
Showing posts with the label Evil

Pat Robertson: The Devil Made Me Do It

Pat Robertson. Remember him? He's the guy who spent years begging for donations to help the poor in Africa, and then used the cargo planes hired for the effort to ship military supplies to the violent rebels in several countries, in return for blood diamonds, on which he made a huge personal profit. Yet still he continues to be a major figure in the Christian right. Pat in person. Makes Hannah Arendt look pretty perceptive, huh? Now, from the lofty moral eminence which he has earned through such behavior, he has given us his wisdom on the recent earthquake in Haiti. From the New York Daily News: "The Rev. Pat Robertson is offering his own absurd explanation for why a quake hit Haiti: Many years ago, the island's people "swore a pact to the devil." "Something happened a long time ago in Haiti, and people might not want to talk about it," the controversial televangelist said during an interview Wednesday on the Christian Broadcasting Network. "T