
Showing posts with the label Trump treason

How Many Reasons to Impeach?

Let's start out by remembering that, no matter how they spin it, the Republicans impeached Bill Clinton over a blow job, and that they tried for years to gin up an impeachment of Barack Obama based on an endless series of lies about Benghazi. Times have sure changed, huh?  We now have an absolutely out of control, mentally defective Republican President who seems to be licensed to engage in any sort of abomination without its bothering Congressional Republicans one bit.  He seems to commit clearly impeachable abuses weekly, if not daily, and not one single Republican will state the obvious in public. I think I'll just take a walk through the last few months and list some of the grounds that exist to remove this malignant character from the White House.  I will start with the most recent and work my way into the past, where the real abominations lie. 1.  Trump has just been caught revealing the nation's most secret intelligence data to the Russians.  Compare the Republ

Russia, Russia, Russia

I suggest that you take the time to watch the latest video from Keith Olbermann: It has been clear for months now, that the endless connections between Donald Trump and Russia are enough to convince anyone not living in a state of utter denial that Trump is a traitor in collusion with the Russian dictator.  Keith lays a lot of it out in this video; what he does not get into is what Trump has actually done for the Russians, in the way of demolishing our intelligence apparatus, deliberately alienating us from our allies, working to destroy NATO, obviously planning to do away with sanctions on Russia, appointing people deeply connected to Russia to our highest executive branch positions, and on and on. Now, just consider how much immense power the Republicans have to prevent this sort of information from being assembled in public, and any sentient person must come to one conclusion and one conclusion only: that we are led by a man who has accepted bribes or been blackmailed to destr

Today in Trumpistan, Valentines Day Edition

Well- three weeks and two vacations.  Glad Donald is taking his job seriously. And our President, on the job as usual: "Donald Trump greeted Japan’s prime minister Shinzo Abe to the White House on Friday – but it didn’t go exactly to plan. It appears Trump wasn’t wearing his earpiece – which translated Abe’s address for the room.   Yet, people noted Trump nodding in agreement to Abe. Trump is NOT wearing a translator earpiece. This means he is PRETENDING to understand Japanese." Well, he is only pretending to do all of his other Presidential duties, so no surprise there.  And how did his time with the Japanese Prime Minister go? "Richard DeAgazio was already seated for dinner, on the Mar-a-Lago Club’s terrace, when President Trump entered with the prime minister of Japan on Saturday night. The crowd — mostly paying members of Trump’s private oceanfront club in Palm Beach, Fla. — stood to applaud. The president’s party sat about six tables away. Then,