Showing posts with label christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label christmas. Show all posts

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Cornicopia

Welcome back! I hope you had a wonderful and most blessed Christmas! My family had a good one, we were surrounded by the ones we love and one to many delicious cakes ...the combination can make anyone full....and blessed. The week prior to Christmas my family and my brother and his family went to Tuscaloosa to the home of my brother and sister in law, who host their annual Supper and Christmas movie night. The food is always so scrumptious. This year we watched the classic, "Jingle All the Way". Here are some pictures from our family Christmas movie night...

My brother in law is an artist for the Tuscaloosa Newspaper. He drew this image for a story he did about the Polar Express. He had his drawing enlarged and gave our family a copy of it for Christmas. The picture features Tuscaloosa in the background, complete with Bryant Denny stadium, Denny Chimes and downtown Tuscaloosa landmarks. Needless to say, we were thrilled to own it! Thank you, Tony!
(Click picture to enlarge details)

On Christmas Eve I hosted Christmas Lunch at our home. We had standing rib roast, mashed potatoes, broccoli casserole, salad, Corn casserole, rolls and a plethera of desserts.

Peg was able to join us this year, we were glad of that. She is truly in a fragile state, we don't know how much longer she will be with us, so it is always an honor to be in company. My daughter, "Sister Sledge" is her number one. They have a very special relationship. She might not remember anyone, but she will Sledge. She calls Sledge her "cheerleader". It's a beautiful thing.

Following lunch, it was time to open gifts. I think everyone got something that they liked. It's always fun to watch the children, they truly do encompass the spirit of Christmas.

After everyone left, we all rested, put up our feet and then re-energized with a cup of hot cocoa by the fire.

Then, we waited. And waited. And waited, For the city's tradition of having Santa drive down the streets of town on a firetruck. I think many cities do this, it's a wonderful and magical tradition, I don't care how old you are!
Finally, we heard the wail of the engine and ran outside in just enough to see Santa whizz past our home.

Now it was time to all pile into the car to look at Christmas lights as we made our way to our friends, the Dassau's annual Eve gathering.
Their home is always so lovely, with the glow of Christmas shining within.

The children play, anticipating Santa's arrival later in the evening.

The Dassau's make their annual soup bowls. We are fortunate to have friends, who are also wonderful cooks with knowledge of Cajun and creole cuisine. Every year we are treated to stock pots full of their Homemade Gumbo and Homemade Corn and Crawfish Bisque.

With our tummy's full we bid ado and hugged with Merry Christmas'. We tucked the children in beds with visions of Lego's and cell phones in their heads. "Christmas was on its way. Lovely, glorious, beautiful Christmas, upon which the entire kid year revolved."  Before you knew it, the peacefulness of Christmas Eve was gone. ‎"We plunged into the cornucopia quivering with desire and the ecstasy of unbridled avarice."

It was enough to tire even the toughest of men.

And puppies.
After opening gifts at our home, we headed to my parents home, 15 minutes away. We were greeted at the door by my little niece, who was thrilled to show off what Santa had left her for Christmas. Meet "George", a mini dapple dachshund.

Prior to Christmas my cousin Beckie contacted me with a great plan. Beckie's mother (Ruth) and my mom's mother (Buena) were sisters. Both are long deceased. Beckie found a letter that Buena had written to Ruth in 1929. Beckie had ever seen the letter, and because it was in Beckie's possesion, she was certain that my mother had never seen it either. Becky saw my post on my blog and said it would be a good idea to frame it. She sent it to me and I did....It was our gift to her.

My mother adored it!!!! Thank you Beckie! You are so amazing!!!!

Everyone seemed to get what they wanted....

There were smiles all around...

And on this day, Christmas Day, the holiest of days... the day of miracles

Came a miracle in and of itself in the south....
A white Christmas.
Something I have never seen before. And it was beautiful!
One couldn't help but pause to look at it.

And one couldn't help but play in it either!!!

