My Entries Me You Misc

Saturday, February 28, 2009
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It's Official......



Here's why I haven't been blogging for the past 4 weeks now, see it's gonna be March in 2 days and I really haven't posted anything. My blogging muse has temporarily evacuated my mind and has probably gone off to a vacation somewhere. I don't have the inspiration to blog now nor write decently in my papers. I just have no bloody idea why. :(

I'm really really sorry to my blogging mates and sisters that I haven't visited you guys for a while. Hopefully by the time the semester ends, I'll have gone back to my senses and continue blogging and put up a new layout. I do have a new layout, it just hasn't been experimented on yet.

I'm really sorry my fellow sisters :( Thanks still to those who still visit and think of me once in a while :p Somehow I'll make it all up to you guys. Things have really been going awry and I'm having a quarter life crisis here. :((

You can still check me out at tumblr, multiply, facebook(my friendster is officially dead), ym (ask for it and i'll PM ya :hehe) and of course Plurk. ADD ME GUYS!! But first introduce yourselves kay?

Peace out! :cool

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stolen @ 4:28 PM

Monday, December 22, 2008
Image hosted by Being a WinterBird...IS COOL!

*Currently finished downloading..
#62 High Fidelity

Hey guys! It's only 4 days away till Christmas and I must say that I AM definitely feeling the Christmas spirit more this year despite the economic crisis and all. And despite being out of high school. I think that's a big thing! Hope that you all had fun! I'll be explaining lots in this video here (yeah another vlog! A bit long again. Gelli has also tagged me and it's about time I've shown it! hehe I've also sent Chiui my Christmas video message! Kasabawan! lolz :P And pls look to your left.... new avatar! whoot! haha :P

And if may gusto magbigay sa akin this Christmas....*points to wish list - previous post* haha JOKEZ!! :p


Vlog#5 Being A WinterBird Is Cool! from Tiffany K on Vimeo.

* the pommy in the pic with me is the best pommy i had for 3 days... sniff.. those 3 days were reallly something special for me.... wahhzz me miss pommy... hehe. i think they sold her na... wished i could have bought her... :(*

Gelli tagged me with this. Just answer the questions as you google-images or flickr the answers to the questions! hehe Been always wanting to do this but I've never had the time! hehe :P Have fuun! :p

1. Age of my next birthday - 19. Ang tanda ko naa!
2. Place I’d like to travel. - Europe or Japan!! Grabe those are my dream places! :P
3. My favorite place. - Anywhere na may sunset, ang cool noh?
4. A favorite thing. - My IPOD TOUCH! Love kita! haha :P
5. Favorite food. - Sinigang definitely!
6. Favorite color. - RED
7. The city I was born. - Guess :P
8. The city I reside now - Guess rin :P
9.Name of my first lover. - Guess please! (as if may lover at all noh? pero guess nyo) :P
10. Favorite movie. - Lord of the Rings trilogy yeahhh!!!
11. Favorite book. - Cyempre the immortal Harry potter series. actually.. marami :((
12. Bad habit. - Fickle-mindedness...
13. A hobby. - Reading!! READING!!!
14. Current wishlist (maximum of 3). - IRONMAN DVD ( i will LOVE U FOREVER if you buy me this. as IN FOREVER!!. Bose headphones (dreaming eh). Cornyness earrings :P

*Edit, i saw at sis Beng's site na may extra category sa tag
15. Name of my College Major and here it is!! Guess niyo kung ano! hehe

Belated Happy Birthday rin to Sis Jhoice and Sis Hershey!! haha super belated na!! hehe
Haahaa so there!! I tag anyone nalang, so if ya wanna do it (ang cool kaya gawin niyo na! hhee), just do it!! :p YES WE CAN sabi ni Obama :P

Updates when I update! :p :cool

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stolen @ 12:30 AM

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Image hosted by Freedom...freedom!! *sings*

I am so sorry for not blogging earlier guys. :wah I still feel uncomfortable with this tooth predicament and I am now feeling this weird twitches. There was even once when I felt this TICKLISH feeling and of course the itchy feeling of the lower teeth area. I hope that this would be gone by TOMORROW because I'm going to visit my high school tomorrow! I super can't wait!!! hehee :hehe

