

“The Conscience of Nhem En”

“The Final Inch”

“Smile Pinki”

“The Witness - From the Balcony of Room 306″

// all look interesting! hopefully youtube has vids of them

Best Short Film (Animated)

“La Maison de Petits Cubes”

“Lavatory - Lovestory”



“This Way Up”

/** I've heard of Presto, don't know about the others now, but animations is one of my fave medium of film! Must watch these...


Best Short Film (Live Action)

“Auf der Strecke (On the Line)”

“Manon on the Asphault”

“New Boy”

“The Pig”

“Spielzeugland (Toyland)”

// can't say, again haven't seen. OOh, the pig... lolz!

Phew!! That was long! Argh, I haven't updated my tumblr for 3 days now, so i'm delayed by 3 days on project 365! Hehe and my blockmate also borrowed the camera for uploading reasons for our documentation of our Exposure Trip so... hopefully I'll post A LOT of things on Monday.

School's really sucky yesterday. I officially WANT MATH TO LOVE ME ( i don't care if I'm going to sound like some crazy girl in an unrequited love, BUT I HAVE TO!) and am going to study WITH FORCE on computer. And midterms are on Tuesday. BOTH MIDTERMS on the SAME DAY. Isn't life great?


Well I have this thing to look forward to this summer vacation...

//repost from Tumblr

In case you can't read the blurry pic... it's.... the ITINERARY FOR THE SHANGHAI TRIP!  think this Shanghai trip that will be
sponsored by my uncle (well ung airfare and it helps my parents a lot!)
will push through! He already made an itinerary haha. I really can't wait because I haven't been on a plane for 2 years and it's just so exciting! It'll be my 2nd time to go China and this time, to a real city. Last time I went was to Fu Jian (our province) and it's really provincial there.  His family moved to Shanghai after being transferred sa company
niya to a higher position. Dati nasa Denmark siya hehe and sayang di
nakavisit doon. But it’s OK! Shanghai is good!

I’m going with my other uncle’s family! Mum and dad can’t come coz
of the dogs and business. (haha parang pasingit lang ako oh, - Pls have
Tiff tag along nalang. lolz!)

So i gotta go Study guys. Hell Months are here to stay! :((

Updates when I update! :cool

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stolen @ 2:56 PM

Sunday, January 18, 2009
Image hosted by Innovative Imagination

finished downloading:
#71 The Orphanage
#72 The Fountain
#73 Benny and Joon
reading : Shadow of the Wind p. 380 (whoot!)

Olllaaa my friends! Again, I have been MIA the past couple of weeks due to SCHOOL STRESS, STRESS and MORE STRESS! hehe  If you guys visited my tumblr, I have a pic there of my planner which was instantly filled the minute I got back to school. Practices, projects, trainings and paperworks have now become my flesh and blood. Going online and chatting with you guys is just one of the perks. Now I have to finish my FINAL draft on my English research paper and I hope to God that it's OK! hehe. :p

Anyway I was in the mood to blog. I mean I've been meaning to blog coz I found these AMAZING innovations on the internet. Who says that the youth and society are getting dumber? NO EFFING WAY! If people could mass produce mini-shelter homes or a bag-chargers, then the world would be a better place. Look at these fantastic creations

The Uber Shelter
"Dismantled, the Über Shelter looks like a large gray gurney. But this
compact pile of aluminum unfolds into a two-story home, complete with
lights, stove, porch and a small refrigerator. Rafael Smith, a senior
in the industrial design program at Purdue University, designed the Über Shelter for his undergraduate thesis project.

On a vacation in Manila the summer before he began the project, he was
shocked by the crushing living conditions of those in poverty; when he
got home, he began researching the architecture of shelters around the
world. With no previous knowledge of refugee camps, he sought the
advice of doctors, policy makers aid workers and a Sudanese refugee he
met online."

Soo Cool! It's just sad that it was inspired by Manila in a bad way... well it's now good because it could hopefully solve a few of our problems (and he might send a few free ones too! hehe).

"Joe Hynek may be the only student at Iowa State University
who carries a handbag for “scientific purposes.” On cloudless days, he
wanders his neighborhood to test whether the purse, which is plated in
thin solar panels and contains a lightweight battery, is absorbing
energy from the sun. After three hours of direct exposure, the purse
generates enough electricity to charge an iPod, camera or cellphone.
(The bag will also charge — more slowly — if placed next to a window.)
Mr. Hynek is currently working on the final touch: a small display
screen that will indicate when the purse is best angled for absorbing
the day’s light."