Whew! It was a whirlwind of a fantastic and glorious Christmas. And this was only part of it! I plan to share the food, and the recipes as well as what my daughter gave to me this Christmas. It is hands down my most favorite and special Christmas gift ever.
Thank you for dropping in today. If you have posted about your Christmas, I hope you will let me know. 
And even if you didn't, I'd LOVE to hear from you. You are special to me. So, leave a comment, it's my roadmap to your blog....and if you don't have a blog, your friendship.
Thank you!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Christmas Guest (& a special version of Thrifty Thursday)

I ran this last year, and will continue to do so every year. I asked last week if you would like to link any of your favorite Christmas tradition, memories or thriftiness (Thrifty Thursday) today. This story (below)  is a tradition with my family, on Christmas Eve to read this story. We drink hot cocoa by the fire and rea aloud. I hope that maybe you can share this story with your family on this Christmas Eve, and remember and reflect on this special eve the greatest story ever told....

"Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace among men of good will" (Luke 2:14).

Every Christmas that I can recall from memory, as a child I would go into my mother's dresser and pull out a newsletter that we received in the mail from a local church. I anticipated listening to a particular story that was in it, "The Christmas Guest"every Christmas Eve, as was tradition. Today I love to gather my own children around the fireplace before Christmas, sip from cups of piping hot chocolate while sitting in our coziest of jammy's and read the story to my children. It is one of those Christmas traditions that is so special. It really makes you stop and think about what Christmas-and life itself-is really about.

Don't miss the very things that are in front of you. God's presence (and His "presents" ) is everywhere. I hope that this story touches you. Print it out, preserve it in your dresser or Christmas box and perhaps it will become a tradition with your family too. I hope that every year you will think of how blessed we are to have one another. We are so rich, I don't mean monetarily but in the things that matter most.

Thankyou for your friendship, it is one of my "presents". May you be blessed.
Merry Christmas.
Luke 2:14
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

The Christmas Guest

It happened one day, near December's end Two neighbors called on an old friend. And they found his shop so meager and lean, Made joyful with a thousand bows of green.A nd Conrad was sittin' with face a shining when he suddenly stopped as he stitched a twine. And he said "Oh friends at dawn today,When the rooster was crowing the night away the Lord appeared in a dream to me", and said "I am coming your guest to be."So I've been busy with feet a stir, A strewing my shop with branches of fir. The table is spread and the kettle is shined and over the rafter the holly is twined. Now I'll wait for my Lord to appear and listen closely so I will hear his step - as he nears my humble place, And I open the door and look on his face.

So his friends went home and left Conrad alone. For this was the happiest day he had known For long since his family had passed away­ and Conrad had spent a many a sad Christmas day. But he knew with the Lord, as his Christmas guest, This Christmas would be the dearest and best. So he listened with only joy in his heart, and with every sound he would rise with a start and look for the Lord to be at his door -Like the vision he'd had a few hours before.

So he ran to the window, after hearing a sound. But all he could see on the snow covered ground Was a shabby beggar whose shoes were torn And all of his clothes were ragged and worn. But Conrad was touched and he went to the door, And he said, "You know your feet must be frozen and sore".I have some shoes in my shop for you and a coat that will keep you warmer too. So with grateful heart the man went away but Conrad noticed the time of day-­and wondered what made the Lord So late and how much longer he'd have to wait.

When he heard a knock he ran to the door But it was only a stranger once more.A bent old lady with a shawl of black With a bundle of kindling piled on her back. She asked for only a place to rest­But that was reserved for Conrad's great guest. But her voice seemed to plea - Don't send me away. Let me rest for a while on Christmas day. So old Conrad brewed her a steaming cup and told her to sit at the table and sup. But after she left he was filled with dismay, For he saw that the hours Were slipping away ­and the Lord hadn't come as he said he would. And Conrad felt sure he'd misunderstood.
When out of the stillness he heard a cry –
"Please help me and tell me where am I."So again he opened his friendly door,and stood disappointed as twice before. It was only a child who had wondered away, and was lost from her family on Christmas day. Again Conrad's heart was heavy and sad­ -But he knew he should make the little girl glad. So he called her in and he wiped her tear, and quieted all her childish fears. Then he led her back to her home once more.