Sighs.. I'm tired of bread... that's all I've been eating since Thursday. Hopefully I lost some pounds already..:hehe

My mom just told me a piece of good news yesterday! There's a possibility that we might go to Dubai and stay over at my mom's friend's house! Whoot!! I've been wanting to SEE *take note, see, i can't afford to spend a night in these hotels!* the uber mega famous hotels of Dubai like the Burj-Al-Arab hotel! :yay

"Designed to resemble a billowing sail, the hotel soars to a height of 321 metres, dominating the Dubai coastline. At night, it offers an unforgettable sight, surrounded by choreographed colour sculptures of water and fire.

This all-suite hotel reflects the finest that the world has to offer. With your chauffeur driven Rolls Royce, discreet in-suite check in, private reception desk on every floor and a brigade of highly trained butlers who provide around-the-clock attention, you can be assured of a highly personalised service throughout your stay."

from the site

@_@ butlers?? haha! And despite being a small country, Dubai is very technological advanced so being a gadget freak, I won't be able to help but drool all over the place! This dream has yet to become a reality this December. I HOPE that it will be a reality *prays*

To all my American friends out there, i know that the presidential election is near and all of you have problem either Obama or McCain in mind (personally, I think Obama would win!!) but here's just something to tickle your funny bone. I was browsing over Cinematical's posts and found an array of obama-mccain "movie posters"! Super laughtrip lang!! I have nothing against the candidates but it sure is a fun parody :p. Especially Step Brothers, Dumb and Dumber, etc! :haha

Onto a more serious note, this presidential election, or ANY for that matter, is a life-changing event. That is why it is so IMPORTANT to ponder over the abilities of the candidates and VOTE for your country's leader. It's just saddening to think that some people actually throw away their FREEDOM to vote. I mean people, you have a democratic country which PEOPLE have fought for the PEOPLE's good welfare and you're just throwing away centuries' sacrifices? As a citizen, one must take it a duty to take care of their homeland, their country. I don't know... I'm just saying that people should think it over carefully and not shotgun their votes. May the Lord help us.

If you haven't read my previous post *the one right before this* and watched the trailer for Persepolis, PLEASE DO! I'm encouraging you all to watch this little animation especially in times like this to further understand the freedom that we have.

I've been meaning to write about the situation with my brother but I think I'll save it for another day. It'll be another long post and i don't want to be dragging anymore. Well tc now!! :hehe

Updates when I update! :cool

*Get PAID to blog!*
Sponsored Reviews

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stolen @ 10:05 AM

Monday, September 15, 2008
Image hosted by My Grandpa Sees Saddam Hussein

...supposedly at their third floor apartment. My guakong (maternal grandpa) is already 85 years old and he is probably suffering this onset Alzheimer's disease. I'm not sure if it is but he is starting to forget some people's names and he claims that he can see his mother (who has been dead for x years already) and other visitors inside the house like the aforementioned Saddam Hussein. I really like my guakong because unlike my other grandparents, he speaks tagalog and english more frequently and is probably the nicest grandpa in the block (hard to say for my angkong, paternal grandfather). He's also open to a lot of opinions and treats us grandkiddies very well. I just saw him you see, a while ago and it hurts me to see the state that he's in. His right leg is inflamed (WHOLE right leg down to right foot) because of a blocked nerve and he has lost his left eyesight. And his spine is bending like a hunchback's now... Wahh.. wish I'd get to know him earlier, it's not like he's leaving us anytime soon. It just reminds me that he could be gone soon... Wahh... I'd rather not think about it now.

