So, you’ve stumbled onto my humble little blog. Perhaps you are a Millenial wondering why most of your friends aren’t fully employed. Or wondering why ObamaKare is being shoved down your throat. Or why your generation is on the hook for a national debt that stands at $17 $18 Trillion and counting. Maybe you are scratching your head wondering why your President thinks Global Warming the weather is more worrisome than Islamic Terror. And perhaps you’ve started to become aware there might be something the corrupt and biased lame stream media isn’t telling you. The answer, to these and other existential questions, is ... the Left - specifically, the modern American Progressive. Think of this site as a portal to a richer understanding of this answer, a portal purposely designed with a consciously cock-eyed bent to keep it entertaining. Because the First Amendment is forever and the Internet never forgets. (Plus you better figure out FICA isn't the name of a Swedish bikini model, before she eats your entire paycheck.)

How to use the portal? You could dive into my archive*. I was most active here 2010-2012, but that matters not. How many times do I need to demonstrate the central point? To wit, the political / ideological Left is a menace to the constitutional republic and must be resisted lest the American experiment in liberty devolve into socialist dystopia. If it's the more pointed hand-to-hand combat of the comment board that whets your appetite, click the 'My Disqus Comments' widget. I continue to visit that world from time to time as a light diversion. Or you could browse through my blog roll. It's a very representative collection of center-right blogs, though hardly exhaustive. I can't do the political / ideology thing 24x7, and you probably can't either. Leave that to the hysterical, talking point chanting, mob agitating, race baiting, election stealing, gaia worshiping, straw man torching, Islamic Terrorist appeasing, organized Left (aka OFA, MSNBC, UAW, SEIU, Think Progress, Media Matters, most of legacy media, the politically correct faculty lounge, anybody who belonged to Journolist, anybody connected to Occupy Wall Street, anything funded by George Soros or Tom Steyer, their paid Internet trolls, and the rest of the usual Team Leftie suspects).

*Re-posting encouraged. No need to ask for permission. Just follow the commonly accepted convention of acknowledging this site as original source with a link back. That way, you leave the asking for forgiveness to me.

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Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts

Thursday, November 8, 2012

If You Think the Economy Sucks Now …

… just wait until the Empty Suit Known as Barack Hussein Obama exercises his “mandate” to force the “rich” to pay their “fair share” in higher taxes.

You see, folks, we are a mere 54 days away from total budgetary and economic implosion if the politicians you sent to DC this time around can't reach agreement on taxes before January 1st.  Lacking agreement, each and every one of you is set to pay higher taxes.  Not just Richie Rich.  Each and every one of you.  Oh, the corrupt and biased liberal media never told you that?  So Sorry.

But, of course, we all know it will be avoided because both sides of the "aisle" don't want the "blame" for raising your taxes (unless you are Richie Rich - the aisles are evenly split on that one.)   Negotiations have already begun in the nick of time.

The (R) side of the aisle wants to keep tax rates the same for everybody, and fix the incredibly broken tax code to raise revenue.  But that's a complicated argument.  It was too complicated to pitch to you in a ridiculously long and grueling campaign.  What chance do they have to successfully make the pitch to you in the next 54 days?  Answer: None. Zero. Nada.  And, beside, it's not only too complicated to sell to you in 54 days - it's too complicated for anyone to figure out in 54 days.

The (D) side of the aisle wants you to believe all will be well if only gub'ment just squeezes more out of Richie Rich.  They will win because you gave a "mandate" to the Empty Suit Known as Barack Hussein Obama.  And because it's simple to sell and simple to implement.

You may then be surprised to find out soaking Richie Richie mathematically does next to zero, nada, nothing to put the slightest scratch into the national debt.  It's just how the math works, folks - like trying to soak up the Atlantic Ocean with a beach towel.

You may then be further surprised to find out soaking Richie Rich has a lot to do with putting a dagger through the heart of the slowest economic "recovery" since the Great Depression.  Especially if the negotiations yield a definition of "Richie Rich" that sweeps up a lot of small businesses, still temporarily the people who provide the most jobs in this country (that is, until the Empty Suit Known as Barack Hussein Obama finishes making gub'ment the largest employer).  Small businesses will almost certainly be hammered by the end state of the negotiations, because it's too complicated to figure out how to avoid in the next 54 days.

Not to mention the economy crushing regulations in the name of a pseudo-scientific hoax, that will be released now that  the Empty Suit Known as Barack Hussein Obama is free and clear.


So - under the heading of "be careful what you ask for, you might get it" - I address the remainder of my comments to those of you who voted for the Empty Suit Known as Barack Hussein Obama, making reference to the exit poll statistics provided by the Common Cents Blog.

If you are among the 55% of women who voted Obama, perhaps because you bought the totally manufactured "War on Women" bullshit narrative (talk about "shovel ready"), don't look over here for sympathy when it gets even harder to put food on your table.

If you are among the 60% of under 30's who voted Obama, and you have big career dreams - good luck with that.  If you you are in this demographic and have recently graduated college or soon will - get in line, kid.

If you are unemployed and any race whatsoever - looking for work ain't gonna get any easier.  Better look into that Food Stamp thing.  You illegals should look into the meaning of "self-deportation" - the number of families that can afford your help will be declining.

If you are earning under 50 grand annually, and were hoping for some of that good old American "upward mobility" - it will become more scarce.

If you are in the majority of Jews and Catholics who voted Obama - don't look over here for explanations when you find out trotting out Sandra Fluke as the symbol of ObamaCare mandated birth control even for religious institutions wasn't about "women" - it was about asserting the supremacy of the state over the church.  (Yes, I know, not "economic" - but it needs to be said in support of the First Amendment)

If you are among the 75% of voters who went for Obama because you said your top priority was "health care" - spare me your puzzlement when health care becomes even more expensive and less accessible.

All I can say is thank God for the 22nd Amendment.  At least the republic will only be dragged through two terms of this Keynesian, statist, nonsense - unlike under FDR, the power mad progressive who inspired the Amendment.

Update 11/9/12

And so it begins ...

Update 11/12/12

And awaaaaay we go!

Update #2 11/12/12

A policy of racial quotas will have the predictable impact: societal mediocracy by policy idiocracy, and an overall downward pressure on economic growth. Look up "Community Reinvestment Act" and "housing bubble" on your Google machines, kiddies.
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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

In a Democracy, The People Get the Government They Deserve (Part 2)

There will be plenty of time to do the forensics on how this happened.  Decades even.  But here is what happened.