I'd love to have a bag like this! Man, you could charge anything now and it'd save you LOADS on electric bills! hehe just wish they'd improve sa design pa. :p hehe


"Lily Chong and Matt Kalish, both 21-year-old juniors majoring in
industrial design, thought about interactive toys for the assignment,
perhaps two tigers whose eyes would light up when a child touched the
paws together. Then one day the class was critiquing student projects,
and someone dismissed an idea as “That’s so gay.” As students debated
whether the phrase was offensive, the professor stepped in to steer the
class back on topic. But some students left the class feeling awkward.
You couldn’t just ignore the issue or bury hurt feelings.

Chong and Mr. Kalish started thinking about elephants instead of
tigers. Rather than being the figurative thing unsaid, maybe an actual
elephant in the room could help people talk about difficult subjects.
They came up with the idea of stuffed elephants that would communicate
via wireless chips buried inside their soft centers. If one person in a
room squeezes an elephant for three seconds, all the other elephant
eyes light up. “It lets everyone know there’s an issue, we have to talk
about it,” Ms. Chong says. The person raising the concern remains
anonymous. "

It'd be a cool  giveaway and a neat tool for learning in my opinion. Plus it looks SUPER CUTE!! goodness! hehee

I've also expressed here in my blog my admiration of a few people, namely Robert Downey Jr., Johnny Depp, Bill Gates and especially STEVE JOBS (co-founder of Apple AND Pixar!!-- my future job place! well i like to think so anyway). My lappy and panda-touch wouldn't be here right now if it weren't for him. Microsoft would just be boring if they didn't have any competition at all. Jobs brough something to the game! I just read an article on the latest TIME magazine concerning the possibility of Jobs' retirement (GASP!) due to his health problems (hormonal imbalance thing, he had pancreatic cancer then, grabe... hope he's OK..). Now we've seen Gates' step down from his mighty position and Microsoft is still on the roll. But what IF Steve Jobs leaves Apple? MacWorld survived the experience without Job's notable Keynote address which was instead precided by Phil Schiller, a candidate for the next CEO if ever Job's retires. He did a decent but without the "presence" of Jobs. Jobs was an innovator and everyone simply have to lend their ears to this Houdini who has LOADS of things to say.

I do hope he gets well soon.. I mean Apple still has a lot of potential! Now that it has covered mobile phones, they might probably go into printer/scanner/whatever things. He'd probably create a new line of something spectacular... so hopefully the imagination of Apple doesn't die out yet... PLS!!!

Sorry for the passinate rant. I'd love to work for Apple/Pixar but with Steve Jobs still sa head! hehe.

I've actually have a lot more things to say. Like the time....

.........I ERASED THE TRASH BIN WITH MY 37.9GB WORTH OF DISNEY/PIXAR MOVIES!! (55 movies in all!!) So yeah, I had to download them again. 5.11gb down. 32 more to go!!
.........I watched the OPENING specials of AMERICAN IDOL SEASON 8!! (i still don't see THE ONE. But Michael Castro - Jason Castro's younger bro - is CUTE! haha :P)
.........our Ateneo INTACT Exposure trip with street kids!!
.........NINTENDO DS is ALIVE once more!!

More happenings from me in tumblr! Pls do goo viisit! hehe :p Follow me there and I'll follow you too! :P hehe

Well have to go now! EEP! ALMOST 7PM! haha must do research paper!

Got a myyearbook thing too... hehe Add me!

Updates when I update :P :cool

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stolen @ 6:45 PM

Sunday, December 07, 2008
Image hosted by COLD and YEAH

Haha hello again guys! Wow my first every written post in weeks! I figured that if I were going to do another vlog, it would take another 2 weeks because of the hassle, secrecy from parents and um... oh yeah HECTIC SCHED in school! So here's a written post! weee! :yay

So much has happened as usual after not being able to post so long. I've been active as usual on plurk though, so go browse through my timeline and check out the crazy things I've done. goo here and PLURK PLURK and multiply!! haha lolz :p

Thanks guys for still visiting me!

Movie news! Well personal movie news anyway. Since I'm a Pirate-er, I've been on a downloading frenzy and downloading 5 movies at once. So far here's my already-downloaded list :

Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2
Into the Wild
Mean Girls
Shawshank Redemption
Son of Rambow
Nightmare Before Christmas
Big Fish
Anne of Green Gables (tv live action, 3 episodes)
I Am Sam
Step Brothers
American Beauty
Shakespeare in Love
Silence of the Lambs
The ClockWork Orange
Fight Club
Spirited Away
Psycho (1960 version)
Space Jam
The Name Sake
Love at First Bite
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Pulp Fiction
James and the Giant Peach
Saw Series (1-4)
Halloween (original version)
28 Days Later
Little Mermaid: Ariel's Beginning
Dragon Hunters
My Big Fat Greek Wedding
Deat at A funeral
The Women
The Shining
Smart People
It's a Wonderful Life (a classic!)
When Harry Met Sally
Bride and Prejudice
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
The Twilight Zone Movie
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Princess Bride
Marie Antoinette

