Showing posts with label gnomes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gnomes. Show all posts

Friday, November 7, 2008

Sisters Two Open House

Oh, good! There you are! Just in time for the Holiday Open House at my friend Judy's store, Sisters Two!

There is nothing like a good window display to get you in the mood for the holiday's. I love window shopping, but come on! Let's go inside for the real goodies.

Lets begin with samples of cheese balls, there has to be 7 different kinds just to sample! Brownies and candy.....breads and candied nuts! Ummm!

OH! And drinks! Hello, Mojito. Hello Cranberry Fruit Drink that makes me blush. Hello Mango Margarita! This huge drink containers are sold for $12.99. Perfect for any party.

And there is also some spiced cider in the peculator. Now that says holiday!
Now that we have gotten ourselves something to drink...lets shop!

Cute Kids gifts.....

Everyone needs a candle. Especially Tyler candles. And Judy is offering a free candle to all holiday open house shoppers. So sweet!

This cute cutting board is a great but for a teacher. At just $10.00, it comes with the cutting board, napkins and a spreader knife.

Oh, these are great too! They are packaged together: oven mitts and hand towels for less than $12.00. Click to read the clever sayings. This would make a perfect hostess gift. You cannot walk into a party empty handed, ya know!

A perfect ornamental sign for the Sunday School Teacher....

Oh! I see an Elf! They are all over Judy's store!
I love these two platters. One says, Bless this Home", the other says, "Everything Taste Better with Beach in It!" I want that one!

Oh, look! A section for my son Bama...and Jen! "Dear Mr. Dust Bunny, You can get anything from the Alabama side for Jen and she'll be happy. Just a Christmas gift hint....."

Christmas Decorations with a holiday theme, as well as some for the Alabama and Auburn Fan in your house. I believe these balls were $12.99 each.

And look at these platters. I can name a few SEC tailgaters that would put these to good use! And look at the little frames below, $12.99! I am picking up a few to put our family Christmas photo in. We have one for each year. I take them out each season to display.

OH! Look! A Gnome! Does that say Hewy or Henry? Well, in any case, it has Hewy's name written all over it. Mrs No Sleep, here is an idea for the gnome on your list! It says that you can record a message and then the gnome will say it in "gnome voice". Or, I guess you could just ask "Hewy" to say it.....

Well, my arms are getting heavy. And I have found enough cheese balls for my pantry to get me through new years. For less then $6.00 a pop! I can't complain. Except when I hit the scales.
Oh, my gosh! Look! It is soooooo me!
A linen fingertip towel! Look what is says!
$12.99! It will go perfect in my kitchen!
What? More Southern Goodness?
Look at the plates, "Merry Christmas Y'all" and "Y'all Have Yourselves a Merry Little Christmas!"
My friend grabs a few, she is shipping them to Seattle and one is going to England! How cute!
I have to have one too! I am getting this one! Perfect for my kitchen counter!

Well, thanks for coming along! I sure bought alot. But I got all of my Christmas Shopping done, all while sipping a mojito. That's the way to do things!
Hey, should you find something in the store you want, give Judy a call, or email her with an order. Judy specializes in custom gift baskets for both the average person to corporate accounts. Judy will ship items too! Judy rocks!

Christmas on the Bluff
November 7 & 8- 10am-5Pm
November 9- 1-5PM

Sister's Two
589-A Shades Crest Road
Hoover, AL 35226
Next To "Bert's On The Bluff" And Across The Street From "Tip Top Grill"
Click here to Shop online
(Tell Judy that you saw on Bloggeritaville!)

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Saturday (and Gnomes) in the Park

Yesterday was another one of those days where my shirt tail didn't hit my fanny, for it we were running everywhere. I must make mention of Friday night though before I go onto Saturday. Big Daddy and I did not go to Big Mountain Idol. Big Daddy has been pulling shifts from 8-8 or 9 to meet a deadline he was working on. This has been going on for a couple weeks or better, so by Friday, when the deadline was met, he wanted nothing more than to come home and chill with the family. I think he had forgotten what our two youngest looked like because many times they have been in bed by the time he has gotten home. I missed cheering on my friend Michelle at Big Mountain Coffee. I hear she did great. She made it through to next week and I plan to go then and cheer her on. In fact, we are really looking forward to it. We had such a fantastic time in our last visit. Friday evening, around 9PM, Big Daddy had gotten enough of the family time and decided to greet his WOW (World of Warcraft) buds online so I logged into the computer and did my usual visit's to other blogs. I usually swing by Hewy's first. He is always in the know. I was thrilled to find that he had posted his gnome giveaway in celebration of his bloggy anniversary. Immediately, I called Bama up to look at the clue. We thought we had an idea of where the gnome might be, so at 9:30 with flashlights in hand we headed out in to the darkness. We came up empty. On Saturday we saw the second clue on Hewy's blog. Bama immediately deciphered the code, "Mom, that's Joe Tucker Park! See the 2 ball fields in the clown face...and those are the tennis courts". Of course he would recognize those things. He has spent the better part of 10 year on either the field or courts. "I can't go now, I have to get Jeff to the vet", I told Bama. Jeffery, my shih tsu, had been up since 2 AM coughing and weezing continually. It turns out he has pollen allergies, like the rest of us. At the vet Jeffery got two shots, an antibiotic and some drops for an ear infection and we were sent on our way.
From there it was onto J Smooth's football game. It is alot of fun watching the young teams and their varying skill levels. Some know exactly what to do, while others are content to just trot about the field looking at blades of grass. JSmooth's team lost, but he had no clue. He enjoyed himself and that is what really matters.
While J Smooth was playing football, Bama had an all day tennis tournament. After J Smooth was finished with his game, Big Daddy and I turned over the two younger children to head with grandma to a school carnival . By the time Big Daddy and I got to Bama had played one singles match and won, and was begging to play doubles. He and his partner played great, winning the doubles for their seed. Immediately after that match Bama was called to play another singles, in which he won. His team swept, winning in both singles and doubles in all players. Yeah! I am so proud of these boys. I love them as my own. They are a great group of guys that have bonded and really work as a team. I was delighted that they won.
By the time I got home to my computer (well after 5), I had gotten an email from my blogger friend, Charnita telling me that she and her daughter had found the gnome. Shucks! But at the same time, I was happy that they had found it. I know her daughter was delighted to participate in the hunt, and to find it must have made her day. I know the gnome has a good home at Charnita's. She is such a sweetheart. She has already fed the little gnome a meal that he was sure to love. I am certina he will not stray from her house. To read more of the gnome recovery visit Charnita or to see the clues and see the blog who thought of this ingenious idea and the relation of gnomes to my little hometown of Helena, visit Hewy.
Congratulations, Charnita, on a well hunted venture! And congrats to everyone, who had a winning day!
(Sports pics by Diane S and Gnome Photo by Charnita's son, C)