The American people, often cited as valuing bi-partisan cooperation, re-elected the man universally recognized as the most polarizing President ever.

The American people, often characterized as naturally conservative fiscally, re-elected the man who promised to cut the deficit in half, yet increased it by more than 6 trillion dollars.

The American people, often characterized as naturally liberal socially, re-elected the man who delivered on his promise to subsidize Sandra Fluke's $9 a month contraceptive bill.  OK, maybe that part does make some sense.

The American people, often held up as an industrious folk, re-elected the man with the worst economic record since the Great Depression.  These so-called "industrious" people doubled down on the aptly lampooned Food Stamp President.

The American people, often described as possessing high standards for duty and responsibility, re-elected a President with a well documented record of irresponsibility that includes not even bothering to pass a federal budget three years running.

The American people, often portrayed as valuing truth and transparency, re-elected the President responsible for the Fast and Furious scandal, and who has been dodging and weaving for sixty days about just what the hell happened in Benghazi to cause the first death of an American Ambassador since 1979.

The American people, often lionized as benevolent, voted in a majority for the candidate that asked for their vote for "revenge" over the candidate that asked for their vote "for love of country."

It has never been more true than today ... In a democracy, the people get the government they deserve.

Update 12:40 pm

Small correction in detail to the original post.  Candidate Empty Suit promised to cut the deficit in half.  President Empty Suit increased the debt by six trillion.  He accomplished this with trillion dollar to trillion dollar and a half deficits each year in office.  Maybe my kids will read this and think of me when they are paying the bill.

Update 11/8/2012

Yep, why not try running an unapologetic and articulate conservative next time?  For the first time since Reagan.  Memo to Establishment GOP: even the country club dining room should be able to see RINOs can't beat the small minded race / gender / class warfare the Democrats have honed down to a filthy edge.  You take care of the country club dining room and the grass roots conservative TEA Party patriots will cover everything else.  Deal?

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Sunday, November 4, 2012

Closing Arguments

A perfectly pithy end to the last four years of political madness inflicted upon the republic by the Left.

"You didn't build that" and Barry's Mob of Maladjusted Malcontents is here to take "revenge" on you for it. "Hope and Change" was "Envy and Lawlessnes" all along. Some of us already knew that.

Update 11/6/2012

Votin' Day!

Conservative cartoonist Eric Allie neatly captures the Alinskyite bait and switch that was perpetrated on the republic in 2008. Today is the day of the correction.

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Thursday, October 18, 2012

R U Ready To Become a Benghazi Truther?

I'm not ready to subscribe to this conspiracy theory. (hat tip to commenter @JaneLovesJesus on the Nice Deb site)

However, the plain fact is everything I've learned over the past three years of blogging about the corrupt international leftists in the current administration gives me no reason to discount the theory out of hand.

And that is why the American people need to ensure they are thrown out of town like the flea-bitten dogs they are, on November 6.

We don't need anymore of their ilk around here, exemplified by well known 9-11 Truther Van Jones.

Is it time for the "People died, Obama lied" bumper stickers yet?
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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Munsters Ticket Takes 2-0 Lead In Big Debate Series

According to poll after poll after poll rolling off the presses, Crazy Uncle Joe Biden's "Mad Max the Debater" schtick was off-putting to a wide majority of viewers / voters.

Team Obama is in a real pickle now.


When the Empty Suit Known as Barack Hussein Obama skipped his homework and sleep-walked through debate number one, delivering what I heard even one of his own operatives describe as a "ritalin-soaked" performance, he set in motion a quick series of self-inflicted campaign wounds that will cost him this election.

Team Obama's entire campaign strategy has been based on lying to the American people about their opponents' policies and their opponents' characters. Anyone who knew everything they knew about Governor Romney and Congressman Ryan through Obama campaign ads would have naturally assumed they were both monsters. Team Obama has gone so far as a thinly veiled charge of murder leveled at the Governor, and not-so-transparent claims the Congressman enjoys pushing Grandmothers off of cliffs for sport. The only thing they haven't done is make the obvious leap to Herman and Eddie Munster for comic relief. We here at LAS, including the staff cartoonist, are not so slow on the uptake, however.


When I announced my support of Newt Gingrich for the GOP Presidential nomination on this blog on the Lord's day November 16th of 2011, I offered the following rational.
...the GOP nominee will be facing what liberals like to label an “uneven playing field” in the biased press. The road to the White House for a GOP nominee goes through the televised debates with the incumbent, because that is the forum offering the most impactful opportunity to by-pass the media and influence the electorate directly. Think Reagan vs. Carter and “There you go again.”

Among the available options, the best debater in the room is far and away Newt Gingrich. Newt will most assuredly reduce the Empty Suit Known as Barack Hussein Obama to a babbling fool in any debate format not moderated by a teleprompter. Defeating the Empty Suit Known as Barack Hussein Obama in 2012 is simply paramount above all other considerations. For this reason, Newt Gingrich must be the GOP nominee. We can leave nothing to chance in 2012.
I was of course right on target identifying the debate series as the penultimate tactical objective for this campaign. However, I wholly underestimated Team Obama's capacity to shoot themselves in the foot.

Team Obama was hammered in Debate #1 because they set up the circumstances allowing Mittens to win just by showing up and being himself. The real Willard Mitt Romney is so unlike the opposition campaign's caricature, his actual policies so not the ridiculous lies that have been aired - all he had to do was be polite and tell the truth to reset everything. Which he did. Mittens did his part ... and Barry turned it into a blowout by assuming he would get his usual affirmative action pass from the press, which led to him showing up totally unprepared.

In the search for excuses, Team Obama decided the mild mannered Mittens had "bullied" the poor pitiful Quota President. So, Team Obama sent out Crazy Uncle Joe to turn up the crazy in Round 2. They calculated it was necessary to re-energize their "base." The problem they have here, however - the problem they always have - is their "base" is at most 20% of the electorate. Whenever they have to fire up their base in plain view of everyone else, they inevitably lose ground with the precious "independents" that swing elections. Which Crazy Uncle Joe just did.

