
A Legal Reminder

From Green Eagle, who is not a lawyer, but he can read: 18 U.S. Code § 2. Principals (a) Whoever commits an offense against the United States or aids, abets, counsels, commands, induces or procures its commission, is punishable as a principal. (b) Whoever willfully causes an act to be done which if directly performed by him or another would be an offense against the United States, is punishable as a principal. Bolding courtesy of Green Eagle. Notice that there is no exception there for "I was just joking."

The Greatest Turnout

Courtesy of Daily Kos , a photo from a Trump rally today in Kentucky, featuring one of his sons: I don't think I even need to comment on this.



Green Eagle's Conspiracy Corner

Green Eagle does love himself a good conspiracy theory, so here's one of my own, about the recent magnitude 7.1 California earthquake. This idea came to me when I happened to see a right wing video that claimed that the earthquake was actually caused by  reptilians from outer space, to accomplish something I  was never clear about. Anyway, that started me thinking about that earthquake.  It was the biggest earthquake to hit the United States in decades.  What a strange coincidence that it struck right in the middle of one of the largest US military weapons testing centers, huh? Well, here's my conspiracy theory.  Trump is backing out of international treaties against nuclear weapons as fast as he can, the disgusting monster.  I'm suggesting that this was actually an underground nuclear test, conducted at Trump's orders, to send a message to Russia and China.  We know he is hot to use a nuclear weapon, and this would be a good first step. So, here't the thing

I Want to Thank the Russians

For thoughtfully waiting until after the tremendous world-wide success of the TV show "Chernobyl," before their latest demonstration that they are not competent to possess a slingshot, let alone nuclear weapons. Trump's best buddies demonstrating what competence in government means to them. P.S.- this is a picture of Chernobyl.  We don't have any yet of what happened last week.

Maybe This Means Something

Yesterday, Elizabeth Warren held a town hall: I thought this was an interesting contrast to the town hall held a few days ago by arch-Conservative Republican Steve King: And yeah, the pictures are real.  I don't want to get optimistic, but I sure hope this says something about the levels of enthusiasm on both sides of the political divide.

Hey, It Was All Fake News, I Guess

This happened a few days ago, but I think it is such a perfect example of the press collaborating with Republicans to cover up any bad news for them that I want to say a few words about it. First, here is what happened:  A Jewish group held a peaceful demonstration at an ICE concentration camp in Connecticut (yeah, these camps are everywhere.)  I guess most people can understand why Jews feel rather sensitive about concentration camps, but anyway, a prison guard, apparently aping the behavior of Islamic terrorists, deliberately drove his truck into the demonstrators, injuring a couple of them.  Here is a sample of how the press treated this story: Boston Globe:  "R.I. prison worker placed on leave after truck pushes through ICE protesters" "Truck pushes through protestors"- apparently on its own initiative, without any human involvement. Time:  "A Rhode Island correctional officer has been placed on leave after a truck he was allegedly driving rammed