Showing posts with label rock band challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rock band challenge. Show all posts

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Rocking Weekend, Literally

I hope you had a great weekend! I actually had a long weekend, starting off on Thursday night with a girls night honoring my friend "The Boss", who was to be married on Friday.
We had supper together at a local restaurant and each of us toasted (no, not roasted! I said toasted) our friend on her impending nuptials.
"Stunt Woman, Mama Joy, Leigh & Terminator"

"Thiller, The Boss & Xanadu"

Group Shot (click for closer view of the who...)

On Friday, I had the pleasure of being a witness (and photographer) at my friend, "The Boss'" Wedding to the dashing Mr. Rick on Friday night. The wedding came amidst tornado watches and thunderstorm warnings. I had heard of talk of someone building an ark, that's how bad it was raining! But it all went off without a .....well, actually WITH a hitch! And you know what they say about rain on your wedding day? It's good luck! The Heavens were rocking and rumbling in approval. It was a wonderful evening. I couldn't be happier for my friends. For more on the wedding and to see pictures from the special night click here.
A short little memo to those that read my last Thrifty Thursday post...This is in regards, in particular to my ball fringe bed skirt and $23.00 brand new matlasse quilt (see pictures in the link above, or by scrolling down to last Thursday's post). I just have to say, I was glad to have gotten those pictures taken and posted when I did. Because shortly thereafter, all, uh, "vomit" hit the fan. Let me tell you what happened, Saturday night when I was laying in bed (following the wedding) and I felt by bed moving! I got up and looked underneath and two of my dogs were pulling on that bed skirt and it had separated from the seam! I could've killed them! I don't sew. I am going to have to find someone who does. Then to top it off, I put the puppy (who was pictured in the post) into bed with me, as she usually does. A bit later I heard a noise that only brings terror....sounds of someone or something trying to vomit. I sat up and then" blap". It was to late. It was as if my puppy Miley were channeling the exorcist. She vomited just short of her head spinning. She threw up all over my bed. I couldn't figure out how all that came from my little pup. I had to get up and change the sheets and wash them before I could go back to bed. Thank goodness it did come out. But this is just a glimpse of my life in paradise. Have you ever heard that song, Just another Day in Paradise? Well, that pretty sums up my life. But I wouldn't change it. As for the bed skirt...I have hope for it. That's all I can say. (If you listen to the song...and I hope you do because the words are just precious, dont forget you might have to pause my playlist on my sidebar).
Saturday, Big Daddy, the kids and I met up with our friends, The Young's for yet more fiesta time. It has been far to long since we have spent quality time with the Young's. They actually used to be our neighbors, but life took them in another direction and now we find both one other burning candle sat both ends with kids, jobs and life in general. It is always fun when we get to play catch up. At lunch, something was brought up about our Wii game system. I began to recount my love for the Wii Rock band. I have become a rock band moocher. It really is quite embarrassing, for I hate a moocher mentality, it doesn't come naturally for me. But admittedly I have jumped on that cart at any chance I have gotten. I think it finally sank into Big Daddy's thick head how serious I was about Rock Band (if you know me...well you know my secret fantasies of being the next Lita Ford), or perhaps that last rendition of Bon Jovi's Living on a Prayer, sung acoustically by moi in the shower, really impressed him. I really don't care which it was, all I know is that on the way home, he took a side trip to Best Buy and purchased a Rock Band for the Family Circus Home. More on that in a minute.....
I want to show you the big story around these parts that happened this weekend...SNOW! We got snow. We had about 3 -4 inches in our yeard. It was so beautiful to look at, but was gone by late afternoon. The kids really had fun in it, being their first "big snow". Yes, that is BIG for these parts. I will never forget waking up to the sounds of my kids running in my bedroom, "Wakeup! Wake Up! Snowwwwww..." and they pulled the blinds and looked. It was like that moment from "A Christmas Story" movie where we ohhhed and ahhhed. A magical moment between us. The street was still and quiet and we watched it snow. For all of two minutes and then the kids were out in it. Here are a few pictures from the fun:

Sorry to jump so much in this post, but there is alot to cover. Back to Rock band, All five of us did little else for the remainder of the weekend (after the snow melted), than try and decipher our roles in the family band. It still is up for debate, depending on who you ask. But if I can get Big Daddy to downsize the videos, I will post them on here so you can get a listen for yourself. That's a warning to ya.....proceed with earplugs. Except for Sister Sledge, who is a natural.
Who knows, we may just get ourselves a bus and take this show on the road!!
Sister Sledge on guitar, Big Daddy rocks it out and Bama pounds the drums.

Sister Sledge belts it out.

And the name of fun....who wants to challenge us to a rock off? Anyone interested in posting your family rocking out to rock band? It has to be you singing...and your video. Leave a comment and email if your interested. Or, email me. My email is on my profile. We'll see if we can't have us an old fashioned hoe down, a rock off, a Bloggeritaville Battle of the Bands.
Stay Tuned.....