Now, for round three, the scuttlebutt is the Empty Suit Known as Barack Hussein Obama plans to come out swinging against the "bully" Mittens. I suppose he has no choice now - but it will inevitably bite into his only remaining campaign asset: personal likability. The contrast with the first debate is bound to have millions of Americans asking themselves "do we really know who this guy is?" Not a good set up for a guy who is famous for keeping so much hidden about himself. And he has no one to blame but himself and his own campaign for the making of this trap.

I can't wait for round three. The only thing Team Obama will have left afterward is angry rhetoric about non-existent wars on women. The Democrat party will then have no choice but to update its mascot to ...

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Monday, October 1, 2012

Social Media Networking the Hard Way

A reader from Carlsbad, California has long made a habit of traversing the Bob Schieffer Blog Roll. I know this because his or her reading habits are recorded by the traffic analysis utility I use (Feedjit). Carlsbad has also shown very good taste, day in and day out, in his or her selections of titles to click into on the roll. Often I have followed in his or her footsteps to very informative reading myself. (Circle of blog) So, to give a nod to the loyal reader from Carlsbad, and lacking anything else ready to post this evening, I thought I would simply highlight Carlsbad's finely tuned reading decisions with a little sample from earlier today. The screenshot above is now archived for all time. Let's walk down it, shall we? You could do a lot worse trying to stay informed on the issues of the day - like reading Leftist propaganda rags such as the Washington Post or New York Times, for example.

The Camp of the Saints sounds the "all hands on board" alarm, giving me a chance to plug my post from April 25th of 2012.

Capitalist Preservation provides some light entertainment giving me a chance to opine on the nation's political topology. Later in the day, this blog gives you the new Fast and Furious data the mainstream media is ignoring.

What Would the Founder's Think? gives us a fine weekend round up. Hey, look Ma, I made the big time. (Actually, I think Carlsbad was drawn in by the reference to the prime moron named Maher.)

Carlsbad read something on PJ Media that I'm too lazy to correlate to the proper point in time. They have a lot of columnists there.

Jihad Watch explains why appeasement will never work with Mohammed's Murder Monkey Cult From Hell.

Nice Deb labels Obama a "Third World Marxist." In the comment space I try out "International Leftist" for size. Who cares? We surely agree he wouldn't recognize an "American value" if it bit him on the a$$.

The Jersey Nut provides a two minute seminar on why socialism and "soak the rich" tax policies have never worked anywhere ever at any time.

Wyblog has some fun debate advice for Mittens.

Circle of blog.

Say goodnight, Gracie.

Update 10/3/2012

Carlsbad made an unusual stop last evening. Only one link followed on the Bob Schieffer Blog Roll. Almost like Carlsbad was trying to tell me something. No worries, Carlsbad - my favorite daily read, The Daily Caller is on the case.

Still got white guilt?

And this is why Newt should have been the nominee. Oh well, we'll all just have to 'haul Mittens across the finish line' as TCOTS put it in this post's first link.

Circle of blog.

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Monday, September 24, 2012


A few demotivational posters I was able to throw together courtesy of ...

(image: Bearing Drift)
Yeah, what we need is more of these people literally telling us what to eat.

(image: Political Tea Leaves)
Another reminder why the standard margin of electoral fraud is +3D.

(image: Mother Jones)
The Dhimmi-In-Chief makes his choice.

(image: Fox Business)
The Empty Suit has a record now. It sucks.

(image: Salem News)
The Empty Suit has another record. It's pure chaos.

What the hell were these hacks thinking when they threw a reliable ally under the bus to the advantage the Muslim Brotherhood?(image: Big Peace)

Still wondering why the Redistributionist-In-Chief wants me to pay for Sandra Fluke's contraceptives, yet he can't spare a thousand bucks for his own blood brother.(image: Tracy's Right)

And I haven't even gotten to media bias, Fast and Furious, the pathetic irresponsibility that is failing to pass a budget three years running, the dangerous irresponsibility of prioritizing Letterman and the View above the Israeli PM and daily intel briefings, Taxmageddon, Sequester, 'Flexibility' with Russia, ObamaCare aka the biggest tax hike in history, direct responsibility for 60% of all-time deficit spending, ...

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Monday, September 17, 2012

The Ballad of Whitey McBankster

Whitey McBankster was the grandson of a typical white woman.

A typical bank VP with a typical corporate disposition.

Whitey McBankster's hippie mother told him so,

When he marked time at the exclusive poon-a-ho.

Columbia and Harvard on someone else’s dime,

His first house a sweetheart deal from a guy doing time.

Two autobiographies before his first full time job,

One ghost written by that Weather Underground slob.

The Choom Gang’s all time interception leader made good,

On history’s biggest pile of Wall Street donations he stood.

Then it turned out ‘Hope and Change’ meant ‘Let Them Eat Cake,’

When ‘Stimulus’ turned out to be fake, and the economy stank.

The Apologizer-In-Chief extended his open hand,

And the caliphate cut it off, just as they had planned.

But still somehow almost half want Whitey McBankster back.

Simply because Whitey McBankster is actually half black.

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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Upon Reflection ...

... regarding the recent mayhem inflicted upon planet Earth by Mohammed's Murder Monkey Cult From Hell at embassies all around the world.

So-called "unrest" doesn't just coincidentally arise in two dozen or more distinct Muslim populations at the exact same time. I mean, it's a religion of "peace," right? Nope, these events give off the whiff of planning and coordination on a massive scale.

So, the question becomes who has the capacity to plan and coordinate on such a scale? Surely not Al-Qaeda. The Speechifier-In-Chief has told us UBL's demise was "game over." Who then? A nation state? I mean, wouldn't it take the resources of a nation state to plan and coordinate action on such a scale? Perhaps a nation state with an a transparently stated interest in picking a fight with the so-called 'Great Satan.' Then there is this modus operandi of attacking embassies. Hmmmm. Seems to me we've seen this movie before. Specifically, 1979.

Deduction points to Tehran as the source of this madness. But why now? Even barbarous lunatics will choose the time and place of the fights they pick. Perhaps Tehran is feeling good about its chances picking this fight because they feel they are close to building a nuke.


Too bad for western civilization the so-called "leader of the free world" is handling the situation more like he's the Dhimmi-In-Chief.


Disgraceful display of anti-American tyranny. Last time I checked, if bad film-making were a crime, Michael Moore would be in prison showing off his moobs right now.

Update 9/18/12

My contribution to the Meme Collection For the Ongoing War With Mohammed's Murder Monkey Cult From Hell.