I attended 2 parties last Friday and Saturday, ergo no recent blog entries (sorry guys!). The first one was my mum's See kim ma's (mom's aunt) 80th birthday! It was really bongacious because it's been in the tradition of Chinese (rich usually, them NOT US) to throw parties at certain ages such as 4, 16, 18, etc (i think...) and finally 80. Everything was literally overshadowed by the color red (red symbolizes luck and happiness) and yellow! The whole room was so goshdarn red that I was really really happy (come on red is my fave color! heehe) It was nice to see SeeKim very very energetic. You know that her family has it made when you see that they invited head teachers, monks (YES THERE WERE MONKS! lolz!) and 500 other friends and families. Grandchildren are also traditionally asked/forced to do a presentation and lolz, I couldn't help be amused at the numbers they did! Imagine playing and bellydancing to Bebot, Glamorous and Give me more at your grandma's 80th birthday and in the presence of 60+ year old people! lolz! It was really a funny sight. I guess i was also in a good mood because my second cousin didn't sing as good as I sung back in January (for some reason, she also sang the same song). I'm not being to proud or anything.. but my mom confirmed the fact and I was happy =) hehe

Another amusing thing that happened that night was the likeness of my little 5 year old cousin and I! hehe. We wore the same headband on the same day! Same blue sequined headband, just that hers was definitely smaller. We really looked like sisters (she does look like me a little) and I thought it was really cute! lolz, haha. My aunt says that she's doing really well, i mean the little tot is already the top of her batch in her first year of kinder! And you know what? She's studying piano, ballet, gymnastics, voice lessons and who knows what at this early age! Maybe she's gonna be a genius, i hope she is! And she doesn't look like a geek mind you. She's really sweet. My aunt also told me about her sweet friendship with her bestfriend. I mean it was my little cousin who sort of "rescued" that little girl from loneliness on the first day of school and they never parted ways since. She sent flowers to her, could you believe it? Sighs... hope their friendships last.. I know the feeling of losing childhood friends... :(

Here's a pic of her when she was 3! hehe Watcha think? Rianna's her name =)
*posting pic later*

My bro hasn't contacted us for 5 days. URGHH! He must give us updates! lolz, I feel like my mum's still sort of caging my bro because of skype but now that he's got roomates (his roomie is part of THE team USA track and field!) and school, I guess contacting him won't be easy anymore... oh well...

Steppy's got her arm in a sling... hope she's OK now. Urgh, car doors suck! hehe

Well I think i'll stop for a while. Urgh, have to go study. HELL WEEK THIS WEEK! eeep!!

Updates when I update! :cool

Oh, random video about the Great Sticky Note Experiment!

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stolen @ 9:03 PM

Sunday, September 07, 2008
Image hosted by Videos Galore!

My kabarkada (best friend, groupie, homie) Joan just bombarded me with such cute and sad little short(redundant much? haha!) films that I couldn't NOT share them! hehe.

The first couple of shorts were nominated in the Oscars last year and both are French. The first one features a husband impatiently stuck in traffic and decides to pass time by calling up home with his "new" (i think?) phone. Watch and see the twist in the end.

The second one features a very very sad woman who aboards the train. Sounds like a very boring premise noh? I assure you, this one's a really sad sad film.

The last one is a short animated film about.... CHUBCHUBS!! And what are chubchubs? Lolz. I loved this!!

Oh and I'd like to promote a film deemed Oscar-worthy next year by Sean Penn. It's MILK. I loved this little trailer. It's one of those trailers where special effects isn't the reason why you want to watch it.

A little info on Milk
"Academy Award nominee Gus Van Sant directs Academy Award winner Sean Penn as gay-rights icon Harvey Milk. Mr. Milk (1930-1978) was an activist and politician, and the first openly gay man to be elected to public office in America; in 1977, he was voted to the city supervisors' board of San Francisco. The following year, both he and the city's mayor George Moscone were shot to death by another city supervisor, Dan White. Mr. Milk was previously the subject of the Academy Award-winning documentary feature "The Times of Harvey Milk," but "Milk" is the first non-documentary feature to explore the man's life and career. " -Youtube description

My brother's officially leaving in 5 hours. Oops my bad everyone. He was going to leave today and not yesterday as I have earlier said. Sighs.. i can't imagine 5 months without anybody to banter with or to shout at. Home will be so quiet. It's really sad. I do hope he does well in Portugal and not waste 5 months of his life. It'll be hard to communicate though coz the time difference is a lot. 8 hours. urgh. Anyway, he has to take a lot of pics or else I'll bash him! hehe joking =)