Over 51 titles!! (not counting the individual Saw series and Anne of green Gables) And of course I plan to add more there! I'm really trying to build up a library of movies since... i'm not rich...and I can't buy DVDs like my uncle (I swear, HE HAS TONS OF DVDS, all original!! and he doesn't like to let us borrow... as in SHELVES AND SHELVES of DVDs!!) If you guys want me to burn you a CD of a movie, or if you want me to download a movie for you, I'd gladly do it! I'm also selling some DVDs here (pIrAtEd BUT DVD quality since I want the best, even if it comes cheap. Ang demanding ko noh?? lolz!) 35 a piece, or 3 for 100 :p

I'm currently downloading 5 more movies! wee, I've got a list here of movies to watch! I'm targeting but classic movies, the type that never grows old. I know that they're so hard to look for in dvds, even in pirated form. So there... I hope to get more movies! I'm also currently downloading 50 Disney movies at once, so about 37.5GB, and i've downloaded 25% of it. lOLZ! A few more months to go!! :P

Twilight! lolz I watched it 2x already but I refuse to blog about because... a lot of people already did. I'll just say that I enjoyed the movie, I love Jasper and Carlisle (uh Rob Pattinson isn't my type of Edward... sorry fangirls!!) and Alice (she was so cute right?? haha spunky!) and that Bella in the movie was BETTER! Urgh I hated Bella in the books. Sorry...

Bah, I still blogged about it. It could have been better though... the acting and all. They shouldn't be THAT low-budgeted in the next movie right? What I enjoyed in the movie were the reactions of the audience. Grabe, i laughed more at all that squealing. tsk tsk. LOLZ!! :haha

The past weeks have been hectic, really. English research paper has been constantly on my mind and there's still the Filipino one too. sighs.. hope all goes well.

My friend invited me to join her in her business venture in one of Ateneo's oganizations, AMA (Ateneo Management Association), since it was open for all (i'm not on a management course you see). I decided to give it a go since I love selling. I love to have a business (oh dear, am i on the right course? lolz!!) so i guess this would be an experience and that IT WAS! I was at tiendesitas from Friday night to Saturday (8am - 7:30pm) trying to sell and attract customers (thus I have no more voice lolz! another reason why no vlog) and we did pretty good!! Except for the christmas treest packaged chocoballs. In case anyone wants a good gift idea, pls comment and I'll contact you immediately! I'll show you all the pictures and everything :hehe . Overall it was a REWARDING experience. I've seen happy customers, grouchy passersby, uh.. lazy stall keepers (there was this stall that didn't even to look for customers. weird) and all. It was quite embarassing coz our stall seemed to be the NOISIEST of the lot since I guess we're one of the few freshmen there but who cares? We kinda sold a lot more! haha :P

Well thanks to those who went to Tiendesitas! I know I've been a bugger on plurk coz I kept on plurking that. hehe.

Well tc now guys! Next time I'll be posting my CHRISTMAS WISH LIST! I never made one before but... I think I will now. :p tc!!

Updates when I update!:cool

P.S. Notice the cold breeze that we sometimes experience now?? LOOVEE IT!! Sana pls wag uminit... wahhhzz :wah

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stolen @ 11:25 AM

Sunday, November 09, 2008
Image hosted by Vlog #2 Kalokohan at Katapusan

For those who don't speak Filipino, my Vlog#2 title is Craziness and the End.

So those two words don't actually mix and they aren't even considered a pair!! But just watch the video down there guys and you'll understand. :hehe

Kalokohan and Katapusan Vlog#2 from Tiffany K on Vimeo.

 Ate Jhoice and sis Rie I'll post your tags tomorrow! =) Promise!! I gotta get some shut eye now. Night everyone!

Updates when I Update! :cool

*Get PAID to blog!*
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stolen @ 11:01 PM

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Image hosted by The Loser Standing Small...

"I dont wanna talk
About the things weve gone through
Though its hurting me
Now its history
Ive played all my cards
And thats what youve done too
Nothing more to say
No more ace to play

The winner takes it all
The loser standing small
Beside the victory
Thats her destiny"

- "The Winner Takes It All" from ABBA

I am so LSS (last song syndrome) with this song, not because of the latest Mamma Mia movie (that was shown ages ago anyway :p) but also because I CAN ACTUALLY RELATE TO IT for two reasons.

1. Winner : My Super Sure Self
Loser : Me too

After the final exams, I was already sure that I won't make it to Dean's list with a SUCKY MATH GRADE. Then the results of our overall final grades came out and our QPI. The QPI for dean's lister and all is at 3.35 and guess what my grades were?