Update #2 9/18/12

And on that little matter of spontaneity or planning and coordination ... the Empty Suit's official story is unraveling. From Nice Deb...

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Thursday, September 6, 2012

The LAS Empty Chair Interview (Script)

*Warning: Appreciation of these jokes without supporting links depends on whether you were paying attention the past four years. If you do not meet this stipulation, too bad. I’m in no mood to hold your hand and sit you in front of your Google machine. I'm confident you can do that for yourself. You can do it!

LAS: [Extending hand toward chair] Hello, Mr. President.
LAS: Come on, don’t be like that. I’ve extended my open hand so you can unclench your fist.
LAS: That’s better. So, what kind of music do you like?
LAS: OK, I’ll ask the Queen of England. What do you think of that new blockbuster hit ‘2016’?
LAS: No, it’s not about a ‘really bad two term President’. Whatever did you mean by ‘fundamental transformation’ anyway?
LAS: ‘Greek exceptionalism’? Ummmm .... Let’s turn our attention to Congress, OK?
LAS: No, you don’t pronounce his name like it’s spelled. It’s pronounced ‘BAY-NER’.
LAS: Yes, no worries, Harry Reid still thinks you are articulate and without a Negro dialect.
LAS: I agree. I agree. Things are different than 2008. Why, I heard even the “Obama Girl” came out against you.
LAS: Well, yes, there is the “Obama Boy” this year. That’s true.
LAS: And, yes, he does look a little like Reggie Love. I’ll grant you that.
LAS: No, I don’t think saying ‘Fast and Furious’ was Reggie Love’s code name will make it go away.
LAS: No, people will probably still notice the economy sucks if you say 'Stimulus' was his code name.
LAS: Sorry, Chief Justice Roberts said it was a tax. That makes it official.
LAS: No it's your bill that takes 700 Billion bucks out of Medicare right away.
LAS: No, ten plus six doesn’t equal 'cutting in half.'
LAS: Sure, fair is fair, I guess. Anybody who made millions from two autobiographies full of "composites" should be asked to pay a bigger share.
LAS: If she’s 1/32nd Cherokee, then I’m a registered Democrat.
LAS: What? No! I think you can see I’m not dead. And here’s my ID, too.
LAS: Really, you should run for UN Secretary General next. Just think of the possibilities. You can be open and honest about your father’s dreams. And you have all the efficiencies and competencies of the UN at your finger tips to implement them.
LAS: You are welcome.
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Saturday, September 1, 2012

Eastwooding: The Cabinet Meeting

The Most Transparent Administration in History meets to consider the nation's course forward.

Arrayed on the table for our glorious leaders to consider:

(1) The legally passed federal budgets for fiscal years 2010, 2011, and 2012.

(2) The Obama deficit reduction plan.

(3) The Obama tax reform plan.

(4) The Obama entitlements reform plan.

(5) The 'Fast and Furious' documents Obama has shielded with Executive Privilege.

(6) Last month's Obama campaign fund raising haul.


Take the Before and After Obama Poll! Top o' the blog.
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Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Right to Eat a Chicken Sandwich In Peace and Quiet

(If this isn't covered by the "right to pursue happiness" then nothing is.)

How did we get to this point? To the point where a friggin' chicken sandwich is at the nexus of an epic ideological battle? I, LibertyAtStake, shall now give you the answer.

The Left.


The Left is a fascistic political theology. The Left is the ideology of the Stepford Wives, as a matter of fact. If you do not believe as they do, they will use every means at their disposal to force you to do so, or marginalize you out of their anointed sight.

For example, if Mayor Nanny Bloomberg doesn't want a large coca-cola, he's going to do everything in his power to make damn sure nobody else can have one either. If you think there might be an explanation other than their preferred explanation of racism for this or that statistic - they immediately label you a racist. If you advocate policies proven to increase opportunity for everyone, albeit without proportionally precisely equal results for all (their fantasy), they label you as possessing a deficit of "compassion." When you point out their so-called "compassionate" policies have a record of destroying opportunity for those who need it most, they go ballistic. And so on. There's simply no reasoning with these people.

Take this pseudo-intellectual drive through jerk, for example. What a sanctimonious twit. A true Fascist. And a perfect representative of the jackbooted, brown shirt American Progressive Left. Period. End of sentence.


So, I, LibertyAtStake, applaud the multitudes of "Regular Americans" (Mark Levin's awesome, somewhat sarcastic, Archie Bunkeresque label) of every race, creed, class, and this damn label, and that damn label - who enjoyed a simple chicken sandwich in First Amendment solidarity.

By way of transparent full disclosure I must, however, admit I did not participate directly in Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day. You see, I've never been much of a "joiner." And I had more immediate concerns to look after, truth be told. I'm more like William Dafoe's character in the movie 'Platoon.' Yeah, sure, I'm happy to lead a tactical unit into the teeth of the firefight (metaphorically, of course). I've learned I can be pretty good at that, you know. And, sure, I'd prefer to just relax with the guys between firefights, too - like Elias. But, the truth is, like Sgt. Elias, I actually 'do my best work alone.' (For dramatic purposes put into your mind or actually view Elias' penultimate foray into the jungle to rescue Sgt. Barnes. Sucks to be principled.)


So, I, LibertyAtStake, will just keep doing my thing over here. Today, that means highlighting three new sites on the "More Linkage" area of the "Schieffer Blog Roll" (eyes right and slightly downward).

These fine, patriotic, creative, artists seem to have created a new Intertubes genre we might label "Captioning For Fun and Profit." lampooning the philosophical basis for the dementia. mocking the political party under it's demented mind control. on 24x7 duty heckling their current champion, the Empty Suit Known as Barack Hussein Obama.

Enjoy, patriots. I don't think I'll join in. I recently discovered I can get YouTube on my BlueRay player. Yeah, I know, I'm a late adopter.

Update 8/9/12

See what I mean about the Left's go-to, knee jerk, call to racism response. Pavlov's dog exercised more independent judgment.
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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Weekly Status Report

Astute readers of this blog have surely noticed the rate of postings here has dramatically declined during this month of June 2012.  There are several factors at play.

First, there is the professional dimension.  I have been nominated by my boss for two project rescues in a row.  I’ve been doing some big cat herding lately for pay, which means the pro bono blogging needed to take a back seat.

