Showing posts with label Trost. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trost. Show all posts

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Das doppelte Lottchen #168, lots of cards & EXCITING news!

Hello everyone,

I guess you notived that it was quiet for a while over here. Well, Anni and I decided to take a summer break, but we are back and I have tons of cards to share!

For those new on my blog:
Lottie and Lisa means Anni and I usually pick a stamp or stamp set or die that we both have (we nearly have the same taste!) and create a card with this product and another task.
Today I made a wish, and it is:

Lawn Fawn - Critters in the forest


cool colors

I am usually not a big fan of purple, but I recently fell in love with soft-purple/ turquoise combos, so I used that color combo  for this week's card:

And now, without lots of words, here's a whole bunch of card using the new Create A Smile release.  (click!) SO. MUCH. FUN!!!

Moving along with the times - clean and simple
Less is more - recipe "sticker" (alphabet stickers)

CASology - fun

Simply Create Too - use feathers

Addicted to stamps and more - holiday (summer holidays)

CAS mix up - stamping + sprays + your choice
Allsorts - use at least two dies
4 crafty chicks - sentiment

Stempelküche - lasst uns feiern!
Stampin' Royalty - Birthdays
Seize the birthday - anything goes
Craft for the craic - photo inspiration

Daring Cardmakers - Wonderful woodgrain

Last but not least I would like to tell you about so AMAZING news!
Create a Smile will soon launch their first mini-print-magazine called "Treasures" and YOU could be a part of the first issue! Who does not love to be published, especially in a PRINT media?!
Here's the Open Call for submissions, so make sure you don't miss this amazing opportunity! (click!)

That was a lot of stuff and news to check out!

Now hop over to Anni's blog to find her creation :) She'll knock your socks off ;)

Thanks for viisting!

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Das doppelte Lottchen #1

It's sunday, that means it's Lottie and Lisa time! 

Lottie and Lisa means Anni and I usually pick a stamp or stamp set or die that we both have (we nearly have the same taste!) and create a card with this product and another task.
Today Anni made a wish, and it is:


Diecut background

There are endless possibilities to use dies for your background, but I decided to use a die that was meant for backgrounds. It's a MFT die that created a brickwall. I blended some ink onto white paper, then used the die and only used some of the diecut pieces in their actual spots.

For the coloring I used macthing colors (Copics) and added a sentiment (oh no!) with foam stickers. Pretty simple, only the background took a little bit of time got get everything in place.

I love his shocked and disappointed face - it's way too cute!

Now hop over to Anni's blog to find her creation :) She'll knock your socks off ;)

Thanks for viisting!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Das doppelte Lottchen #121

It's Lottie and Lisa time!

That means Anni and I usually pick a stamp or stamp that that we both have (we nearly have the same taste!) and create a card with this set and another task.
Today I made a wish, and it is:

Paper Smooches - Botanicals 2
3 different twines

Es ist wieder Lottchenzeit! 

Hier einigen die wunderbare Anni und ich uns üblicherweise auf einen Stempel oder ein Stempelset , dass wir beide besitzen und gestalten (unser Geschmack ist sehr ähnlich!) mit diesem und einer Zusatzaufgabe eine Karte. 
Ich durfte wünschen, und heraus kam:

Paper Smooches - Botanicals 2
3 verschiedene Garne

I had a hard time with myown challenge - the first card i made was a CASE of Yana Smakula's card over here  but mine turned out WAY too girly for me - you can find it at the end of this post. So I went for something else and came up with this very simple card. the sentiment says "keep your head up".

Ich hatte wirklich Schwirigkeiten mit meiner eigenen Vorgabe - die erste Karte war noch mal ein CASE von Yana Smakula's Karte hier, aber sie wurde mir VIEL zu mädchenhaft - ihr findet sie am Ende dieses Posts. Tja, und dann habe ich noch was anderes probiert und diese sehr simple Katze kam dabei heraus:

Some embossing on vellum and a window with twine - that's it. And I still don't like it a lot...

Etwas Embossing auf Vellum und ein Fenster mit Garn - das war's schon. Und ich mag die Karte immer noch nicht besonders.

And this was the first - way too girly - attempt:

Now hop over to see Anni's wonderful creation!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Tickling Tuesday #27 - Creating texture on canvas

Welcome to another Tickling Tuesday!

I know you all know this: You get new supplies and you want to use them. Now.
For me it was the woodgrain-frames that I got from Samantha  (thank you Sam!!!) and also the Copics that my hero gave to me (oh, he KNOWS how to make this girl happy!)
Have you ever tried to use an embossing folder on canvas? I used some primed art-canvas and it worked really well. Watch the video to see how the card came together. :) If you have any questions concerning the products that I used - please let me know!

Willkommen zu einem neuen Tickling Tuesday!

Ich weiß ihr alle kennt das: Ihr bekommt neues Material und ihr wollt es benutzen. Jetzt.
In meinem Fall waren das die Woodgrain Rahmen, die ich von Samantha bekommen habe (danke, Sam!!!) und auch die Copics, die ich von meinem Helden bekommen habe (oh, er weiß, wie man mich glücklich machen kann!)
Habt ihr schon mal versucht einen Embossingfolder für Leinwand zu benutzen? Ich habe grundierte Künstler-Leinwand benutzt und das klappt richtig gut! Schaut Euch das Video an um zu sehen, wie sich die Karte langsam entwickelt hat. :) Wen ihr Fragen zu den Produkten habt, lasst es mich wissen!


Can you see the sparkle? I always have a hard time taking photos that show all the glitter.

Könnt Ihr das Funkeln sehen? Ich find's immer schwer Fotos aufzunehmen, die das Glitzern zeigen.

Thanks for stopping by! All your lovely comments are so much appreciated!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Sweet Stamp Shop - grey cards for grey days

Hi there,

today I am bringing inspiration to the Sweet Stamp Shop Blog again.
I spend some thoughts on empathy when creating "feel better" cards and ended up with monochromatic grey card. You can find all the thoughts on the Sweet Stamp Shop Blog.

I'd love to share the cards that I made:

Don't you just love the look of monochromatic grey scenes? They always remind me of old photos.

The second one is not that much of a scene, but I still love it :)

Fishy__43681.1407164861.386.513Stinky SkunkBeach Bum

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Neat & Tangled Release Preview: Time Warp + A Long time ago

Hey there!
It's time for day 3 of the the Neat & Tangled's may release week! There will be 5 Sets this month - and they are all so adorable!

Today we'd like to introduce "Time Warp" +" A Long time ago" to you. It's from outer space ;)

I made two cards - one card with each set - but I had difficulties because when I wanted to create those cards, my heat gun dies. So the second one looks kind of messed up - so sorry!

As always there is so much inspiration from that awesome DT-team. I am always WOWED and inspired by that team - just too much talent over there!
So hop over to the Neat and Tangled Blog, to see what they made with this set!

There's also a giveaway on the N&T Blog, so I' sure you don't want to miss that ;)

Thanks for stoppin' by! :)
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