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August 16, 2016

A big loss...

I've been absent from blog land.   My father in law died last week. 

My husband had spent the last several weeks traveling back and forth across the state and living out of hotel rooms to be closer to the hospital, but none of us really thought he would be really gone from our lives.  73 is much too young.  
I have to share part of the obituary that my husband wrote.  Leonard Kenward will be remembered for his giving nature, his generous heart, and unwavering wish for all of his children and grandchildren to be happy and successful. 

He was a constant thread in all of our lives and was the first person we went to in times of struggle, need, or great celebration. His presence and daily involvement in all of our lives will be greatly missed. 

We anticipate Heaven to be filled with lots of golfing, plenty of fishing, daily video poker, reminiscing with those who have gone before him, and lots and lots of laughter. 
Goodbye, Papa.  We love you lots and lots.