The first rescue is a classic case of a junior Project Manager (the one I replaced) following the form of the administrative process and exercising zero leadership.  Throw in a notoriously difficult executive stakeholder he lacked the chops to go toe-to-toe with, and overworked developers hiding under their desks as a survival response … and people were beginning to notice he couldn’t even baseline a schedule anybody could trust.  The schedule is now base-lined and under my change management control.  The executive stakeholder is sure to continue to be a pain in the a$$ - it’s who she is - but we understand each other now.  I have the attention of the developers, and visible work product is now being created. 

The most interesting relationship on this one looks like it will be with the customer relationship manager.  She’s one of those high-strung obsessive compulsives who likes to tell people what to do in minute detail.  For example, on Friday I had no choice but to put an end to an extended email thread with this: “How many ways are there to say something was written, will be reviewed, and then approved?  Point of diminishing returns reached. J.”  We’re working together as a team just fine so far.

The root cause for the second rescue is the complete opposite.  It was driven into the ground by a know-it-all senior engineer that communicated nothing to no one before unveiling what she assumed was a production ready system to the entire enterprise.  Needless to say … a highly visible crash and burn was the result.  I had the kickoff meeting for the restart this past Friday, to assert my dominance over a managed iterative delivery process.  The key stakeholders are meeting with me on Monday to elaborate the scope for delivery iteration 1.

The interesting twist on this one is my boss is a key stakeholder, another is his political rival, who oversaw the disaster, and the executive stakeholder is boss to both of them.  Should be loads of fun.


My personal life has also required a good deal of attention to detail lately.  This is not the space to go into further detail. 

So, that’s it … the report from the brick and mortar world; the oxygen, carbon dioxide, and H2O world; explaining the blog’s diminished pace for delivering the conservative rants my loyal readership has enjoyed since December 2009.


But, even with these real world considerations, the plain  fact is the need for this blog’s mission – “Because the only good Progressive is a failed Progressive” – is disappearing before our very eyes.  By this standard, the Empty Suit Known as Barack Hussein Obama is on a rocket slide toward becoming the best Progressive ever.

The economy still sucks and even gives signs of turning downward again.  This condition is due to the Progressive and Keynesian policy program inflicted upon the republic by the Alinskyite Socialist in the White House:  tax, spend, borrow, and zealously regulate.  When these policies are reversed, by his removal from office, an economic boom will be touched off as trillions of spooked investment dollars currently on the sidelines come roaring back into the economy at large.

Iran’s nuclear weapons program continues apace, due to Barry’s typically defeatist and inert Progressive approach to foreign affairs.  Lucky for western civilization Israel is under management that has no delusions about the need to defend itself.  If and when Israel does what it needs to do, this will not be good political news for the Empty Suit that Began His Worldwide Apology Tour with His Islamic Appeasement Speech in Cairo.

Speaking of Cairo, and naïve Progressive notions about the world at large, the so-called Egyptian ‘Arab Spring’ has resulted in the election of a President beholden to the Muslim Brotherhood (MB).  That’s not the Islamic Shriners, by the way … more like the Islamic MS13.  IMHO, it is fortunate for western civilization that the professional Egyptian Army, very Americanized due to close military-to-military relations for decades, has assumed the powers of the dissolved parliament that was also MB dominated after popular elections.  If the MB wins this power struggle with the Army brass, Egypt’s peace treaty with Israel will be worthless, and there will likely be war in the Sinai desert.  We need new management in DC willing to back the Egyptian Army for the cause of peace.

Returning back to the domestic scene, the #OccupyWhatever mob, behind whom Barry foolishly threw his prestige and sympathy, has reached the stage of terminal irrelevance.  Despite the corrupt and biased liberal media’s best efforts, the #OccupyWhatever mob shall be accurately recorded by history as not much more than a garden variety youth gang crime wave.  Unofficially funded by the Democrat party, that is. 


Well, you get the picture … Jimmy Carter writ large, for those of you old enough to remember that national disaster - with a side of Saul Alinksy for an extra kick.  Botton line: there is not a snowball’s chance in hell Barry gets re-elected.  Part 26 of the “Newton’s Three Law’s” series will explain further.  LAS has been collecting links to collate into Part 26.  It’s not hard.  All I have to do is browse my way down my blog roll and the myriad of epic failures attributable to the Progressive in the White House jump out at me, as does the growing awareness of the American public, despite the mass hoodwinking being attempted by the corrupt and biased liberal media.

I twice abandoned this month a Jack Wiley Dithers piece, lacking the capacity to fully draft and edit it.  Earlier in the month, when the Campaigner-In-Chief was jetting off on Air Force One to west coast fundraisers while ignoring the D-Day anniversary, I had an idea for a desperate private campaign meeting on the airplane captured by a JWD operative … a flight attendant plant brought on to the JWD payroll for her … ahem .. unique assets.  Later in the month the idea morphed into a long string of desperate campaign conservations captured by a recording device injected into Barry’s favorite basketball … delayed by tedious editing required to remove all the background noise … you know, with all the dribbling.

Try to hang on a little while longer patriots, adult supervision will be coming back to DC soon.

Update 6/27/2012

The old conservative standby, American Spectator, has an excellent blog posting today fleshing out the adult view of conditions in Egypt.
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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

An Intersection ...

So, I was rambling down the Schieffer Blog Roll as I sometimes do, and I came across the Backyard Conservative possibly predicting negative job growth in the June report.

Holy Instant Chaos, Batman!

At the very same moment, my personal favorite cover of Dylan's 'Knockin' On Heaven's Door' - Zevon's - was being piped into my ears by my Pandora radio feed.

It fit for me. Just for today.

Update 6/20/12

Saving today's "Post By Somebody Else" feature for the historical archive ...

A Post By Someone Else, Randomly Selected By Your Humble Editor ...

Is the US bleeding jobs again?
Rick Moran
Bottom line: "The weakness in this report, particularly in the job openings figure, serves as a reminder that the labor market remains far from healthy."

Recall that net new job growth was 77,000 in April and 69,000 in May. But without private sector gains, those numbers would be negative. So if private-sector job growth is weakening, as the JOLT report suggests, not only might those April and May numbers be revised lower, but June might come in negative. (Oh, and don't forget the rise in jobless claims.)

Not only would that news be bad for U.S. workers, but it would be a political bombshell that would dominate the economic narrative for the next month.
The whole enchilada ...