I'm supposed to be writing now but I still don't have the zest. Urgh... why oh why has this been happening lately? I just wish I could sail off on a boat and venture off somewhere. My mom got me a credit card (cool!! yey! Color black pa siya, it looks really important) but sad thing is I'm probably never gonna use it this year. My bro and I share the same account and he's probably gonna take the bigger share since he's off in Europe and he has to buy a lot of stuff since he could only bring 20 kilos over there. Oh well.. hehe

Oh, and I got my dream grade, B IN MATH LONG TEST AGAIN! yes!! Sorry guys if my standards have fallen but I really have to face reality and accept the fact that I cannot A this subject anymore and my hopes are in the hands of Bs. If I still want to get on the dean's list, I really have to B this subject. I have to. It's a 6-unit subject. I was just so dumb that I C-ed my midterms. So dumb so dumb. Sighs..

Well I'll post again hopefully soon! TC!!

Updates when I update! :cool

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stolen @ 10:56 AM

Thursday, March 15, 2007
Image hosted by Why?

I feel so weird this summer. It's unlike any summer I've experienced. I guess it being my last summer that I will be experiencing in SJ has contributed a lot in my worrying state. I just feel so stressed out but it doesn't make any sense (maybe a little, what with all the clearance issues and payment of prom pics and summer classes). I sleep early (10 pm! man that's early) and wake up late (8am) but I feel so........ DANG TIRED!!!!!!!! WHY????!!!!!!


I feel sad and happy at the same time too. I'm happy because it's summer, I passed the La Salle interview (WHOOPPEE!), lots of activities but I'm sad because of probably the same things to0. All day long I've just been watching, going to school (clearance), watching more House series *which is FANTASTIC by the way*, and eating! Sighs... it's probably just "ONE" of those days. I hope that it'll pass. I wanna just be happy...

Well guess this is my first post after the long hiatus! heehee. I'll probably come back if I think of something more to write about =)

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stolen @ 7:10 PM

Image hosted by A long time ago...

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away........................when Tiffany still blogged....

Hehee you might all be wondering why I'm stealing.. I meant ahem, BORROWING the star wars intro. It's probably because I think it's been a LONG LONG TIME ago in a GALAXY FAR FAR AWAY since I've written here. I mean can you imagine it? The last time I wrote in here was October 2006! 2006 people! And it's already March 14, 2007! I'm quite pathetic am I? I think I've just got disconnected to blogging. Words weren't flowing freely as they used to me. My interest has gone below zero that I've neglected updating even the smallest details here like links, etc! Man am I pathetic!

But this pathetic loser does have a reason as always =) hehehe. Just one word to sum it all up: SCHOOL. And boredom too. I won't recall everything now coz it's just too much to handle. I'll just make a list of my memorable experiences last year

1. English Speech Choir! (3rd place ain't soo bad! heehee)
2. Chemistry Magic Show (the ultimate cramming experience!)
3. Threeberrific retreat and field trip! (LOADS OF PICS!)
4. SPORTSFEST (the upset! the drama!!)
5. Book reports (dorian gay i meant, gray)
6. Jody and Einstein, R.I.P.
7. Welcome Rocky, the cute golden retriever!
8. L.A. and Happy gave birth
9. RnJ, well I was one of the backstage people... hahha
10. PROM!! (man, I was sick here!)
11. Passed De La Salle Computer Camp (WOOHOO!!)
12. Threeberrific coke plant tour (yeah more pics!)
13. duh. SUMMER!!! YEY!!!

Heeheee man that was fun =)

If you want to check out what it's been like the past... *counts fingers* 5 months, pls check out my multiply =) ADD ME too! heehee. Same name, same address, different uh... sites. Teehee.
So I'll be making major updates (i'll start with the links!!) and now I'm sure that you'll be hearing from me soon. =) This is my official first post in 5 months, but hopefully i'll become more emooey in the coming posts. TOODLEZ PEEPZ! heehee =)

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stolen @ 9:26 AM