But as he entered his own darkened door,He knew the Lord was not coming today­ -For the hours of Christmas had passed away. So he went to his room and knelt down to pray. And he said "Dear Lord, why did you delay?" "What kept you from coming to call on me. For I wanted so much your face to see."When soft in the silence a voice he heard ­"Lift up your head for I kept my word. Three times my shadow crossed your floor­and three times I came to your lowly door. I was the beggar with bruised, cold feet,and I was the woman you gave something to eat. Three times I knocked and three times I came in. And each time I found the warmth of a friend. Of all the gifts love is the best. And I was honored to be your Christmas guest."

Merry Christmas to all my friends in Bloggeritaville. Thank you for dropping by from time to time. I feel blessed to have made the friendships I have through blogging and am so appreciative of that.
From my home to yours, May the Spirit of Christmas live within you this day and everyday.
God Bless.

Thirty Thursday Christmas Traditions, Thrifty Decor & Memories Participants:

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Rules to New Year (Southern Style) and the Booty

New Years Eve....the dawn of a New Year.
A clean slate.
Out with the old in with the new.
To me, New Years is more about traditions. And as with most celebrations....the food.
In the south we have some pretty stiff rules about New Years fare. You can read all about it on my Plates and Places blog. You'll want to read what to eat to get your New Year off to a good start..and Good Luck!

Some of you have been sharing what you got for Christmas. I thought I would share with you what I received from loved ones. And a couple things I picked up on sale!
My mother gave me several gifts I just love. One of them being this metal "birdcage" That currently sits above my computer desk.

It holds all kinds of keepsakes with the help of basic clothes pins.I like it because I use it as a memo/inspiration station, I look up and see things that I love. Things that make me smile:
A card from Mamie Jane. A old beat up metal button I found in a parking lot.

My grandparents wedding announcment, a napkin from a significant wedding reception....

This is a photo of my grandparents. It was taken on campus of the University of Alabama while my grandmother was attending college.

All kinds of things!

You might recall seeing this pillow below in a At Home Store post I did. I loved the pillow. I got it for Christmas. Santa was listening.I loved the ladies in vintage swimsuits. Many are wearing stockings! LOL

And just look at those parasols!

My mother knows I have a "thing" for sheep, goats and lambs. She gave all of the grandkids one of these lambs. She also gave her daughter one. It's been a long time since I've had a stuffed animal. Isn't it precious?

It reminds me of my puppies (my shihtsu's. I keep them cut short. And this looks like one of my pups snuggled on my bed. It's also weightly like a real animal.

I got these glass bottles. I actually purchases the small bottle just before Christmas at Home Accents for a song. My mother, not knowing what I purchased gave me the larger bottle for Christmas.
They are both galvanized around the crosses.

I really withheld from any after Christmas shopping. I just dont need any more "stuff". But while shopping for some bath salts to go into my bottles, I came across this "Folk Art" looking angel at TJ Maxx. She was half price and cost me $4.00.
I named her "Gloria".

Just look at her sheet music halo!
And I just love her "hoop" skirt made from wire.
She stands about 12 inches tall. Her skirt is paper mache'.

Gloria was not put up with my Christmas decor. She remains out on a shelf. She's just to adorable.

But the gift that spoke to my heart, was this one......a new camera!
The camera that I have been wanting. Canon Rebel EOS Rebel T1i

I have some very important Photography Shoots for the new year (wink to Jess/Bama Belle). I had been wanting to upgrade, but I felt it more necessary than ever. It came with a bunch of  attachements and accessories to play with. I love it! I have been reading manuals, reading websites, trying to get familiar with my new extention.
You cannot know how happy I am about that camera!
My family, however are not as happy. They have been avoiding, fussing, huffing and puffing because I have taken just close to 274,0000,000,823 pictures since I got it. They are a bit tired of it being in their face.
They really should broken in by now.
Maybe a few more hundred pictures and they won't notice anymore.....

What did you get for Christmas?

I want to wish you a very Happy New Year! Thanks for reading Tales from Bloggeritaville.
Thanks for your friendship.
I hope you will come back and enjoy another year on the "island" (I still haven't gotten kicked off yet....)

Many Thanks to you for your friendhsip and support!