LAS comment: If official jobs reports go negative, you ain't seen nothin' yet from the Demagogue-In-Chief. The Empty Suit's desperation to bitterly cling to power will bring mayhem and sorrow to the republic.


Throw in Eric "My People" Holder continuing to stonewall Congress on the Fast and Furious scandal (now with Barry sticking his nose into the fray - bad move for the Empty Suit's 'plausibile deniability'), and ObamaCare on the ropes ... and Newton Part 26 is literally writing itself.
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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Aye, yii, yii, yiiii, I am the Barry Bandito.

Charles Krauthammer has his soap box with its millions of viewers to decry the Lawless President ... I have my staff cartoonist.

Meanwhile, the Pundies ably cover this latest outrage from the Lawless President.

Of course, this isn't the first time we have observed the Lawless President shredding the constitution, and it certainly won't be the last if my republic buys the Faustian bargain offered by the petty little tyrant. Memo to Undocumented Democrats: what this year's Empty Suit can giveth, next year's Empty Suit can taketh away.

Update 6/18/2012

Time for a quick rant. Today, as is often the case in my professional life, I have occasion to work in close proximity to a sizable number of legal immigrants from India and Pakistan. (And strangely enough, the Indian and Pakistani ex patriates always seem to get along just fine in the gentile surroundings of an American office space. But I digress.)

If people on the other side of the globe can figure out how to acquire legal employment here, then I have no sympathies for scoff laws who share a physical border. This is nothing but an election year pander from a lawless demagogue to a lawless voting constituency.
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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Demotivational Demagogue-In-Chief

Really, this is becoming embarrassing for everyone.

Update 6/15/12

The Empty Suit himself, or maybe his teleprompter, or maybe some other dopey hopenchanger campaign proxy on his behalf; sent out a terse fundraising email with *no subject* this morning.

The dead on sign of a campaign in a state of desperation and chaos. It's too bad there's no "recall" key on the Intertubes for this sort of embarrassment.

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Monday, June 4, 2012

Stick a Fork in Him, He’s Done

I recall Gorilla Monsoon using this stock phrase a lot in the eighties, when he announced for the World Wrestling Federation (WWF). Monsoon was straight man to Bobby “The Brain” Heenan (aka “The Weasel”) in what was really a LOL wrestling commentary comedy team at the time.

Here’s a taste:

Anyway, Monsoon, while calling a match, would often say ‘stick a fork in him, he’s done!’ – especially when a favored superstar would put away a jobber opponent with a signature move. This phrase was awakened from the deep recesses of my mind when I applied Friday’s dismal jobs report to the electoral future for the Empty Suit Known as Barack Hussein Obama.

I have a mental image of the realities of market economics body splashing into Barry O’Bama from the top rope as Heenan (always favoring the ‘heel’ in ring match ups by design) yells ‘oh no!’ and Monsoon gives us his charcoal grilling related cliché.


As we all know, since James “The Crazy Cajun” (that would be his pro wrestling persona) Carville told us in 1992, ‘It’s the economy, stupid’ when it comes to a sitting President’s re-election fortunes.

Well, the economy sucks. It sucks due to Barack Hussein Obama’s policies.

BHO is a dyed-in-the-wool statist who believes the state is the sole source of wisdom, wealth and well-being. His hard Left ideology fundamentally holds individuals, private institutions (i.e. institutions not under the state’s thumb), and the free market in contempt. This ideology assumes all of you are too stupid and too selfish to live a properly ordered life without the state dictating and mandating even the tiniest aspects of how you lead it. Mayor Nanny Bloomberg and his war on soft drinks in servings larger than 16 ounces is but one recent example.


BHO took this ideology into office flying high on Icarus-like wings given to him by the republic’s bout with temporary insanity over the empty slogan ‘Hope and Change’. The hype only encouraged the inexperienced narcissist to tack hard left, too close to the sun if you will, and the result is now he is nothing more historically than yet another cautionary tale about the folly of statist economics. He and his corrupt gang of American Progressives join the Soviets, Maoists, Euro Zone Socialists, and others, as prime examples of how command driven cradle-to-grave nanny state economies inevitably spread the most misery to the largest number of people.


This blog project set out in December 2009 to make the case against this ideology – you know, “Because the Only Good Progressive is a Failed Progressive.” 245 posts later (counting this one), by far the most read post, according to Google Analytics, was posted August 27, 2011 – “In a Democracy, the People Get the Government They Deserve.” It’s one the better examples of the quirky, intentionally humorous (in a sarcastic way), intentionally Obama-mocking (in an intentionally Alinskyite way), literary style I developed here. I especially like the concluding visual of the ‘Deserve’ post, as a pithy statement of where we’ve come since the last Presidential election. It is an image of somebody else’s bumper sticker with the statement “If you voted for Obama in 2008 to prove you are not racist, you’ll have to vote for someone else in 2012 to prove you’re not an idiot.”

But the best LAS post to explain why the economy still sucks this far into BHO’s so-called recovery is “Stuck on Keynesian Stupid” – posted here on May 11, 2011. The following excerpt is the meat of the matter.

Keynesian economics is a top down, centrally managed, command driven, theory that assumes "experts" can direct capital where it is most needed in a complex market system. Hayek’s competing framework is a bottom up model based on the idea that trusting individuals to make independent decisions in their own self-interest produces the most good for the greatest number of people.

According the macro-economic theories of John Maynard Keynes, the $862 Billion stimulus package that was BHO’s first significant act should have had the US economy humming along beautifully by now. According to the theory, public “experts” pumping huge amounts of public cash into the private economy revitalizes the private economy - and BHO's stimulus was the biggest money pump in human history.

It didn’t work in the Great Depression of the 1930’s, it didn’t work for Japan in the 1990’s, and it’s not working now. The reason it never works is the false premise that government money pumped into the private economy is somehow “new” to the economy. A moment’s reflection exposes the fallaciousness of this premise. Governments only have two ways to raise revenue: (1) print new paper money, which is not actually new wealth, and is therefore inflationary (unless interest rates are artificially held down - which is the building stress fracture in US monetary policy right now), or (2) tax existing wealth out the private economy – which merely redistributes wealth from one set of private hands to another, with overhead built into the transfer to fund the government intervention itself. Governments simply produce no new wealth, ever.

