Showing posts with label weight loss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weight loss. Show all posts

Sunday, December 12, 2010

HCG Diet

I have one friend that I am open with my eating disorder about in real life. If and when I do move to Oregon she'll be one of the people going on the adventure with me. Lately she has been giving the "HCG diet" a shot. She lost 18lbs in two weeks with it already so I have high hopes. There are really mixed reviews about it but I've seen what it can do.

You may eat whatever you like as long as it is on the approved food list and you stay under 500 calories for the day. (You are supposed to supplement the diet with daily injections or oral doses of HCG, but I find this to be unnecessary. Even without the HCG it is still a great way to restrict calories and get results.)

Breakfast: Tea or coffee with up to a tablespoon of milk but no sugar. Sugar substitutes are okay: truvia, sweet n' low, stevia, etc. You can drink as much of this as you want throughout the day.

Snack: Pick one - a medium sized apple, large orange, 1 cup strawberries, or 1/2 a grapefruit.

Lunch: A very small serving of meat, fish, or egg (100 grams / 3.5 ounces) and 1 cup of one of the following vegetables - spinach, cabbage, beets, tomatoes, celery, onions, radish, cucumber, or asparagus.

Snack: Pick one - a medium sized apple, large orange, 1 cup strawberries, or 1/2 a grapefruit.

Dinner: A very small serving of meat, fish, or egg (100 grams / 3.5 ounces); 1 cup of one of the following vegetables - spinach, cabbage, beets, tomatoes, celery, onions, radish, cucumber, or asparagus; 1 piece of plain toast or 1/2 slice of plain toast with 1 teaspoon fruit jam.

Spices that are allowed: lemon juice, salt, pepper, vinegar, mustard, garlic, basil, parsley, and thyme.

Drinks that are allowed: water, tea, coffee, and mineral water.

HCG is a hormone that exists in men and women but increases dramatically in women during pregnancy. It is part of what is detected in urine when using a pregnancy test that causes the test to show as positive. It tells your body to start using extra fat stores to help give extra nutrients to the baby.

I have high hopes for this one! I really don't think that the HCG drops are important. My friend was using a homeopathic version which is basically a VERY diluted form of the prescription strength HCG. A lot of sites that promote the HCG diet say that it won't work right if you're not using a strong dose of HCG. My friend accidentally proved that wrong when she thought that the homeopathic HCG was just as strong as what you would get from a doctor's office.

You're eating 500 calories or less per day and that's obviously what caused the weight loss for her. If you can afford legitimate prescription HCG (about $90 for a 26 day supply... homeopathic versions are as cheap as $10 for a 26 day supply) I don't think that it would hurt. I'm interested in getting some to see if it really does help the process along.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Aromatherapy for Weight Loss

I looked into some scents that might help curb hunger, increase metabolism, improve weight loss, or anything along those lines. The results were pretty interesting. There is actually a wealth of information on the topic. I think it's because the weight loss and fitness industry are in such high demand these days - even holistic medicine methods are starting to jump on board. That works to my benefit so I don't mind. [: Here is a list of scents and what they're reputed to be good for. Most scents can be used for more than one property, so I've tried to place them in the area where they're strongest.

Improved Digestion

Fennel - this is an herb that has been used in many different culinary dishes. It is also the main ingredient for most kinds of absinthe. It can also be found in a wide array of toothpastes. Fennel tea is used to reduce bloating and is a natural diuretic. (It also has a lot of natural phytoestrogens which support the growth of breast tissue. Woo!)

Lemongrass - this is also known as barbed wire grass, citronella, or fever grass. It has a light citrus flavor and is commonly used as a seasoning. Citral, a molecule found in the plant, has been proven to fight cancerous cells.

Increase Metabolism

Cinnamon -
this is also great for relieving stress and relaxing the body as a whole. Cinnamon oil becomes darker and stronger as it is aged.

Apple - this scent is great for regulating bowel movements and jump starting your digestive system. Apples themselves are also great snacks as they are very low in caloric content. One large apple contains only about 30 calories and has a ton of fiber.

Decrease Appetite / Curb Hunger

Bergamot - many native Americans used this plant as an antiseptic, and also as a spice to flavor various meats. It is used as an ingredient in most commercial mouthwashes today. A tea made from the leaves is good for treating sore throats. It tastes bitter and has a smell somewhat similar to peppermint. This is great for curbing hunger.

Peppermint -
peppermint itself is known to decrease appetite. If you find yourself about to binge, try eating a couple extra strong mints. The scent is known to have the same affect.

Banana - research shows that the smell of banana stimulates the hypothalamus (area of the brain that helps regulate hunger.) Eating a banana for breakfast is also a neat idea since they are filling, low in calories, high in good stuff and will help you resist the urge to eat for the rest of the day.

Improve Confidence / Increase Will Power

Lavender - this oil can also be used to treat acne and headaches. It is soothing, calming, and stimulates the mind in a peaceful way. It was used during WWI to disinfect hospitals and comfort patients.

Orange - this citrus scent stimulates the nervous system and makes you feel awake and energetic. Orange blossoms are considered a sign of good fortune and good health. They are often used in floral wedding arrangements. Orange blossom essence is a base used in most perfumes.

Vanilla -
this increases adrenaline production and is actually considered to be mildly addictive by medical standards. It is considered to be a natural aphrodisiac (increases sexual desire.) Vanilla can make you feel motivated.

You can make use of these plants in a variety of ways. Scented candles might be hard to come across in some of the more abstract scents but they're always a good bet. Finding essential oils is a great idea because they can be used in a ton of different ways. Boiling water and adding a few drops of an oil extract would let the steam carry the scent around your home. Taking a hot bath with a bit of the oil would work in the same way. Incense are good, as are fresh herbs that you burn to allow the smoke to release the scent. Please do not ingest any of the oils. That's (usually) not what they're made for. These are to smell, not to eat!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Shirataki Noodles, Weight Loss Calculator

I discovered a super cool site thanks to a super cool new MySpace friend, as well as a few other things.

This is a neat weight loss calculator that lets you figure out how many calories you need to eat per day to be a certain weight by a certain date. Or it'll tell you how fast you'll lose weight if you eat x-calories per day. It's a pretty cool tool. I averaged out my new ABC intake and it's roughly 260 calories a day. If I stick to that it says I should be around 100lbs by June 30th. Perfect!

EDIT: Anonymous was wondering how accurate that site is and I was thinking the same thing myself. Here's the table it gave me... you can compare it to my ABC Journal II as I go along if you'd like. [:

DayWeightCalories UsedYour Calorie Deficit

Shirataki noodles also seem to be the best things ever created. I've been eating them for quite some time at the restaurant where I work without knowing it. They have no calories, no carbohydrates, no sodium, no sugar, no fat, no gluten... and lots of fiber. Like celery and most other things that fall in that category they are largely composed of water and generally have no flavor. Adding a little 5 calorie beef or chicken broth easily changes that. Here are a bunch of recipes that you can try too. [:

Here's a ton of random thinspo that I've been saving up. Enjoy!