How joyful noh?? NOT!!! I was this close... this freaking close... .02 close to becoming a DL and I didn't make it. Even though I already expected my grades to be like this, I never expected the feeling of confirmation. The feeling that your nightmares have been confirmed and strangled your dreams. I'm the loser. And frankly I don't know who the winner is. I really have to do well in Math and English now. I just feel so bad in English because I'm giving out what I think is my
best but frankly my professor doesn't think so. But how come, my literature grade is BETTER?? WHY?? I mean my essays. Is it really a test of personality for the prof? Or is it my incapacity still as a student? I should be happy with these grades but I'm not. I'M PISSED. :grr :dead


2. Winner : mum and dad
Loser : no one in particular, me again I think

ABBA, as in THE ABBA, is coming to Manila!! :yay My parents are ABBA uber fans so they're definitely going and Mom promptly dragged me along with them. Haha! I like ABBA too but the thing is... I'm sure i'll be surrounded by folks older than my years so I'll really feel left out... Rihanna and Chris Brown are coming over too but I know I won't be able to go coz I have no one to go with and my brother isn't here. Urgh. Sighs... This is cool still though, I get to watch a concert. :yay!!

Did I tell ya that I lost my camera a month ago? My English groupmates and I were doing a video for Lit and used my camera. But alas after trekking and taking the LRT, the freaking camera is just gone... poof! Out of the bag. I thought someone was playing a trick or something but it's already over a month and it's still gone. I have no more spare cameras left because my brother brought the newest camera to Portugal. Thing is he's not even uploading pics... Shucks... this is bad... :(( Anybody got a spare camera? Or wanna sell their old one? heehee :hehe

I'm also in another predicament. My friend's debut is themed "Mad-hatter style" so we have to wear the craziest hats around! But I have absolutely zero clue on fashion. I don't know what to wear nor what hat to wear! Crap. hehe any suggestions anyone??

Urgh, I wanted to blog about something else. But these issues got the best of me. :((

Good thing I met up with my barkada a while ago!! (YES! COMPLETE AGAIN FINALLY!) We had to discuss our yearbook plans with the publisher along with other mishaps from school (ANG GULO NILLAA! especially about publishers!). We were able to clear out a couple of things but one more meeting is needed to finalize everything. Just hope everything goes as planned so they can begin printing already. Then my best friends and Jan met up with Franz and my other BFF, Chu-chu!! haha. Miss her so much! It's hard to think though... us 4 are enjoying our lives crazily during our sembreak while my other best friend is out there working on grueling homeworks. Urgh. If ya need anything Chu, am just here!! Gosh, met up with a lot of High school friends and I can't believe how I miss them so! Haha I hope our first Batch reunion pushes through this November 8! it mustt! :hehe

L-R Chu, Daynel, Joan, Me and Chair!
Top (L-R) : Jan, Franz
OMG... i bloated because of that darn tooth! Wahh :wah

My mother and I did our first in months SHOPPING SPREE! Whoa, ang daming binili especially gifts for *cough cough* and SHOES! hehe pics will be posted.... kung may cam na :( :wah

Well i guess this is it! :hehe

Updates when I update! :cool

Jha gave me an award!! Aww thanks so muchh!!! It's my 2nd award so far... Can't believe this moldy old blog gets any... hehe thanks so much!!

and now for the rules!


* Put the logo on your blog.
* Add a link to the person who awarded it to you.
* Link 10 other bloggers whom you wanted to share this award to.
* Give a reason why you consider that person’s blog cool.

I'm going to break the rules for a bit coz I'm tagging everyone who hasn't received this yet because I believe that every blogger is cool in their own right! I mean we're all cool, we're unique, we're fun!! SO GO PEEPZ! hehe :p =) :yay


*Get PAID to blog!*
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stolen @ 10:11 PM

Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Image hosted by Hello Hell Month!

I've always wondered what hell weeks were like in high school. Sure I also had my own share of HELL HELL weeks in high school but... I don't know. It seems different in college.

It's actually a HELL MONTH. My gosh. There are soo many orals, papers, exams and projects in one month that i'm gonna burst. urgh. In high school, I guess chinese took up most of my time but now that I'm chinese-free in college, I'm now worked up to do well in others, and there are plenty of stuff to do.

Sorry so much guys for the lack of updates. It's already October and I haven't even updated anything! eeep! I hope you guys understand. If you want, catch me up on YM or Plurk or twitter. Comment if ya wanna know my YM =) hehe or if you have MSN, basta chatting tool. I've also got skype! hehe Just comment and ask for them, and i'll readily give ya =)

For some weird reason, random strangers add me up on skype, why?? How do they even see me? I guess when they make a user search noh? Oh well, time to outline my Filipino stuff. URGH. hehe =) Good luck guys!

I'll be free next Saturday. THAT'S A PROMISE. As in I'm free na. Free for a month to do anything coz it's sembreak! Unlike high school again, there are actually NO HOMEWORKS on a sembreak.  I CAN'T WAIT! =) hehe well tc now!~

Good luck sa finals!=)

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stolen @ 5:08 PM