Hayek, on the other hand, based his macroeconomic theories on the far more subtle notion of spontaneous order. That is, for my purposes here, the complex system of exchange between self-interested consumers and producers does something truly magical – it actually creates new wealth in the economic system merely via the exercise of economic activity. Every time a producer supplies a valuable product or service to a consumer, the fair market value the consumer provides back in exchange is economic activity. When government policy encourages and rewards economic activity, over time it results in measurable economic growth, which is good to one degree or another for everyone.

I then went on, in a spasm of pure genius, to set up a direct measurement of real world results comparing and contrasting the economic performance of the Leftist Obama with the man who won the Cold War without firing a shot.
It turns out our 40th President – Ronald Reagan - implemented policies inspired by the Hayek school of thought. It also turns out Mr. Reagan “inherited” a deep recession very similar to the one Mr. Obama told us at the beginning of his term he would fix with his Keynesian Stimulus package.

The Wall Street Journal recently compared the growth in GDP during the two officially measured “recoveries,” and found Messrs. Keynes and Obama to be lagging Messrs. Hayek and Reagan considerably. I took the Journal’s numbers, covering the first seven quarters of official “recovery,” and captured them in a very sophisticated charting system known as MS Excel. Here’s the chart for quarters one through seven. (I think I’ll bring this chart back, updated, each quarter moving forward. The trend will not change, trust me on that.)

Here’s the updated chart, folks. Hint: Longer is better.

BHO and His Corrupt Gang of Progressives are Keynesian statists through and through. These plainly measurable results mean nothing to them. They are sooooooooo stuck on Keynesian stupid their only policy proposals seem to be stuff like tax credits for businesses to hire for the mere sake of hiring and “targeted infrastructure” spending.


The first proposal belies a complete lack of understanding of how the market economy works. There is no tax break big enough to convince any business to hire someone to sit on their hands. Businesses hire when they grow, and a legitimate internal demand for help develops. When such need develops, there is no tax break small enough to deter the hiring transaction. The employee that costs more than he or she creates in revenue has a label – “layoff” - unless they’ve scored a public sector union gub’ment position of course, at least up until now (oblique reference to tomorrow’s historic Wisconsin recall referendum).

The infrastructure thing is so LOL funny it’s sad. The only beneficiaries are a narrow band of specially trained, union connected, construction laborers. Trust me, they are already busy. Every f*ck*in exit on the DC Beltway has a construction project that never seems to finish, snarling traffic like only Communists could. The unions really screwed up when they became a giant pain in the a$$ for everybody else.

One more time, just to make sure it sinks in …


The staff cartoonist has been given his assignment.
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Monday, May 28, 2012

Family Business

I seem to have a bad case of writer's block lately. Always on the look out for man, woman, or child to exploit (as any conservative would - just as Barry O'Bama); I have commissioned my 13 year old son as staff cartoonist.

Last week he came to me seeking ways to earn money. You see, he is saving up for yet another guitar. He presently has three: a cheap entry level acoustic, a low end affordable electric, and a nice Gibson Les Paul electric. I have advised him to save up for a nice acoustic. I only see him looking online at uber-expensive electric models. Ah, the boundless possibilities wound up in youth.

But I digress. In response to his fund raising need, I told him I'd pay union sweat shop wages for cartoon contributions to the LAS project.

The very same day he came forward with this ...

It was good enough to recognize as a sophisticated commentary on the state of US - Iran relations. So, I changed plans and agreed to pay.

A couple of days ago, he asked for my input on the next cartoon idea. I was mentally drafting a post with the working title 'The Big Lie,' to examine Barry O'Bama picking up the preposterous claim made by some nut job named Rex Nutting that his administration has been a comparative skin-flint with gub'ment spending, and expanding that into the plainly obvious fact he is literally running an anti-capitalism campaign. I came up with the idea of Barry O'Bama as a matador slaying the famous Wall Street bull statue. After I explained what a matador is, and what the statue is, he came forward with the following:

I thought the bull looked more like a giant pig, but I paid up anyway to encourage further growth.


'The Big Lie' has evolved into 'The Chameleon-In-Chief' as a vehicle for chronicling Barry O'Bama's capacity to be one thing to one audience and something completely opposite to another audience.

Ooh look, something shiny! (Writer's block.)
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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Jack Wiley Dithers Exclusive: More Obama Campaign Strategy Transcript

(AP) – Jack Wiley Dithers Reporting
“If You Can’t Scoop It, Make It Up.”

It looks like my DHS source has been holding out on me. According to him, he found several additional minutes of intercepted cell phone conversation picking up where my last post left off. According to his dubious story he discovered the additional stuff when he checked a jacket pocket before dropping it off at the dry cleaner. He changed the subject when I asked why it was necessary to bring the jacket to the dry cleaner.

Personally, I think he’s working me for two payoffs on one score. But it is good stuff, so I’m just keeping an eye on the bastard from here on out.


Instead, I took out my displeasure passively aggressively on a staff member. She’s due for her annual review, with the possibility of promotion from Crack Investigative Journalist 3rd Class to Crack Investigative Journalist 2nd Class. Right in the palm of my hand … ripe for abuse. I made her edit it down to identify individual speakers. Somebody should, and the rest of us are too lazy.

But the little bootlick took the editing task one step further – researching supporting links relating to the classic moral framework provided by the 7 Deadly Sins. The result is pretty good, actually, so I’ll go ahead and use it. But I’m afraid I’m going to have to fire her – people around here might get the idea good work automatically deserves reward.


Obama: Ummmm, let’s brainstorm.

Jarrett: Do we still have a fall guy at JP Morgan? Where’s Geithner? …

Plouffe: Last I saw him he was with Chu going over the Stimulus and Green Energy accounts ….

Axelrod: They better not take anything out of the Stimulus re-election account …

Obama: Come on, this is serious, people. My butt is on the line! (*pride)

Axelrod: Val is on to something. We can set up Jamie Dimon – he won’t need to know any of the details. We can have our inside guy – code name ‘Voldemort’ - blow up some of the riskier derivatives we have him holding at JP. Nothing too big – nothing like ’08, maybe a couple billion – just to give the anti-Wall Street narrative a boost. Jamie told me he’s ready to retire anyway. I think he’ll continue to be a team player if we ask him to take a dive.

Obama: Sounds good. Making a public example(*wrath) of Jamie should encourage the other Wall Street fat cats to pony up more campaign cash. Run with it … oh, and make sure Jamie’s golden parachute opens. OK, what else?

Dunn: I think we should step up the pressure on Limbaugh’s advertisers.

Obama: Good idea. That fat bastard drives me crazy. And make sure Sandra gets all the contraceptives she needs.(*lust) Now we’re rolling. What can we say on the economy?

{Long pause … papers shuffling, throats clearing}

Axelrod: Counting jobs saved and created by stimulus is Biden’s department. Let’s come back to the economy when he returns.

Obama: Alright. How about opposition research on Romney? And I’m non too happy with how the Doggie Wars and WedgieGate worked out, people. What else you got?

{Long pause … papers shuffling, throats clearing}

Plouffe: Why not launch ‘Operation Weird Mormon’? It’s all planned out.

Axelrod: I don’t like it. Opens the door to discussing Jeremiah Wright.

Plouffe: OK, how about ‘Operation Bain Sob Story’. Gingrich already blazed the trail.

Axelrod: I’m worried it might give Romney an opening to explain the capitalist concept of creative destruction to the masses.

{Laughter erupts – Plouffe is heard saying “Romney? Explain?” – hands pounding on table in rhythm with laughter}

Obama: OK, run with it hard. Make it a big ad buy in the battleground states. Oh look, it’s almost time for lunch. What’s coming in today, Val?

Jarrett: Pizza from St. Louis.(*gluttony)

Obama: The fly in stuff?

Jarrett: Yes, sir.

Obama: Yummy. Better be on time, though – I’ve got a 2 pm tee time.(*sloth). David, where are we after golf?

Axelrod: Fund raiser downtown(*greed) – nice little pander to the public teachers unions. We have them coming and going – we’re using their dues to write off the rubber chicken dinner and shake them down for more.

{ snickering all around}

Obama: So, it’ll be the usual ‘Race To the Top’ stump speech.

Axelrod: Yes, you just have to make them believe they’ll get more in other people’s money back for their donations. Should be a pretty good haul.

{Door opens}

Obama: Jay. Joe. Where have you guys been?

Biden: Carney swung me by his cubicle. Latest internal polls are a big ‘effin deal. We’re screwed.

Obama: Slow down, Joe. What you need is to get out on the trail and get to work. Get out there and do the class warfare stump speech.(*envy) You'll feel a lot better.

Soros: You guys do know you left the connection on, right?

(AP) – Jack Wiley Dithers Reporting
“If You Can’t Scoop It, Make It Up.”
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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Jack Wiley Dithers Exclusive: Obama Campaign Strategy Transcript

(AP) – Jack Wiley Dithers reporting

Taking creative liberties with the Patriot Act, my confidential DHS source was able to obtain the recording of a cell phone call from Miami to the District of Columbia; routed through Mykonos, Greece. There is unanimous agreement across my entire crack-jack staff of investigative journalists this is a scoop of truly historic proportions, and that the full transcript speaks for itself. Plus we also all agree editing is hard work.


Miami: Is everyone there?

DC: Yes, Sir.

Miami: Who exactly? Are they all one of us?

DC: Me, Jarrett, Plouffe, Axelrod, Dunn, and Biden.

Miami: Are we on speaker phone?

DC: Not yet, sir.

Miami: Get Biden out of there and then put me on speakerphone.

DC (muffled): Joe, go find Jay.

Miami: Taken care of?

DC: Yes, sir – he should be standing outside the Press Briefing Room for the next hour or so.

Miami: Good - engage speakerphone.


Miami: I have Stern with me on this end. By the way, where’s Holder?

DC: He’s shredding Fast and Furious documentation 24 x 7 these days.

Miami: {sigh} Let’s get started. Your re-election campaign is a train wreck. What the hell are you people thinking? For example, Stern say a story is about to break that you’ve inserted yourselves into the official histories for past Presidents.

DC: Oh, you must mean the web site. Pretty clever way to plug the campaign message, right?

Miami: No, dummy! Ripe for mockery! What part of keep your narcissism to yourself did you not get when I told you that! And who’s idea was all that War on Women crap?

DC: Dunn.

Miami: Should have figured – did you not learn anything from the War on Fox? Mein Gott, you people can’t seem to learn from anything. Who’s advising Warren? 1/32nd Cherokee? Really? What the hell is that supposed to be? Your going to lose the Kennedy seat AGAIN! What am I supposed to do with you people?

DC: (muffled) I haven’t talked to her in years. Not me. She’s not even in my contacts. Carney?

Miami: Look, I’m losing patience with you people. What are you planning to campaign on … successfully, that is.

DC: Gay Marriage … should bring in a lot of DINK donations, don’t ya think?

Miami: I was afraid you’d lead with that one. It better work. Stern thinks you’ll lose the black pastors – doesn’t sound good to me. What else?

DC: The Occupy movement is getting out the 99% message. We have the NATO and G8 Summits coming up.

Miami: {sigh} Have you fired that Van Jones guy like I told you to?

DC: (muffled) Doesn’t report to me. Never met the man. Ummm. Uhhhh.

Miami: Look, here’s the bottom line. You people got one more round of polls before I start reconsidering my options. Got that?

DC: Ummmm, let’s brainstorm … Do we still have a fall guy at JP Morgan? Where’s Geithner? … Last I saw him he was with Chu going over the Stimulus and Green Energy accounts …. They better not take anything out of the Stimulus re-election account …

(AP) – Jack Wiley Dithers reporting

Update 8:30 pm

Damnit! Scooped by Breitbart again! (Think Seinfeld exclaiming 'Newman' for the visual.) This author thinks it all means Mr. Soros meant the Clintonistas when he said he might reconsider his options. I hope so, because I'm convinced she's a sure loser in November due to her direct participation in Barry's train wreck ... or as I commented on the source article:
I disagree with your assessment it will be difficult to defeat Hillary in November. She's the sitting Secretary of State and Foreign Affairs is a train wreck. And she wrote her doctoral thesis on Saul Alinsky ("There is Only the Fight") - Obama's now well documented association with Alinsky tactics makes this an automatic disqualification. She would have been better off carping from the sidelines (rather than signing up for the administration) and keeping the thesis under lock and key (like she did during Bill's regime).
Warp speed, Mr. Sulu. Shields Up. Full power to phaser banks and photon torpedoes. That Democrat National Convention looks like it's going to be one to remember.
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